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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. I would install Atom editor, then open the project folder. Press ctrl + F then set search filter to whole project and match all cases. There are also search options in toolbar.
  2. Ok please alleviate it for registered users as there are often less than a dozen of registered members online
  3. @Stan` Please can we fix this bug, remove this feature from the forum? If you are afraid of DDOS then reduce the delay to 1 second?
  4. @Bellaz89 my condolences. He had been no better in his other accounts: You can only manually remove him, the moderators might be able to ban him for a while but he knows how to bypass bans.
  5. @G.O.A.T u haven't responded to my request yet! Please can u add an explanation of the accounts in your list, for example why am I Kate and why is weirdjokes phyzic @rm -rf-rf-rf-rf-rf-rf-rf-rf-rf-rf-rf-r I mean goat might not be sanafur, I could have been wrong So sorry about the hate, sanafur
  6. P.S. I think there are 3 sources feeding GOAT's list: 1. He monitors the IP address of players in the lobby. When I forget to use a VPN, even the most obsecure of my accounts that I have used only once got found out. But when I tunneled myself to Turkiye and Netherlands, my smurf accounts were given to other players. For example Hilal and Celal are my account and not berhudar's. (but those are from long time ago) Furthermore, even the non-TG players and newer players who created second accounts were shown on the list, which enhances the suspicion, as no one would intentionally stalk every cosmic noob to look for signs of new accounts. 2. Reports using personal messages (although I doubt there are many) 3. He joins the games as spectators or players and tries to grasp who is who based on playstyle. I'm still overjoyed that he thinks I am superPOSITION. Thank you for the approval!
  7. @G.O.A.T It's ok to keep the list since @Player of 0AD likes it. However, I would like you to put a justification or proof or even your logic for thinking that these 2 accounts are the same person. This will make your list much much more convincing and there will be a lot less angry arguments. Is my request reasonable? For example, how did you come to the conclusion that weirdjokes in phyzic? Did you monitor his IP address or did someone snitch on him? If you add a sentence of explanation after everyone then the moderators will find your list much more useful and take actions. Currently, a list without any proofs is simple a weird joke. What do you think? @Norse_Harold @Stan` @guerringuerrin @rm -rf @Dakara
  8. This morning I received this message when I was eating breakfast: So I checked up on GOAT and this is what I saw: @Player of 0AD My sincere condolences @Stan` please remove this stupid list somehow, it's full of nonsense
  9. music.zip This mod replaces some 0ad background music of certain civs. Changes 1. The main theme has been changed to Plevne Marsi. 2. Han has some confusing buildings replaced with Carthaginian alternatives, namely the storehouse, house and farmstead. 3. Exact changes to music: Han: added popular modern Chinese songs but also some historical tunes as well as military marches. However, there is no completely off topic nonsense. See Tinh is definitely out of context of 0ad and it's Vietnamese Persia: Ey Iran, Vatanam and some Tajik songs Seleucids: A lot of Turkish songs, Cirpinirdi Karadeniz, Plevne, Esger (Asker) Marsi... Carthaginians: Allah Sidi Mansour Ya Baba Ptolemies: Golden Scurubs
  10. Hi, I am trying to achieve the 3 following goals: 1. Change the main theme to something other than Honor_Bound 2. Do not restart playing the main theme when I enter gamesetup page 3. Remove some of the original tracks and replace them my own songs. At the moment I managed to add in my own songs by editing the civ music in simulation/data, but sometimes random tracks that are not included in the file still pop up. I haven't found the commands which specify the tracks. Any help would be appreciated @Stan`
  11. Easy, just replace the actor of the olive tree with an apple tree. This is my modified olive tree: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant frequency="1" name="olive_1"> <mesh>gaia/tree_apple_trunk_a.dae</mesh> <props> <prop actor="flora/trees/apple_top_a.xml" attachpoint="root"/> </props> </variant> </group> <material>basic_trans.xml</material> </actor> This changes the olive tree actor to an apple tree.
  12. Use symbols and shapes. For example distinct shapes instead of detailed humanoids to represent units. A triangle with a "s" written on it represents a spearman etc
  13. I totally agree. Even without the local ratings, his improvement was visible.
  14. It could be the case that your archers are shooting enemies on high ground from a low altitude, which gives you a range penalty.
  15. Not true for all Germans for sure, I looked inside the men's toilet and they have standing urinals. I pee sitting down even though I am not German. In real life we treat women and men equally, but 0ad women and 0ad men are not humans; they are merely 30 lines of XML code. In many mods, depictions of humans Dont even exist; units are ponies or some alien bug
  16. A Storehouse that costs very little wood but only allows women to deposit stuff there.
  17. Everything else in Germany is perfect, OP. Can't find any faults or very strange things. The only 2 interesting things they do differently to other countries is the parkplatz and unlimited speed highway. But I remember from long time ago someone made a topic on the forum about citizen soldier being sexist, and I was instantly reminded of that when I went to Germany. Plus, we have many German players here... Maybe we can find a solution to the claim that 0ad is a sexist game using the inspiration of parkplatz.
  18. Please explain what you mean by this. Maybe it's just me but I have been beaten up by girls more often than boys... Everywhere in the parkhaus is creepy in my opinion, especially the Aufzug. On a day with many people, everywhere you go there are cars and people, on a chill day, there are seldom any vehicle no matter where you go. If you want to harm a woman, you are more likely to find them on the streets or inside Einkaufzentrum than Parkhaus. If you want to steal or vandalise their stuff, well, the Frauenparkplatz tells you exactly where to look for victims. Funny fact: the Frauenparkplatz in Trier Zentrum Parkhaus is located in the corners of each level.
  19. Unisex toilets like this are perfect, and there should be more of them in the parkplatz:
  20. @Gurken Khan I can't see what you quoted back there because maroder deleted it, but my point was, if you want to reduce inequality or discrimination, you don't emphasise people's differences, but instead, you should bring them into the society and consider them to be the same group as you. In this case, it's better to consider a person a human instead of a Herren or a Damen.
  21. Excuse me, I mistakened the contents of the trolly to be a kid, but again it doesn't help against stereotyping... But it still doesn't solve inequality, because you are making things more unequal in separating women from the rest of the population. It's better to fix whatever problems women have from the source than squeezing these Frauenparkplatz into the already overcrowded space. Maybe consider how to solve the gender pay gap, crime rate and put more women in your Rathaus instead.
  22. Yes and there is no Frauenparkplatz there neither... But the problem is I can't go there, it's too far away and there is a huge ocean between us. The USA has enough space for everything, Germany is too small and overcrowded, they also spam too many cars. My recommendation is to destroy the Altstadt of each city and rebuild. Furthermore, Trier can ban Luxembourg vehicles from entering its Einkaufzentrum to reduce congestion.
  23. Every single parkplatz I went to have vacant Frauenparkplatz, even though sometimes the normal spots are filled. I've been to many cities in western Germany, from Köln to Koblenz, from Aachen to Saarland, Landau, Mannheim, Trier, Freiburg... But not eastern Germany
  24. In addition to my arguments, those excess Frauenparkplatz can be used as female toilets instead. Germany has a much bigger shortage for women's toilets than parking slots, as not all women drive but all of them do need toilets. When I was at the Lohr Zentrum of Koblenz, there were quite a few vacant Frauenparkplatz. On the other hand, there was a mega queue at the toilets. One woman even rushed into the men's toilet because she couldn't hold it back anymore. A few others joined her afterwards. If Koblenz converted the excess parkplatz to extra women's toilets, the women will be much much happier. Toilets also use less space and cost compared to parkplatz.
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