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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Actually, Quacker made the GD account I believe. Getting near 2600 myself
  2. The Great Donator is simply a member with a ton of Currency that the Guardians can use to donate large sums to people with B-) I'm climbing up there with ~5000 Currency and now close to 2600 posts!
  3. Basically, you just press the + or - link underneath the "Reputation" text, and fill out the form.
  4. Probably some place tropical, but any place where it's quiet and peaceful is great. Great scenery is a plus
  5. Yeah, sounds like a good idea for a change. Perhaps "PageTitle (Wildfire Games Community Forums"?
  6. Wow, that's a lot of posts for a relatively new community! Cheers everyone!
  7. Sometime I'm going to make my own posting record (post like a maniac as much as I can)
  8. Hmm, that links seems to be broken All I get is a "You must enter keywords" error.
  9. I would try my hardest to find the original owner. Like Quacker, I'd report it to the police, and perhaps look up the license plate. In the very unlikely case that no original owner would be found, I guess I'd keep the money or donate it. But that's only after every possible way to find the owner was exhausted
  10. Getting close to 2400 myself B-) I've got 4.7% of the forum posts
  11. Did you know that's being made by Adam's brother? Looks great
  12. Hehe, I don't blame you... Did Mark get the correct answer?
  13. Yeah, those XGI V3's absolutely pwn!! It's nice to see another contender in the graphics card 'wars' but it's too bad XGI's cards weren't a little bit better
  14. Argh, I didn't see the specs in between the pictures there Sorry about that!
  15. Oh wait, was this talking about the IPB forum "buddy list", or your MSN/AIM/ICQ buddy list?
  16. I'll suggest http://www.anandtech.com as well. Some people have complained (albiet on Anandtech's forums...) that Tom's Hardware is "biased". Could be completely false though... What are the exact specs on your new comp Bobby?
  17. I've got seven people here. Tim stated a while back that he was going to have every member on his list... quite a long list of names!
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