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Everything posted by Lorian

  1. Really? What did ya do?I have never been in trouble with the police, my friend has a criminal record though, antisocial behaviour, he likes his loud music...
  2. Nice one Brian! I knew there would be some way to get around that STUPID file blocking thing in MSN
  3. What magazine is it in? I am in the UK...
  4. *Looks at own post count* Heh... (Almost 3100 by the way )
  5. Lmao! http://www.spikedhumor.com/Article.aspx?id=47 (some language) EDIT: Wow... http://www.spikedhumor.com/Article.aspx?id=238
  6. Hah, those videos are hilarious! I especially liked that guy who got killed on his game, he must get through a lot of keyboards
  7. Whatever, celebrities are over hyped anyway, they're just people
  8. Agreed, I don't like to be the centre of attention anyway...
  9. I don't think it would be much use in battle...
  10. Lol, I'm not sure that losing posts gives you bragging rights...
  11. I remember ages ago you lost the 0 A.D. movies, you managed to get the large version back from someone but no one had the small one. I think you should probably get rid of the text that is supposed to link to the small version, you are not likely to get it back.
  12. I would tell you the current temperature... but I don't have a thermomenter, I'm pretty sure it's above 9.8 though...
  13. Why does everyone use fahrenheit? Celsius makes more sence...
  14. Yeah I used to do that a bit as well, it's gotten a bit outdated now though...
  15. What the hell!?... Oh, you've added PNG, thanks Jason
  16. I went to update my (boring) avatar, and discovered that PNG file aren't allowed! This must be rectified immediately!
  17. I prefer rock, currently listening to the Lostprophets
  18. Go have a visit to the computer desk, it is written in Pearl, and is obfuscated
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