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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by CodeOptimist

  1. What was your favorite mod for AoK? Discuss it here! I loved Rome at War There was also a modern warfare mod (can't remember the name ) that was very well done. It's too bad AoK's mod support was a bit flakey :-(
  2. Nice scan Michael For some reason, the water looks like cement or asphalt to me
  3. I wish I knew how to say Happy Birthday in Hebrew! Happy birthday to you, Jeru!!
  4. Hmm, maybe he should post in the How Tall Are You? thread? It'll give you some competition!
  5. What about July 22? That would probably count as Pi day in England (where they use Day/Month instead of Month/Day): 22/7 ^^ Of course, that wouldn't work in America
  6. No problem, please be careful what you post in the future
  7. Note that if you didn't install the Google Toolbar with the "extended" options, you won't get PageRank :-(
  8. Ahh, I was hoping we didn't miss yours!! Happy birthday, Emperor Jason!
  9. Can that be simplified? Edit: Is that 2x^2? or (2x)^2? (boy, I wish you could do sub/super-script )
  10. Woot!! That means that we're getting quite a few hits
  11. I share your feelings Randy I think that the Wildfire community has a very friendly atmosphere, especially with the Introductions forum.
  12. Cheers ZeZar, make sure you check back with us once in a while I will drop by your forum
  13. We'll see soon if this is really a planet, or if it is another object from the Kuiper belt (in the same class as Quaoar and Varuna).
  14. That's interesting Erik Once in a while I'll suddenly feel taller, but it's more because I haven't noticed myself growing slowly, than suddenly growing overnight
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