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real_tabasco_sauce last won the day on March 15

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  1. yeah we could test even a proof of concept like this in the com mod. I think it could be made quite intuitive, like by using the right click button for making a box while holding f. I am working on a different solution but couldn't be added to the mod anyway.
  2. unfortunately for now, there is no autosave feature.
  3. You have mischaracterized this second one. It is about preventing units from getting stuck endlessly attacking a building when higher preference targets are nearby. On group target selection, I am 50/50. I prefer a more elegant approach to the problem, but as of now I see no harm in it.
  4. DLC DLC CRATO CRATO POS BODOLAAY I think there is a slider that should reduce these and leave music and things alone no? Or maybe i confuse it with the UI audio.
  5. The current soldiers have a mix of these, and some without helmets.
  6. well a new market would be nice, but the old one is okayish. @Obskiuras maybe this is something you could do: It would be good to have a better emblem for the civ, and this face engraved on a huge metal pot would be pretty cool. A drawing inspired from it would be ideal, sort of in the style of the other civ emblems. In terms of gameplay, I might need to nerf a hero bonus, but other than that, I think its ready.
  7. A GUI mod should not change the way the game works underneath, only the way you graphically interface with it. Yes, but you are forgetting that the spirit of competition drives one player to be better than another and that as a direct result, players with high APM do better than players that cannot keep up. This is inescapable. Automation generally is not the solution because it just decreases the number of actions a player can do, which flattens the learning curve. Instead, the ways in which an action can be better than another action, strategic options, should be increased. This allows one players fewer, smarter actions to have more of an impact. I'm trying to help with this last part
  8. Oh interesting, maybe I just assumed from the commit author.
  9. I'm not sure if a technology can change something like the standard, but I think that would be a really nice touch. I feel like a standard bearer unit would be a bit redundant with the animated standard when using formations no? Plus, we already have the centurion for the romans, so its hard to imagine a gameplay role for them too. That being said, it might be useful for campaign development/cinematics.
  10. I used the style of @Sundiata. The drawings are quite similar to the heroes from existing factions. (except for some props like the shield, sword, and hood.
  11. Disco Local -> Users -> Documents -> My Games -> 0ad -> mods
  12. https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths That’s still not the right place. this link shows where you can find it.
  13. The same error? Different one? inside cimbri-refinement-main, do you see a single folder, or do you see "simulation", "art", and "mod.json"?
  14. Your mods folder should be something like: Documents/My Games/0ad/mods/
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