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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by badosu

  1. To be fair, I would allow dancing. Having rule for it only opens possibility of stupid drama.
  2. Wow, except for Dakara and randomid overrated, and said underrated, this list seems pretty good, was not expecting that.
  3. Btw, for next tournament, we could expand @go2die list and make rule to team not having more than 30 points.
  4. @go2die, make this anonymous so others can feel comfortable to share their opinions unfiltered.
  5. @go2die May Gods - fpre (8.75), MarcAurel (7.5), Lord_Commander (?), randomid (7.25) French - Dakara (?), esu(?), Metafondations(6.5), Dakeyras (7) eae em: Badosu(8), Stockfish(8.75), Borg(9.5) , Vicentesk(7.75) = 34 Goats ValihrAnt(10), Phyzic(9.25), Issh(7), Edwarf(8.75) = 34.5 Los Gringos: chrstgtr(8.75), Rauls(9), SaidRdz(8.5), Ricsand(7.75) = 34 ??? Boudica(8), UnknownPlayer(8), Havran(8.5), go2die(6.5) = 31
  6. @go2die You might be shocked to know our team would be accurately ranked 3rd on that list, pls review.
  7. Release candidate (0.19): - Added map preview to Slopes - Wood, hunt and fish adjustments to slopes If there is no playtesting, this will be release version. balanced-maps.pyromod
  8. Slopes map preview (1v1 small): For 1v1 medium recommended.
  9. New dev release, v0.19.0: - Refactored food placements - Lowered maximum amount of food for temperate like biomes (maximum is 2200 now) - Lowered maximum amount of extra berries, 3 -> 2 - Add hunt to side lakes on slopes balanced-maps.pyromod
  10. I made a build of community_maps that checks for compatibility between versions while allowing for vanilla usage (no greyed-out lobby). It's made with this patch: https://github.com/cwrtl/community_maps/pull/1 Unfortunately, it's not compatible with current version on mod.io (0.0.7) since the most recent version (the one I built from) is 0.0.11 and I didn't check for compatibility between these versions. I might revisit and make another build with backport for 0.0.7. community_maps.pyromod
  11. What are the survival maps? Survival of the fittest, Jebel, any more?
  12. The year of 0ad in esports is coming!
  13. Hi @Intellect, there are also random maps, these are procedurally generated via a script. If you want I can export an empty map and we can start building from there.
  14. @Boudica With Havran and @Unknown_Player you can form a strong team. Rauls afaik is going to form spanish team, I'm not sure if @chrstgtr is joining that but probable. But together + a strong tier 3 player I think this is a strong roster, e.g. Tarkovsky and Christmas are in tier 3 currently.
  15. Unfortunately, given the rule change we won't be able to keep @Unknown_Player on our team, unless he wants to be on roster. I would like to see him playing in a strong team nevertheless as I feel a bit guilty of inviting him to ours and putting him in this situation now (having lost precious teammaking time).
  16. Won original "eae em" team. WP, looking forward to rematch
  17. By the way, I was intending for a while to port the compatibility checker from balanced-maps to community_maps so one does not have to activate/deactivate it all the time. Might encourage adoption, I'll send a PR.
  18. Oh yes!! That's the one! I remember seeing it when trying community_maps and thought it was aoe when I discussed this with Schweine. @nani OP
  19. Why the snarky comment tho, I was first invited to the team, and secondly it was under rules (not mine proposed). If me and Unkn are rated as tier 3 u can bet we will use it (especially when I feel there is a stronger opposing team regardless).
  20. Yeah, that is a possibility though a bit of a hack, it would be desirable to: 1. Not allow players to build wonders 2. Not allow players to delete wonder 3. Possibly not allow buildings with territory to be placed on 'hill' to force holding player to garrison units. 4. Hold it for a reasonable time (3-10 min) to win (need to see if hack allows this configuration) I feel more than 10 mins is too much time, considering owner might change. Too long of a time and just killing enemies becomes more desirable, map can also be done so all armies meet at wonder and can't traverse via other path (though I think allowing conquest would still be more fun).
  21. I like the idea, need to investigate triggers to see if they can achieve this, @nani might have some insight.
  22. Tier granularity could help y, that was my motivation for point system. Also, "eae em" can't be signed in with latest rule changes. I have a feeling even with original "eae em" we would not be the most op team (especially considering most of us are stronger individually than in teamgame), we made it as a response, wait and see. That said, i think there are some op teams in the making... I think spanish team will come really strong and hopefully we could have a feld op team too. So 4 competitive teams in similar level does not sound bad to me with current rules. For example, the way it is right now, you could have: Feld, Boudica, Havran (if he left bench) and another underrated t3 player, that would be really scary, even for original 'eae em'.
  23. New dev release, v0.19.0: - Decorations and tg support for Slopes (optimized for one team against another) balanced-maps.pyromod
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