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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by CodeOptimist

  1. Especially with the rockets I mentioned previously
  2. I also prefer vanilla over any other flavor. Once in a while I'll be lucky and get vanilla-cinnamon I also like banana ice cream. Ditto to Black Op though, I don't eat ice cream very often either.
  3. My routine doesn't have a set time-schedule, but more a "task-schedule": Wake up Check e-mail/forums Bike ride (exercise) Shower and get all clean Do schoolwork Do chores Eat lunch Work on computer projects/play games (usually with DKATyler) Eat dinner/get ready for bed Sleep
  4. I recently read a whole web page entitled, "1001 Things to do with Liquid Nitrogen". LOL Among them was a story of a chemistry student who put liquid nitrogen in a soda bottle (the large kind, 1 liter maybe? can't remember). This was in the school's lab Anyway, the bottle started expanding, because the nitrogen started turning into a gas. He thought it would explode so he put it in the school bathroom, in the sink. It did explode, and nearly/fully ripped apart the sink!! Then the lab professor gets a call from the police saying that one of his students blew up the lab with nitroglycerin.. the police were misinformed But, it gave the professor quite a scare!
  5. I guess you could say I'm also a perfectionist, but not very "severe" I definetly make sure all my work is to the best of my ability, but I don't dump many projects since it's not "perfect".
  6. Perfectionists are good because when they finish something, it will be, well, perfect Except, they might not ever finish it because they will never think it's perfect
  7. I voted #2, although I'm more "in the middle" between #1 and #2 I'd use it, but not super often as I don't play games that much. Great idea though
  8. *blushes* Thanks, Quacker! I try to do my best to keep the community fun and enjoyable for all. :P This is indeed a great milestone, Tim!!
  9. Ditto to IcyTripod, I have completed my duties for the day Now anything I do is "above and beyond".. *sigh* What a wonderful feeling! LOL
  10. Well, no one said it wasn't a rocket-propelled boat
  11. I'd take the house, or maybe the boat Then I could get back home
  12. I would tend to think you need a powerful graphics card first then comes the CPU power.
  13. What about those patches you put on to help you quit? They are always blasting commercials of those onto TV Cheezy and Klass are right, very few people can quit "cold-turkey".. you need to ease down and eventually stop.
  14. I just reached 500 which has been my goal, since now I can change my member title! Except, I can't figure out how Edit: Just figured out how
  15. I just took it and got 117. It said I was a Word Warrior: That pretty much sums up my personality I agree though: you can't sum up "real" intelligence in a test. Edit: Also took their Brain Type test. It reported that I'm left-brained, and their description of it makes sense
  16. Seems like most people here say "I don't watch much TV" And.. neither do I Pretty much the only stuff I watch on TV right now is Threat Matrix, Dr. Phil (sometimes) and occasionally the news. I guess Threat Matrix is the only one I watch "religiously".
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