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So why does the javelin have no hack damage? We know very well that spears and javelins are often a weapon, you just throw the spear and it becomes a javelin. I gave the thump damage to the maceman and elephant instead of the slinger, I actually gave the slinger pure pierc damage. In my mod, I want to make maceman more special, so cavalry and infantry's thump armor has a feature, champion and hero units tend to have lower thump armor than their hack armor. Because the upper limit of armor's ability to withstand blunt weapon attacks is lower than that of sharp weapon slashes or jabs, this means that units with thump damage are better suited against champions and heroes.
If it fits the historical facts, the chariot archer should have a longer range, higher shooting accuracy and faster rate of fire than the horse archer, but the price is much more expensive than the cavalry. important reason for elimination. In fact, many ethnic groups, including Indians, continued to use chariots for a long time just because they could not master the skills of horseback archery. Other peoples, such as the Persians and the Chinese and the Seleucids, put more emphasis on the impact capability of the chariot when they used the chariot, and they put armor on the horse and sickle on the wheel. In this way, the scythe chariot can often sweep through the enemy's infantry array, causing them huge casualties (I use the aura that works on the infantry in the mod to simulate this effect). But the scythe chariot is difficult to pass through the rough terrain, and it is also expensive (the scythe chariot requires 4 armored horses, and the cost of food and metal is at least 4 times that of the cataphract), so it was finally eliminated by the cataphract.
When a catapult fires a 5kg stone, no matter how well-armored the cavalry and infantry are, they can't hold back, unless it's a large animal like an elephant. The attacks of these units cannot be compared to siege weapons, as they can be blocked by shields and armor. Need to add new damage types to them instead of mixing them with siege weapons, like I added thump damage to maceman.
Since hack damage itself represents melee damage to a large extent, we should simply remove the piercing damage from spearmen and pikeman, and only give hack damage. In any case, spears and throwing weapons cannot share one damage type.
Now that battering rams can no longer attack units, cavalry and infantry should lower their crush armor, provided that crush damage cannot be used by units other than siege weapons and ships.
Siege weapons do require unique damage types, and usually just this one is enough.
In fact, the spear doesn't need hack damage, if we don't let the spear and bow share the same damage type, it only needs one kind of jab damage,otherwise we should make bows and javelins also have hack damage. In addition, it makes no sense to distinguish between melee and long-range armor. Obviously, whether it is shield or armor, they can resist both melee and thrown weapons. It is more reasonable to use cavalry armor and infantry armor.
If we can't distinguish melee attacks as hack (swords, axes), jab (spears, pikes), thump (maces), and ranged attacks as pierc (arrows, javelins), smash (pebbles), cutt ( Throwing Axe), at least 6 damage types. It's better to simply simplify it into "melee" and "throwing", instead of now, spearmen have two types of damage at the same time, which is very unfavorable for players to intuitively calculate the value.
"Arson" attacks should be added to cavalry and infantry.
AIEND replied to AIEND's topic in Gameplay Discussion
I think this effect should be given to maceman。 -
"Arson" attacks should be added to cavalry and infantry.
AIEND replied to AIEND's topic in Gameplay Discussion
The pikeman's melee defense tends to go to two extremes. If the enemy can't get close, it can't cause a little damage to the pikeman. If the enemy is close, the pikeman has almost no ability to defend. My idea is to first trim and take an intermediate state, reduce the defense by 1 point on the basis of the spearman, and then give it a better melee defense gain on the front through the formation, and reduce the travel speed (I think if you do not enter the formation, a single pikeman will not go any slower than the spearman). The other is to properly increase the damage of pikeman. After all, they use both hands to hold pike, and the damage of stab is definitely higher. -
"Arson" attacks should be added to cavalry and infantry.
AIEND replied to AIEND's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Pikemen also have too much protection against melee weapons. In fact, once the enemy breaks through the pike and gets close to the pikemen, the pikemen will easily fall into a situation where they can't fight back and be slaughtered by the enemy. This was fully demonstrated in the Macedonian and Roman wars. -
Unable to login 'multiplayer -> Gameloby -> Excisting account'
AIEND replied to Polar's topic in Help & Feedback
Maybe he just got the password for the multiplayer account wrong and needs someone to reset it for him. -
"Arson" attacks should be added to cavalry and infantry.
AIEND replied to AIEND's topic in Gameplay Discussion
In fact, rather than burning down my own buildings, I prefer to have a setting similar to Command and Conquer that demolishes buildings and recycles half of the material cost. Of course, it is also unreasonable for the demolition process to take less than 10 seconds. (if the building is bigger and more complex, it will take longer to demolish it). -
"Arson" attacks should be added to cavalry and infantry.
AIEND replied to AIEND's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Regarding balance, I suggest you try the mods I made first, I have already completed some ideas https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/76607-明镜-mirror/ -
"Arson" attacks should be added to cavalry and infantry.
AIEND replied to AIEND's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Not so, adding arson means that soldiers can effectively destroy buildings that cannot be captured because of the garrison, and when you have enough soldiers, you can also burn the CC. In other words arson does not equate to capture, because soldiers can do the same damage to buildings (like barracks and temples) whether they have garrisoned troops or not. And the rate at which arson damages a building depends on the building materials used for that building, an unprotected temple built entirely of stone would be more fire resistant than a tower that is half wood and half stone. -
"Arson" attacks should be added to cavalry and infantry.
AIEND replied to AIEND's topic in Gameplay Discussion
The pikeman itself is a "light soldier" who gives up part of the armor and shield in order to use a longer weapon. Compared with the hoplites, pikeman training is faster and cheaper. Because Macedonia did not have enough wealthy citizens to form the well-armed and numerous hoplites of Athens. The pikeman's sluggishness is due to the fact that they have to keep the formation intact, as their overly long weapons make them less capable of fighting alone. But that doesn't mean that their weapons are heavy (compared to the larger bronze shields and bronze armor of hoplites), we Chinese know pike very well. Although this weapon looks long, it is very flexible if it is made well. The main load is armor. -
我觉得北海道岛的领土争端不关中国人什么事,因为中国并没有日本海方向的出海口(虽然法律上中国拥有从图们江出海的权利,然而俄国在图们江出海口处修了一座非常低矮的江桥,导致船舶无法通过),大部分中国公民都是汉人,对于北海道阿依努人这样历史上从未被中国管辖的“蛮夷”是没什么兴趣的,我从未见过中国人声称阿依努人是中国人(如果是开玩笑,中国人或许会说日本是中华文明的徒子徒孙,中国应该把北海道岛之外的和族人当做中国人加以兼并)。 中国在东北亚如果有什么野心,那也只跟俄罗斯有关,也就是收回被帝俄侵吞的“外东北”地区,包括海参崴和库页岛,拿回在日本海方向的出海口,当然因为苏联解体之后中国和俄罗斯已经签订了边界协定,无论民间是何种情绪,国家层面上两国没有领土争端。 如果说中国和日本有什么争议,除却东海的包括钓鱼岛在内的岛屿,中国人关心的是曾经作为中国藩属,二战后被美国将管辖权违法交给日本的琉球,因为琉球人在汉人眼中是向化的,琉球国是文物礼乐之邦,应该恢复独立。(争取民族独立的琉球复国人士在中国获得了很广泛的同情,尤其在他们部分留在琉球本土的人遭受日本警察镇压之后。) 而关于阿依努人,我觉得日本人应该首先反思一直不承认阿依努人地位的问题,日本长期声称自己是单一民族国家,不承认阿依努人是土著。这种对待少数民族的态度肯定是会引起不满的,结合前面的琉球问题,如果和族人对这些土人更加尊重,别国并不会有什么介入的空间。 另外,我很喜欢日本漫画家野田悟创作的《黄金神威》(《ゴールデンカムイ 》),这是一部少见的描绘阿依努文化传统的漫画。
"Arson" attacks should be added to cavalry and infantry.
AIEND replied to AIEND's topic in Gameplay Discussion
Soldiers sent to fight will not actually be counted in the labor population. After the game enters a certain stage, soldiers with at least 100 people need to be constantly mobilized and cannot all be put into labor, especially after gaining experience in battle, they labor capacity will decline. The complete destruction of the main force in other games will also bring you into a disaster, because even if your economy is intact, the enemy cannot wait for you to train a new army. Similarly, when you can attack the opponent's CC, you should have an absolute advantage. You have destroyed the opponent's main force and demolished most of his barracks buildings. At this time, there are only 20 swordsmen in the opponent's CC. What can be done? In my opinion, it would be strange if players with 0 A D made it the norm to recklessly attack CC regardless of other threats. If you can't beat the opposing armies and make sure to push the line close enough to the opposing CC, then you should bombard them with catapults.