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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. In real life siege towers did not do that but in 0AD it feels so pleasurable to see all of your enemy infrastructure and units annihilated by a row of siege towers.
  2. Some misplaced tech and icons, perhaps we can lower the cost of farming upgrades.
  3. That is not true. Rams are decent in EA and 10 fully garrisoned siege towers can smash a cc just by walking straight past it
  4. Ok ok just as I thought, high firing rate. Maybe lower the damage slightly, or give these dudes no armour?
  5. Please don't copy Delenda EST. Their skirmishers smashed my siege like an elephant then some German skirmishers plus sword took out an entire tower in no time. My small group of archers shot down a tower in 15 seconds.
  6. He gave them incompetent siege. in DE even archers do a better job than the bolt shooters. Their siege towers are a joke in DE. I took out a fortress with a few spearmen but 5 bolt shooters and 3 siege towers cannot make a dent in anything.
  7. To be honest they are already very divers even without crossbow. The thing they need is sword cataphract.
  8. I haven't tried them yet, but I would assume they are similar to the Macedonian crossbow dudes.
  9. But they don't. I will add it to the Chinese and git pull tomorrow morning. Which model of rams do you want?
  10. @LetswaveaBook @Lion.Kanzen can I have your expert opinions on balancing this civ please, it is a bit crazy at the moment. Ok. I will do it tomorrow morning
  11. I fixed most of the technical bugs. First proper game of Chinese against very hard Persian AI: What can I say apart from exclaiming "China OP!" ? The Persian bot rushed me twice, the first one caught me out a bit but the second rush they ran straight into my fortress and my group of 60 infantry cutting wood. Softcore bugs found: 1. Unlock champion infantry tech is misplaced; the barracks can train champion infantry by default when you reach phase 3, but the fortress requires a tech. In A24 or later this shouldn't happen right? 2. You need the unlock champion cavalry tech in order to train from fortress. But, this tech can only be researched from the stable. This confused me quite a bit. Overall impressions: Strengths: 1. Population cap bonus paired with archers 2. Ministers help with resource gathering, and the techs are good. 3. Strong heroes. 4. Good variety of infantry and cavalry 5. Mangonels are so strong and shoot so far! 6. Oxybeles without packing is convenient. Weaknesses: 1. No rams or elephant. A little slow to siege. 2. No amazing eco bonuses in early phase.
  12. Please also note that the pinyin version of modern Chinese word for women in typed letters is 'nv', where v represents 'yu'. This is because Chinese language does not contain v sound.
  13. Bug spotted: Missing farming animation for female citizens. They just stand on the field then suddenly drops the food. It is hard to tell whether they are working or idle. I will use the template for a Greek woman for now and look for any other bugs. 2021-05-17 21-53-51.mkv
  14. I don't think I am capable of programming a whole campaign just yet after seeing the code for tutorial. However, I think I can learn this after some time. What types of campaign are you looking for and what difficulty would be appropriate?
  15. I will do some 'intensive' testing on it later. Let's see if China can defend itself from 2 very hard AIs.
  16. Yes, I agree. There are a lot of problems with elephants, as seen here: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/39052-new-elephant-stats-proposal/
  17. Ptolemies are especially OP because they have amazing eco and can counter archers pretty easily, as seen in mysticjim's last video and Valihrant
  18. Once you have 8 fully loaded siege towers, rams are destroyed pretty quickly, and they move at the same speed as the towers, meaning it is difficult for rams to catch up. The only time when rams can take down siege towers is when the towers are cornered, or, spammed archers in range to absorb arrows. Elephants, on the other hand, can survive much longer under fire from siege towers, because they have pretty good crush armour which rams don't. The sheer amounts of hit points also makes elephants deadly against siege towers. So if you have both elephants and siege towers you are OP: Seleucids, Kushites and Ptolemies.
  19. Why not? I am not talking about a free bonus but a tech that comes at great costs to research. If no speed bonus then what about better armour?
  20. Perhaps you want the background of the icons to be pure black to make the main bit more visible? Or transparent icons?
  21. What are these 3 icons for? Hammer + sickle ... what are you implying? ; )
  22. A25 introduced a new campaign mode. At the moment there is only 1 campaign: tutorial. How do I make my own campaign maps / scenarios and add to the list? If the devs can teach me then I can perhaps make some interesting and challenging campaigns.
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