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Posts posted by real_tabasco_sauce

  1. This is a good watch for those familiar with the automation debate.

    Ok so maybe its a different game from 0ad, but many points on automation are valid across RTS games.

    Maybe the most important is the division of attention between fighting and economy.

    The controversy of this farm auto-placement puts into start contrast the motion to automize unit and technology production like in proGUI. In 0ad, we already have some things heavily automated like autoqueue. Admittedly, autoqueue is more justified in 0ad given the citizen soldier mechanics, but I heavily advocate against further automation.

    Some say 0ad is too hard, but I say let it be hard. Learning how to do hard things and winning for your efforts is rewarding and exciting. To improve the experience of new players, focus should instead be placed on improving the ui, ranked games, and matchmaking/finding. Obviously, we don't have any kind of matchmaking, but it is important that new players get a few games with players of roughly equal skill so they can experience more than just village phase. Excessive automation makes RTS games easier sure, but also shallow, and shallow games are not fun for long.

    One of the main issues with aoe4 is that where aoe2 is deep, aoe4 is shallow (homing bullets, 1-click strategies). We can make 0ad more deep by increasing the amount of player-controlled features, adding more technologies (unique and/or unit-specific), and diversifying unit stats.

  2. 38 minutes ago, alre said:

    I can't see why you should try to change the mind of someone

    Well, I didn't mean that. I just wanted to set the record straight when I hear people call economy management "meaningless" and "unnecessary." There is absolutely a reason for it, even if some ppl don't like it.

    38 minutes ago, alre said:

    you cannot give that guarantee, you can only speak for your taste.

    And sure, that is just my opinion, but it is a well informed one, since fully automating eco (including houses and tasking) would basically remove a solid percentage of the game's total content.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

    I don't get it. Cost of unspent res? Steeper eco score curve (if it is the case) is better than a higher ROI of units?

    But I won't lose any sleep if I go to bed dumb (without further explanation). ;)

    It wasn't factored into the original math that training a batch allows the next group of units to be trained sooner than 1x1.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 hours ago, Atrik said:


    4 hours ago, SKAcz said:

    unnecessarily on trivial things

    Ok, maybe you two consider these things trivial, but I would expect the majority of multiplayer users would consider them not trivial. Sure the game would be "easier" if many economy tasks are done for you, but I guarantee the game would be less fun. If you take away unit production from the user, like in atrik's mod, what is next? You could also automate deciding where your gatherers go to have perfectly balanced resources, and automatically build houses when needed. At some point, you may as well not simulate economy and just place buildings on resources to get a trickle of food, wood, metal and stone. That way there is no clicks needed for economy and you can focus on strategy.

    For single player though, it doesn't really matter, you can mod it however you like. And like @0 calories said, multiplayer is fine as long as others are playing on the same level.

    • Like 1
  5. @SKAcz

    The opinion of myself and plenty of other players is that while economy management tasks can be repetitive, they are an important part of the game. Namely that a player must decide where to allocate their attention when they are under pressure or applying pressure. The autoqueue we currently have is simple so that you still have to manage economy.

    Learning how to multitask well is a (probably the) key skillset in RTS games, and overly automating the economy would ruin that part.

    Also just be aware that its widely considered cheating to use progui in multiplayer.

    • Like 4
  6. @wowgetoffyourcellphone can a structure have both terrain hugging elements (like a wheat field) and a model? If so, the dock could just be a smallish yurt with the skeleton of a boat next to it, a fire, and a rope ladder used to slide boats into the water. The rope ladder could just behave the same way as farms so that it doesn't hover over the shore.

  7. 5 hours ago, nifa said:

    @real_tabasco_sauce Are there models that would only need existing textures? I could try to make a mesh then

    I think all but the royal yurt and maybe the scythian version of the ovoo would need models.

    I think the royal yurt could just be a more decorated version of the current yurt (house), maybe using more luxurious prop points as well.

    The ovoo would be more complicated. Overall, the structure would be similar to the xiongnu one but made of stacked wood. Also, I don't know if the flags were used by the scythians like the xiongnu have on their ovoo.

    And then in general, we have a problem where the yurt fabric for scythians and xiongnu looks very similar across the board like @Lion.Kanzen said. Maybe a move to use more hides or skins for one civ, maybe xiongnu, could help.

  8. I just did some combat demo huge testing on svn vs a26. Not using vulcan here because of screen tearing issues I reported earlier.

    a26 - 4 avg fps, lots of stutters.

    svn - 25 avg fps, no stutters.

    That's really great stuff to see, so well done @wraitii @vladislavbelov @phosit and more!

    I noticed that the bodies really make a difference as well, which is why @nani has an option to turn off the bodies in autociv. I wonder if it would be impactful at all to make the sinking animation for the bodies much more coarse, aka updating the dead soldier less frequently. Its not like the animation needs to be ultra smooth, since ppl don't pay much attention to it.

    • Like 2
  9. On 27/03/2024 at 3:19 PM, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    @ChronA I agree it's difficult to create a role for chariots with the current game mechanics. So without having to add a bunch of features, I'd say turn them into some kind of melee glass cannon. Kind of like Petards in AOE2, but only against units, not buildings.

    I think this idea could be fun and cool, but IMO it would have to be a unique chariot unit, like the scythed chariots for pers and/or seles.

    it would make a lot of sense for pers since they already have a champ cav archer anyway.

    Then other chariots like the maury ones or briton ones should just inherit the chariot mixin as they currently do in svn.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, chrstgtr said:

    By your own admission, the old mechanic worked fine.

    I said random arrows were balanced, and I agree with that. But it was silly, boring, and resulted in a lot of unfavorable gameplay. Surely you realize we are not giving non-random arrows a fair shake here since they are not yet balanced ideally.

    Diving under buildings without consequence, buildings acting like a timer for the soldiers to leave, Healer auras invalidate arrows, lack of control over arrows.

    1 hour ago, chrstgtr said:

    It is also untrue that no one has explained why non-random arrows is bad or why random arrows is good. It is just a question of personal preference, which has clearly been expressed several times at this point by the larger community.

    So the reason that non-random arrows is bad is personal preference?

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  11. 3 hours ago, Player of 0AD said:

    Why has the targeting behavior of buildings not been changed back to the original state? 24 people voted that its a bad change, only 15 voted that it's a good change. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/110338-polls-about-community-mod-version-266/#comment-563146


    That poll offered no way forward. Its a bit more complicated than a yes or no situation. 

    Another poll showed players have mixed feelings about it, but it showed 3 clear issues.

    The most agreed upon solution was to let building arrows be random unless targeted by the player. I tried this, but it was kind of a disaster to implement, so I went with the next most popular progressive solution which was to adjust building arrow counts.

    Also, I have still not heard 1 reason from anyone why the building arrow behavior is bad that could not be explained by arrow counts. So why is the behavior itself problematic @Player of 0AD?

    The fact of the matter is that building arrows were balanced under a random behavior and changing the behavior has clearly thrown off this balance. If we can restore balance, then we will be left with a new mechanic.

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