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Everything posted by Lorian

  1. On the TLA skin, at the top of the page on the bit that says "Welcome back; your last visit was: Yesterday, 10:54 PM Proudly sponsored by the Indiana Music Educational Network"It still has the WFG blue background
  2. It still doesn't look too good in Lynx, It's still a big table but with all the images removed
  3. Ok, well you have at least 2 supporters of the project if you do do it. Me and Carlos
  4. Can't you write a mod or something?
  5. Lol, my friends cat does that, he stays in there for ages
  6. 1) The engine is not finish (I'm almost positive it's not anyway) 2) Probably not 3) I think they probably would mind
  7. Lol, I often find our cat hiding under the sink
  8. Agreed, I tried Lynx earlier and it took me a while to figure out that you can't post EDIT: Using Lynx Anyway, there should be a way to see any new posts in Lo-Fi mode
  9. I think there should be like a development progress bar at the top of the page. That would make it very clear
  10. Think my cat forgot the string was there? There she sits, apparently oblivious to the fact that she is covered with string Think the camera attracted her attention? She finally noticed! (Sorry for the bad quality, 1) It's raining 2) I forgot to turn the flash off 3) By the time I had got it ready again she had gone) As you can see, she always puts stuff away after using it Oh look, she's back, I like the way the flash makes the rain look all colourful
  11. No, it's doing it to me... in the General Char forum...
  12. Yeah but by that time you will probably have like 10,000 posts! Lol
  13. I havn't used it for ages, I don't think it's even installed anymore...
  14. You can talk to me! Do you have MSN per chance?
  15. So it's not just me, while I'm here I'll point this out then: Pretty self explanatory
  16. 0 A.D. > Official Announcements There is no break between the actual description and the "Forum Led by" bit.
  17. I was snagged at the first hurdle... "US only"
  18. Getting close to 2 1/2 thousand. It doesn't seem that long ago when I reached 1000
  19. Reminds me of Weebl and Bob. But Weebl and Bob are much better
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