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Everything posted by Lorian

  1. http://wildfiregames.com/community-crier-a.../crier-issue-11 The last crier was almsot a whole year ago! Where the hell has it gone!?
  2. Welcome to the forums! I have a friend from Mars, you should meet up
  3. Lol, that is funny, why does he keep scratching his neck though?
  4. I assume that is a never ending loop or what?
  5. Welcome to the forums Dan! About the code in your sig, I dunno if whatever language it is does it differently, but shouldn't it be this: for(i=0;i>0;i++)
  6. Hey there Staffy! Welcome to WFG!
  7. Lorian


    Please try to put a space between you're sentences as well
  8. Uh, Stephen, commercial games take years to create as well, why should 0 A.D. be any different?
  9. Well now you know It gets rather irritating though, when you are writing/reading stuff in real life and you see un-escaped quote characters
  10. You are obviously not a programmer Argalius Here is an example in PHP: echo "some text with "double" quote"; Would give a parse error echo "some text with \"double\" quote"; Would output: some text with "double" quote
  11. Around here you see a lot of spaced out BB code (Eg. [ b ]). I think we should be able to use escape characters, so we don't have to use the spaces. Good idea?
  12. No problem, better than I could do... not that I have ever moddelled anything...
  13. Welcome to WFG Bryan! Great to have you here!
  14. Since you only greeted the staff, I am not gonna greet you... Great models though! Nice work (By the way, I was jokin', of course I grteet you! Heh, welcome to WFG! )
  15. That has to be one of the randomest (sp?... is that actually a word?) things I have ever seen...
  16. I agree with the guy who wrote the caption on that one...
  17. Yeah, that is pretty annoying...
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