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Everything posted by Lorian

  1. Congrats! You will never make it to No. 1 though, I'm almost 2000 posts ahead of you EDIT: That's a point, I just reached 2,900
  2. It really is I can't help but laugh when I look at it
  3. It was annoying being 12 for that very reason. It is now annoying being 15 because of all the things that say you have to be 16
  4. You look different from what I imagined, well that is what you get over the internet
  5. I'm sure there will be many people happy to help you with your website, me included
  6. I never get emails from my friends, it is depressing isn't it
  7. That would be a very big number, my scientificcalculator can't calculate past 69!
  8. Welcome to WFG Vit! Sounds like you are gonna fit right in here
  9. No when I see the logo, I can't not see it!
  10. Depends how many people are active in each country, also it doesn't take into account all members
  11. That is quite good, but it is pretty complicated
  12. I have seen that before, but it still makes me laugh!
  13. I voted Romans because I am not really sure who the rest are :|
  14. Well I just took my "domestic" year 10 exams last week so I guess that would constitute as a yes vote. I am going to say one of my results I got in one of my most hated subjects, RPSE (Religious Personal and Social Education). F.
  15. What am I supposed to vote for if I don't have standardised tests? (Ie. I live outside of the US)
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