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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. I don't think I am capable of programming a whole campaign just yet after seeing the code for tutorial. However, I think I can learn this after some time. What types of campaign are you looking for and what difficulty would be appropriate?
  2. I will do some 'intensive' testing on it later. Let's see if China can defend itself from 2 very hard AIs.
  3. Yes, I agree. There are a lot of problems with elephants, as seen here: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/39052-new-elephant-stats-proposal/
  4. Ptolemies are especially OP because they have amazing eco and can counter archers pretty easily, as seen in mysticjim's last video and Valihrant
  5. Once you have 8 fully loaded siege towers, rams are destroyed pretty quickly, and they move at the same speed as the towers, meaning it is difficult for rams to catch up. The only time when rams can take down siege towers is when the towers are cornered, or, spammed archers in range to absorb arrows. Elephants, on the other hand, can survive much longer under fire from siege towers, because they have pretty good crush armour which rams don't. The sheer amounts of hit points also makes elephants deadly against siege towers. So if you have both elephants and siege towers you are OP: Seleucids, Kushites and Ptolemies.
  6. Why not? I am not talking about a free bonus but a tech that comes at great costs to research. If no speed bonus then what about better armour?
  7. Perhaps you want the background of the icons to be pure black to make the main bit more visible? Or transparent icons?
  8. What are these 3 icons for? Hammer + sickle ... what are you implying? ; )
  9. A25 introduced a new campaign mode. At the moment there is only 1 campaign: tutorial. How do I make my own campaign maps / scenarios and add to the list? If the devs can teach me then I can perhaps make some interesting and challenging campaigns.
  10. I agree with @BreakfastBurrito_007 's idea of slowing down ranged infantry. Although theoretically they could travel faster than melee troops because a bow is lighter than a spear or a sword, for balancing and gameplay they really should be going at the same speed or even slower. I don't mind skirmishers running quickly but a pack of archers or slingers chasing you is just a nightmare.
  11. Seleucids didn't use that many non-champion melee cav in history (I stand corrected). But for balancing purposes I think they deserve a spear cav as such a cavalry-heavy civ.
  12. Personally I like how pikemen work as they are now. If you really what to decrease their attack, fine. But maybe multiply RepeatTime by 1.4, not 2. 2 would be too extreme and makes pikemen useless. Meanwhile, we can boost their armour even further to emphasise their ability to act as a meatshield.
  13. There we go, so the solution is to decrease the maximum arrows of buildings. Currently we have some ridiculous stats for fortresses and civic centres. But it is still hard when marching because the enemy has so many archers / ranged troops to take care of your escort. This is why I put people in siege towers.
  14. https://github.com/Yekaterina999/0AD-Aristeia-Egyptians-A25-Mod/tree/main Link to Bronze Age Egyptians mod.
  15. Here is a replay of my test game with the Thebans against 2 very hard defensive AI. Their towers game my ranged units a big pain but it was good to see them using elephants instead of just sitting duck. There were some nub moves because I wasn't very familiar with this civ (an excuse ), but everything was smooth after I figured out how to deploy each unit. 2021-05-17_0001.zip
  16. thebans_fixed_A25andA24.zip I found another bug while playing: In A25 the name for the barrack icon is barracks.png, not pers_barracks. This is the fixed version. With some balancing done, thebans can really become a very strong civ; it has access to all infantry types and has some strong heroes. Furthermore it seems to start with 3 hoplites instead of 2, which is a nice bonus as any additional starting unit is very significant in early game.
  17. Use spears and skirmishers to back them up. Will you have an Exeat anytime soon? Then we can join the lobby.
  18. I have noticed this as quite a severe problem. If you take a look at mysticjim's latest video, 2 of my siege towers were destroyed by an elephant chasing after them. The rams and towers cannot outrun elephants, which is annoying. Having 1 or 2 elephants would be enough to take out an entire army of rams or siege towers, which is too OP. We either make elephants much weaker, or siege engines much faster, or slow down elephants. If you change the hack attack of elephants to pierce attack, this problem would be solved instantly. I discussed this in another thread.
  19. I guess you can argue that by improving the military rations of soldiers who push siege engines, they are able to exert greater magnitudes of force and hence the terminal velocity of the engines are greater.
  20. Siege engines crumble at the trunks of elephants, which causes elephant civs to be OP. If you look at the cov rankings by Tom0AD and Valihrant you will see that almost all of the top tier civs contain elephants. Elephant civs also coincide with archer civs. To give other civs a chance, I propose we offer them more techs to upgrade their siege engines, so that they are no longer at a significant disadvantage against elephant civs. These techs should be available to non elephant civs only. Here is a list of potential upgrades: 1. All siege weapons move faster, faster than elephants. Cost: 800food, 500wood,300stone,300metal 2. Siege weapons plus 5 hack and crush armour. Cost: 800 wood, 300 stone,300metal 3. Lithobolos, oxybeles, ballistae +10 pierce armour Cost: 600 wood, 300 metal, 200 stone 4. Lithobolos +20% firing rate Cost: 500stone, 300food 5. Oxybeles and crossbow champions +20% firing rate. Cost: 300metal, 500food
  21. Hmm I am on git A25 and I haven't seen this problem. But I mainly play on Mainland which doesn't have water. I will try out Meditarranean coves tomorrow and try to find the root of the problem.
  22. Hi, I am not sure if I understood your problem. Is shiny boundary line a bad thing? It could be water reflections?
  23. The defensive AI needs some work - it's just sitting duck! The AI just builds some lame towers and wait for me to come and destroy it. It doesn't even get enough swords and skirmishers to counter my siege, and sends units one by one into my crowd of spearmen. If you don't use formations, this will happen: Also I don't get how capturing units work. There doesn't seem to be such an option. Here are the replays: 2021-05-16_0005.zip
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