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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Welcome, Bojan! We've all been waiting for you to introduce yourself in the "New Conceptual Artist" thread... Have a good time here!
  2. IMHO = In My Humble Opinion See the thread Forum Abbreviations (posted by King Tutankhamun) for more abbreviation help
  3. LOL, oh joy! What will they think of next? I like ThinkGeek's selection of crazy products... got a kick out of the white Hacker hats and black Hacker hats the first time I saw them
  4. Side note: I like the way Battlefield 1942 (and I assume other games) had a \mods folder, and the game itself was essentially a "mod".
  5. He can also ban the coward, wuahaha! Just kidding
  6. Uhoh, Tim used the Gollum emo, Randy... better watch your back if he's becoming that fanatical!
  7. LOL, how did I know you'd mention darts? What is the definition of a Deathdart, though?
  8. He could have tried that, but the guy left it anonymously
  9. I like medieval weapons also However, pistols are great as well...
  10. Pretty much same here, I've watched the first one a few times and the others once or twice.
  11. Han Solo is the pirate/mercenary in Star Wars played by Harrison Ford.
  12. Welcome to the boards, Argalius!! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
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