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Everything posted by Lorian

  1. Google is very impressive, you can see the cars on the bridge in this pic: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=London&ll=51...10664&t=k&hl=en
  2. That is a whole lota beers... EDIT: Hey I'm 3 posts away from 3000, sweet
  3. Why does that matter? It probably won't be read anyway, probably an automated system. Gotta love the irony though Note: Listen to this: http://ask-leo.com/out_of_office_replies_are_evil.html Podcast: http://ask-leo.com/podcasts/20050613.mp3
  4. I sometimes have a bit of a job trying to keep up with it as it is at the moment...
  5. Yeah, it is a very useful feature of ImageShack. Also, you could simply quote the post to see any BB code used
  6. Same here, I prefer not to give out the link atall, too many n00bs will turn up... I was actually about to mention taht myself, it is a good idea and great for keeping n00bs away.
  7. That is not a good thing, you can see how I am bent over in the picture because of the low ceiling.
  8. Woah, that is an amazing picture. If I saw that spider I'd be terrified, we don't get very big spiders here in England. Here is a picture of one I took a couple of days ago:
  9. Well it's kinda my bedroom, so, yes, easy access to the attik Lol. My computer is not in there, it is downstairs, unfortunately Never heard of it... Thank you If I forget to open the window it gets very hot in there, opening the window doesn't really help that much anyway.
  10. I was just playing around with my camera, when I had an idea. It has an option for "coupling". This means you take the same picture twice, one over the other, it is meant for getting yourself in the photo while the other person holds the camera, but they get in the picture as well, when you hold the camera. Anyway, I decided to stick the cam on my tripod and put the timer on. So I made myself an identical twin! It actually works really well, even the feet cross! Please excuse my messy bedroom
  11. w00t! We are getting close to 1000, give it another 6 months or so and we should be there
  12. Sweet, I remember when we were on the countdown to 600 members, that was only 6 months ago (roughly) IIRC
  13. I think I have got anatidaephobia right now...
  14. Wha... 10 courts? Is that like final, is Jacko free to go now?
  15. Good point, well you are a nobody in the case of someone working on the games...
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