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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Here's something interesting: http://mars.telascience.org/downloads.html Maestro is a tool for viewing the data collected by the rover. Reportedly it's the same app that NASA uses internally!
  2. That's an interesting idea, Black Op Do you mean we would pic "locations" on Mars for us? Or it would be mapped to Earth locations?
  3. About time someone started a thread for the Mars Spirit mission To kick off the discussion, here's an interesting applet I found: http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/mars24/ It displays a graphical representation of the current Mars time. Main NASA Mars Mission site: http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/home/index.html First Hi-Res Mars Photo: http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/pre...IA04995_br2.jpg (awesome ) Finally, we got another lander onto the "spacecraft graveyard", as Mars is frequently called. Let's hope that the Opportunity lander has the same success!!
  4. We don't know for certain, yet. To have rankings, ladders, etc, we'd have to have a 24/7 server running (expensive), or "partner" with a current gaming service (i.e. Gamespy [yuck], Won.net, etc).
  5. I voted yes, in case you decide to allow all languages
  6. *gasp* You don't have AoK installed permanently?? Yep, great work!!
  7. Great job (as always), /rep up
  8. Anyone want an ASP contest? (yet another way to say sadly, "I don't know PHP".. *sigh*)
  9. I really like an old Sprite commercial with two skiiers/snowboarders, one pro and one amateur. There's a vending machine in the middle of the snow-covered hill. The pro zooms right past it, and there's some voice-over I think (can't remember what it says). Then it shows the amateur slam right into it at high speed with a "thud" and a "uhgh". LOL!
  10. Hello! Glad you could pay us a visit. How's the weather down in Australia?
  11. I'll be in both San Jose and Sacramento. Possibly Roseville.
  12. Sorry Shogun, I have to go OT just once: The WFG symbol is the Chinese character/picture for Fire. When I logged on and saw the Did you do that tiny graphics mod Tim?
  13. I'm going on vacation, see http://forums.wildfiregames.com/wfg/index....p?showtopic=946
  14. I'm going on vacation!! My family and I are going to California to visit our relatives for Christmas. We're flyin' out bright 'n early Wednesday morning, and staying for a week. Merry Christmas everyone!!
  15. *fears the wrath* (just kidding) No, the 0 A.D. staff policy is to keep as much as possible "under wraps", mainly because it could change at any moment. Look at EE for a good example of why this is our policy (Nearly every "feature" of EE was announced 1 or 2 years before it even went gold.. they ended up having change quite a few and found themselves with an angry and disgruntled fan-base)
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