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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. Whip attack? What is that? Since Jesus was quite a pacifist we can let him be the ultimate healing hero, with an aura effect that doubles the hp of all units within 40 metres. (Resurrection) I am afraid he only killed male children, however, this is a good aura, especially if enemy women are destroying your rams.
  2. Another hero we can add is Herod The Great. Here is a Wikipedia article about him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herod_the_Great Bonuses: 1. Architecture. All structures + 30% health 2. All temples +50% healing rate? He is also known for murder of the innocents but I am not sure how to turn that into a positive aura effect.
  3. Individual embassies sound more realistic because even in modern world you rarely get 2 embassies of 2 different nations in the same building. Another thing is if we only like Gaul mercenaries then we don't need access to the Italic or Iberian units. In that case I would build 3 Gaul embassies to maximise the rate of production, and that would be the most efficient as well.
  4. With the forum's agreement I would like to make the following changes to the Judean faction for balancing. I must admit they are a very weak civ right now. I can implement all of the following by myself, no need to bother anyone else. 1. CC unable to train cavalry. Solution: give CC the ability to train some cav? 2. General lack of cavalry. Solution: give them a champion cavalry of some sort? Perhaps a garrisonable archer chariot? 3. Lack of siege. I gave them a ram but perhaps we can also give them a religious zealot unit, which can act as a maceman. 4. Only one hero. Solution: implement some other characters that you have discussed?
  5. I recompiled with --large-address-aware and it didn't happen again.
  6. Well, it makes the numbers smaller, on my already crowded laptop screen. Also more numbers = more information = more reaction time = less good micro I don't really care how many of my workers are gathering each resource, as long as I have enough of everything I am happy. I can divert workers if necessary.
  7. Well @BreakfastBurrito_007 I am nowhere near as skilled as you are . I click up at 10 minutes then go into city at minute 13, takes me 10=15 seconds to build elephant stable then another 40 seconds to train an elephant. Meanwhile I have Seleucus Nikator in the cc. So probably ready at around between 14-15. Then it takes me almost a minute to march to the enemy. Of course this assumes I am not being rushed or trying to rush anyone else. I have been trying to improve my boom. Thanks to inspirations from other good players my boom speed is faster than what it used to be by 1 -2 minutes.
  8. If we compile with --large-address-aware option (when running clean workspaces) then the game will not crash with this error Instead it will lag to 5fps when your load is high.
  9. Updated icon here. Also Macedonian barter nerf requested by weirdJokes https://github.com/Yekaterina999/Thorfinn-balancing-mod-new
  10. I am afraid I didn't realise a significant change in pace. Right now with Seleucids I can start to push at about minute 15 (with elephants and hero and full pop). I could do this in A24 as well if I don't make any mistakes. I can't remember what the timings were in A23 because I was too noob back then.
  11. Also I noticed there is an additional overlay of stats; some small number under each type of resources we have, on the top left corner. What is that? Frankly it is a bit annoying and I would prefer to revert it back to the 5 numbers that it had been. I don't want the 0,0,0,0 row!
  12. Now this is something serious. In the latest git version I tried a massive battle against 2 very hard AIs. It involved at least 5 elephants and a few hundred infantry. The game crashed. Before it crashed this error message was displayed:
  13. I also noticed units just standing on a foundation and not building it, even though I have told it to build. This is especially a problem with skirmishers because they run so fast and then just stands on the foundation, preventing others from building it.
  14. 2021-05-21_0006.zip In this replay the horse killed the dear without taking anything back. There are also times when units don't respond to my orders, especially for garrison and repair. I hope those are caused by my misclicks, but the horse standing next to dead deer is a big problem.
  15. @Player of 0AD check this out. I nerfed the Macedonian bonus to 15% and it comes with the rest of the Thorfinn mod, which at the same time contains some other changes. I hope you like it. https://github.com/Yekaterina999/Thorfinn-balancing-mod-new
  16. In A25 units push each other and they march in a dense crowd. I like that. However you can take out more units with a lithobolos or oxybeles now
  17. I did not realise that. As you wish, I will make a mod to lower it to 15% for you to test out.
  18. What do you think about this icon for marathon tech? And this icon for soliferreum?
  19. Thank you for the bug report. The Macedonian issue has been fixed.
  20. Here you go: https://github.com/Yekaterina999/Thorfinn-balancing-mod-new @maroder
  21. My bad I will update the link. Btw maroder what is that animal on your profile?
  22. This mod is now on github. Please can balancing advisors test it out? I will submit the most welcomed changes onto phabricator for incorporation into A25. https://github.com/Yekaterina999/Thorfinn-balancing-mod-new @Lion.Kanzen @borg- @LetswaveaBook @soloooy0
  23. I am not sure if this is the best option. There are always the few civs that we really don't like to play as. For me it is the celtic factions. For other people they might think Macedonians are trash, but in my opinion they are very versatile and extremely strong if used well. If you force everyone to play as Celts or Macedon then that takes the fun out of a lot of people.
  24. Alternative strategies for these civs: 1. Champion cavalry raid. 2. Elephant tsunami 3. P2 push (for Celts and Sparta) 4. Siege towers
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