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Everything posted by Lorian

  1. No problem, thought I'd spend a little time doing my post properly
  2. Then you get there and discover that they were being serious
  3. Lol that was funny, thanks for the help Shan
  4. Phew, when I saw that topic in the TLA forum I was just like NONONONONONONO Ask Randy, he'll tell you
  5. That'll be me, I remember you crushing me...
  6. Thought I'd point out a few things that are bugging me 1) The little images that tell you if there are new posts or not in a forum and aligned at the top of the cell, they should be centered. Screenshot 2) The Subforums: bit should be the same grey colour as the Short Description: bit. Screenshot 3) The small images that tell you if there are new posts in the sub-forums arn't links. They should be linked to mark all posts in that forum read. In the picture the green one is linked and the red ones are not. Screenshot 4) Errors in the 0 A.D. and TLA forums, see image for details. Screenshot Thanks to ImageShack for free image hosting
  7. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/! Just kidding, WFG rocks! I think I'd die if it went away...
  8. I would read it but I'm not a particularly keen reader and I can't be bothered... Sorry Fuhe
  9. It works alright, there are just quite a few bits and pieces that are out of place that need fixing
  10. How is thsi guy supposed to know the EXACT date this rabbit is gonna die anyway? Fraud
  11. I partially think that, I don't actually get any work done though...
  12. You might wanna think up a better name though
  13. At the beginning ti sounded believeable, but then he starts going on about eating him if he doesn't get enough money. Then don't jackass! I'm not gonna donate to that idiot. Period.
  14. Almost Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
  15. Here: http://img76.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img76&image...eproblem1uy.jpg Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
  16. I don't understand what the phrases have to do with the word angle anyway
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