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  1. Not really, the first time itself, it showed wrong one. I tried to open again, but it was fixed to show persian structure no matter which player and respective civic icon i select.
  2. Saw 2 bugs today, while observing the game. The selected civic center health & capture bar was not showing. When selected any other buidling of same player or other players, this was showing. Wrong strcuture tree was shown while clicking on civilization icon on top middle of the screen. Image attached. I don't have replay as such.
  3. So, i was testing a27, and played survivle for few units and it seems it has bug where a cata went into ghost mode. It can attack any of my units or buidngs but i can't attack xd. Adding the videos for reference. @Stan`, @Itms. Never seen this in a26. 630315838_0A.D.2025-01-1817-21-39.mp4 957748391_0A.D.2025-01-1817-22-23.mp4
  4. @semoury, Use trading mate. Also, you can use random map where you can adjust the size of the map as you need. Some maps are designed to have less wood as mentioned by @wowgetoffyourcellphone.
  5. Here the video for 1v7 againt very hard AI on mainland map. @ValihrAnt, U need to give second try for this now. If i can do this you definitely can. @Stan`, Hopefully we are making ai better in a27 xd.
  6. Finally defeated 1v7 very hard AI on mainland in 3rd try xd. So, all it take is to stop Ais trading and keep annoying them in middle and you would have chance. the passive attack never works.
  7. So, now sep is over. Any new month where we expect new alpha? or next update :p. @Stan`
  8. Intiaing this thread to know, when are we planning to release a27? Any date? @Stan`
  9. Don't say that. I had perfect corral only strategy in a25. Now in a26; it's very slow and hard to pull off all becasue cows are not availble in p1. Besides if they are not affordable in P1 then we can add them back in p1, so, people can decide if they want to train or not. Becasue other animal food is collect so fast then you need too many corral to sustain food eco with corral but cows you can suatain with less corrals hence more useful. Honestly I didn't understand the logic behind removing cows from p1.
  10. ++ @Boudica. Not sure if plays frequently but I think It will be inetretsing to see him play again.
  11. Add: @Player of 0AD, berhudar , @Havran , Wally in the list. New 1800+ players and good players as well. I believe @FrizaCan also put good effort againt 1800+ players. I can also try 1v1s although I haven't played 1v1 for so long. (last good match was against @ValihrAnt in a23 :p)
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