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Everything posted by LetswaveaBook

  1. Instead of praising that Athens reached democracy, we should focus on what they achieved (under democracy). So practical examples on how democracy benefited Athens would be welcome.
  2. We agree on that democracy set Athens apart, but then we need to find a fitting bonus.
  3. If so, we fundamentally disagree on this. I think we should look on what set Athens apart as a faction and then represent that with a fitting bonus, instead of cherry picking.
  4. Maybe my judgement isn't worth anything since I hardly played A26, but in my opinion an iphicrates nerf would only be justified if they received something else in return to help to characterize them. Personally I think it is modern bias to assume that "democracy" is something that made Athens a more advanced society. So I would favour some other suggestions. What I consider a problem for especially hoplite factions is this: melee units are of less importance than ranged infantry.
  5. Pikemen are clown units. They lose 1v1 against jav cav, while having 3x multiplier. They are only good for absorbing damage. Their design as clown units lies in their awkward stats. Spearmen and swordsmen are half decent, as they deal to little damage and need to approach their target to do damage. As army size increases, naturally melee units face more difficulties. In low numbers, the balance is fine. I would suggest to give melee units stronger offensive forge upgrades so they can keep competing with ranged units as the game progresses. In my view, melee units should dominate major battles and ranged units should be for harassment and minor support. Currently the high damage output of ranged units dominates battles.
  6. CC provides 20 population, like two houses and can produce CS soldiers like a barracks. Also it is a dropsite for resources. So it has a lot of functions. Furthermore it grants territory and garrison space. It also allows you to grab a strategic position. I think the proposed cost is to low.
  7. I thought they were supposed to be rams, not Ferrari cars.
  8. @wraitii I created a repository on gitlab for big houses producing women in 25 seconds instead of 30 : https://gitlab.com/LetswaveaBook/0adtest2/-/tree/main Also I allowed Carthaginians to create women in 20 seconds in an apartment without the fertility festival requirement. When I tried to make a merge request, Git asked me either to verify with a credit card or send an email. Is it necessary to do a merge request by one of these two options, or are there other options?
  9. We might do other things to improve fighting in p2, but why couldn't we do both? Also it remains to be seen how much else of other things we are actually doing. That's not a good argument either. Neither it is clear what "structure" or "suits the late game well" mean in a concrete sense. The argument seems as good as "I like the way it is and don't want to consider changing it" I think all the reasoned mentioned at the patch are valid reasons to do allow tier 2 forge upgrades in p2. It seems worth a try in my opinion https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/4
  10. @wraitii The current community mod is fairly empty? Where can players propose and upload additions to the mod? What standards are used to determine if a mod is suitable? For example: I made a mod where women from bigger houses are created in 25 seconds instead of 30 and I allowed Carthage to recruit women from apartments even faster and without fertility festival (though I think more factions could maybe use an apartment building). I also added some mathematical justification for the 25 seconds, showing that reducing the time to 20 seconds for big houses would shift the favor to much towards the big houses. women_house.zip
  11. I tried to host a tournament (to be precise: I tried to host the biggest tournament of 2021) and it failed. I wanted to give players the responsibility and the ability to find their own schedule. However after a while, I was busy with work and didn't visit the lobbies enough to encourage players to play their rounds and the later rounds didn't get scheduled. So either you need to have strict laws about who to boot if a match isn't played, or dividing players into a (small) league would a solution (or possible multiple leagues). If there are irresponsible players in a league, it is easy to kick them. Also in a classic tournament, you are supposed to meet one single opponent and it delays you if (s)he doesn't show up. In a league format you can move to the next round and play against the missing opponent later.
  12. The easiest way to get into modding is this: Go in the main menu to option>mod selection>download mods. There you can choose some mods. Once you downloaded it, it will be saved on your PC. Once you located the mod, you can check how they look. A mod is a folder in the correct place on your machine with a mod.json file. The further structure of the mod is the same as the correct 0ad game. If you for example place an edited file named template_unit_cavalry_melee_axeman.xml in your mod in the simulation/templates folder, then the edited file will "replace" the regular file and the axe cav will get edited features.
  13. This change was called to be a bugfix. I wonder who considered it to be a bug. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha26
  14. So in all genius it was decided that the olive tree should be a source of food. However on several maps (like mainland with anatolian/aegean biome) the tree is placed. Originally the tree might be placed there because it was a source of food. For gameplay purposes, I think a food tree should be placed where olive trees have been placed. list of changes for A26 https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha26
  15. You can adapt the value by unpacking the zip file and changing the value of 150 in the file han_hero_liu_bang_1.json in the path Vinmemod/simulation/data/auras/units/heroes. You can simply open it with notepad. I implemented the HP bonus idea for mininisters, but there are only 9 of them available, allowing for 1.05^8 (-1)=48% more HP. The support_minister.xml file is found in the path Vinmemod/simulation/templates/units/han/ after unpacking the zipfile. It can be opened by notepad again. The armor can be adapted by changing the resistance component. <Resistance> <Entity> <Damage> <Hack>2</Hack> <Pierce>2</Pierce> <Crush>6</Crush> </Damage> </Entity> </Resistance> In the the is a line that reads han_heor_wei_qing_1.json file in the path Vinmemod/simulation/data/auras/units/heroes, adapted a line such that ministers are affected by the hero. This line reads: "affects": ["Minister", "Champion"] However Ministers are still support units and not soldiers. This effects their behaviour(they tend to run instead of fighting). The second line of the The support_minister.xml file says it inherits several values of the <Entity parent="template_unit_support"> file. This file is also the parent of the file for the women. In this parent file we find the component: <UnitAI> <DefaultStance>passive</DefaultStance> </UnitAI> Also, ministers are support units and are thus not affected by military upgrades, Only soldiers are affected by the upgrades in the forge. If you want to fix both issues, you can replace the second line of the support_minster.xml file by <Entity parent="template_unit_champion">
  16. That sounds like a fair suggestion, but it might run into practical problems. Like with fire cav, people agree that something needs to be done, but they might not agree on what needs to be done. Also, I wonder if the virtue of allowing things "widely agreed on" invigorate some bigger innovative changes. I would prefer to take a more experimental approach. In my view, one of the major problems of 0ad is that the natural state of the game is to decay to a boring boom game.
  17. I tried to make a mod that has these modification. However, I do not know how to limit the bonus cap and therefore left the limit on the ministers at 9. Also, I guess 150 hp per second for walls is awkward. It means the aura heals walls faster than the rate at which 2 (regular) rams damage it. Vinmemod.zip
  18. There are so many different idea's on what would be an improvement for 0ad that success isn't automatically guaranteed. What is a good change or not, is highly dependent on what you think the game should be and how (competitive) play should unfold. So I would guess it would be good to first discuss what the concrete goals/virtues/aim of the mod is.
  19. Modding is fairly easy for 0ad and it would be little effort to do some small changes. A bigger challenge is to find people interested in playing a modded version in the lobby. Also, another issue is that some people won't view past the idea of "I would have done it differently". If you would like to try some modded values, you can list them here and maybe someone has time to make such a mod.
  20. The aesthetics of the gardens of Babylon go nicely with the colours of the grassland and the trees. Considering that wonders provide a resource tickle and can heal units rapidly, I wonder how it would affect competitive team games.
  21. The elephants in the image of @Lion.Kanzen made me wonder what would happen if a ranged attacked the elephant behind another elephant. I made a screenshot myself. Can someone explain how the slingshots pass through the elephants?
  22. Some time ago, a popular AoE2 youtuber called Spirit of the Law released a video on a popular AoE2 mod. Fun fact: This mod is inspired by 0ad and it acknowledged this. See https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/romae-ad-bellum-raw-e-rome-at-war-expansion-concept/123372
  23. Attack upgrades do not increase the damage unfairly for higher damage units, regardless of armor. Obviously+1 pierce attack has more effect on an archer than on a Briton Chariot. For the chariot +1 attack is negligible. @BreakfastBurrito_007, What would in your opinion be a "fair" (such that comparative strengths remain equal) increase for the chariot if the archer had an upgrade providing+1 pierce damage?
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