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Everything posted by AIEND

  1. I found a "BuildRestrictions" entry in the special building's file, but I don't understand how the "TempleOfAmun", "Council", "Palace" etc. in it determine the maximum number of buildings with these tags.
  2. I noticed that the wording may be misleading the understanding. When I say men's robes, I mean the one in the photo. And this is a similar women's robe.
  3. Han women's robes are no different from men's robes except that they are longer (usually to the ankles), and if you have seen the Terracotta Warriors, you will find that soldiers' robes are also very loose, because the Chinese don't like narrow sleeves.
  4. Wearing a skirt is no more convenient than a robe. After all, ancient women's dresses rarely considered such heavy physical labor occasions. Women in the game are very inefficient in mining stones and metals, and almost no players will let them do this work. If women's labor efficiency must be suppressed because of historical authenticity, why not just remove women's function of collecting metals and stones?
  5. I mean, does the women's role as workers in the game (actually mostly berry-gathering, farming, and logging) have anything to do with accurate historical attire?
  6. What does this have to do with logging and mining stone?
  7. In fact, there is no need for Han women to wear hats. If you want to make male civilians, you can use them.
  8. I forgot to say before that, regarding the costumes of commoners in the Han Dynasty, the bamboo hats at that time were not in this shape. At that time Chinese women did not wear skirts but robes.
  9. The same goes for selecting larger text magnifications on higher resolution screens.
  10. I added the damage type and created two files, but when I added this code to maceman's template the bug still appeared. <Attack> <Melee> <ApplyStatus> <Pound> <Interval>5000</Interval> <Damage> <Thump>10</Thump> </Damage> </Pound> </ApplyStatus> </Melee> </Attack>
  11. This order is for armors for different damage types, for example I set "thump" to 3.
  12. I want to add a "thump" damage to maceman, similar to "fire" or "poison", what file do I need to create for this?
  13. I like this new faction. Many of the games I've seen always depict a later era, usually Japan after the 8th century, which seems to be more Chinese, while the earlier Japan with its own civilization characteristics is rarely represented.
  14. It can be confirmed that it is influenced by China, but from another point of view, it looks too Chinese style. He may not even be built by Xiongnu's craftsmen, and it is not suitable to be embodied as Xiongnu's wonder.
  15. To be honest, I'm not sure the Russians are correct in restoring this palace, because it's a bit different from what I know about the Han Dynasty architecture, I mean, it looks more like a Scandinavian wooden church.
  16. I feel that nomadic factions can add a common advantage of getting more loot after killing enemies and destroying buildings.
  17. Take Xiongnu as an example, mainly taxing Western countries, rather than acquiring slaves and soldiers. Slaves were generally plundered from hostile states (such as the Han Dynasty), and soldiers were acquired by annexing other tribes. @Ultimate Aurelian
  18. From a practical point of view, cavalry can't carry fire, how can they use a burning javelin? The Iberian Champion Cavalry feels to me now, as weird as I found out 8 years ago when I played Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion that the cavalry could fire burning arrow. Should the Iberian champion cavalry be replaced by infantry javelinmen if the incendiary javelin element is retained?
  19. Regarding the nomadic faction workers (including women), I recommend making them cavalry, like the Age of Empires 3 mod I used as an example. Because even if they were able to get into the yurt, these fragile structures would not be enough to provide any protection, and escaping on horseback was the most effective.
  20. 卫律Weilv, a Han Chinese who defected to Xiongnu, once tried to build a city wall and granary in Mobei, but in the end, because Xiongnu was not good at defending the city and could not make effective use of these facilities, it might be captured by the Han army for its use, so Xiongnu finally gave up the idea of building a city. “单于年少初立,母阏氏不正,国内乖离,常恐汉兵袭之。于是卫律为单于谋:“穿井筑城,治楼以藏谷,与秦人守之。汉兵至,无奈我何。”即穿井数百,伐材数千。或曰胡人不能守城,是遗汉粮也,卫律于是止”——《汉书·匈奴传》
  21. As I said before, "统万城tongwancheng" is a product of the Sixteen Kingdoms period.The city was built with Chinese craftsmen and techniques by the Xiongnu tribe who occupied the land of the 晋Jin Dynasty. It is not the product of the Xiongnu themselves. This is like the capital "大都Dadu" of the 元Yuan Dynasty, which is not a product of the Mongolians. Same. According to the records of the 汉Han Dynasty, there is a "龙城longcheng" in Xiongnu in the grassland, which may be used for religious sacrifices. It may have a high earthen platform, but there is no city wall and tower.
  22. Removing a few lines of code for stone and metal harvesting efficiency solved the problem.
  23. After entering the game, the citizen soldier cannot be displayed, and a red code appears. I don't know what the problem is. Is there any necessary file that has not been modified?
  24. Maybe add some religious holiday celebrations, like in old Age of Empires 3, where Native Americans danced around bonfires.
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