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Everything posted by BreakfastBurrito_007

  1. If cavalry are given acceleration values that are slower than CS, cavalry players would need to be more careful, and palisades would be more effective at slowing down cavalry. If this is combined with eliminating the extra fire damage of firecav to units, then it would be a good starting point. I notice few players can do a conventional attack at min 15 and still make firecav on time. I usually do a small attack with about 100 men and a ram or two, and then retrain directly into the firecav and/or CS cavalry depending on the resources stocked. It can be overwhelmed if a player makes a big enough army to steamroll before my champions come out.
  2. From youtube videos I have watched, it seems the maps absolutely fill with buildings by the late-game, making it feel super claustrophobic. It seems players have a hard time finding open battlefields where they can maneuver or scout.
  3. I have used the iber champions in many TG's since the release of a25, they are indeed quite overpowered. I now feel kinda bad when I use them. There are things in the game that can beat ibercav (this chamion and CS cav that can go with it), and that would be persian, roman, gaul and perhaps seleucid champion/CS cavalry mixture. The main thing is that these civs have fantastic cavalry of their own as well as heroes to go with it (iber has no cavalry hero). I will say that while these civs and their cavalry can beat iberian champion cavalry, it takes much more skill to counter the firecav than it does to use them. Usually, once the firecav are greater than 20 in number, then there is nothing you can do. However, there are a bunch of different ways to stop the iber player from making champions. Delivering a fast, sudden and large attack (all available CS) will make it harder for your enemy to keep units working while only fielding a small army. I have thought about how OP fire damage is, both in damage to units, and to buildings. Previously I have said that the best way to nerf them was to reduce their armor. What if firecav only got their fire effect as a short boost and it took 2 minutes to recharge (out of pitch, I guess)?
  4. I at first liked this idea, but the problem is that you can't go back. This is why I was in favor of adding the option to train rank 2 or 3 at a higher cost. If we were to make units such as these, I would be concerned with having 1-use units. A main problem could be the situation where it is efficient to make one unit for a specific purpose and then delete it right after. I like the idea of workers, I feel they should have increased gather rates for stone metal and wood, but be slower than CS for food gathering. I think a good cost for that unit would be 75 food, 25 wood, 1 pop. @faction02 I am intrigued by your idea for the specializations, but I have some questions. What is the reasoning behind making the units specialized by resource type? I feel it could be a good thing to make it harder to switch eco plans so quickly. Would the unit have a lower gather rate for non-specialty resources? Also, would these units come from cc or perhaps train them (fertility festival style) from farmsteads/storehouses? Another question I have is would the "metal miner" have a slower metal gathering rate than a CS when fully upgraded? If people tend toward slaves, I feel they should be for mining mostly (metal and stone), with same mining rate as CS, but cost a bit more food than women (60).
  5. That's awesome, I wish we had something like that where I live. As long as it was not the only option. I googled some photos and it seems really small too. Is it at least super cheap?
  6. Ah, the reason I mentioned it was because in the US Taco Bell is a meme for being ok tasting but lethal in the bathroom the next day.
  7. Dang, it looks like the spot! I just looked at the menu online and it looks soo good. Do you like the pizza or empanadas more?
  8. Yea it is super awkward the way units get on and off walls. I feel they should disappear into the turret for 1 s and then pop out at the bottom, rather than taking inspiration from assassins creed. I would not say that this is overpowered though, since it could be easily countered by a mangonel or two.
  9. I heard about 100 pop "trained" versus "reached". Often times players talk about each others population to gauge how well they are doing before the cartography upgrade comes in. They will go off of the housing metric shown on the UI, rather than the number of units that have come out of the barracks/stable/cc. Which metric of population is being used here? Is it the actual number of spawned units, or the "population" indicator, which includes unspawned units? indibil hero for iberians would make their skirms cost 38 food 38 wood (insane). If you pair that with ptol food trickle, roman inf training speed, then you have an outrageous boom. I think an interesting experiment would be to see who has the fastest build under constant conditions, like just kush and with an identical map and 0 team each time. This would mean that if someone were to have a better result, it would have been due to a difference caused by a player.
  10. Swimming OP. Best sport full stop. On topic: I feel like this would be a nice thing to give to athenian units. Perhaps that naval hero that is super bad could enable swimming in some way? and maybe Athenian marines could swim without hero or upgrade. Perhaps the animations could have the swimmers tug some of their gear on inflated animal bladders?
  11. How did Biden create this oil shortage then? and why would he do that? I also don't get how this is such a huge scandal.
  12. "short life expectancies" surely you mean their time in usage, and not the time they spend in existance? Are you upset about the gas prices being super high, or the climate arrogance, or what?
  13. Are you serious? even if they buy saudi oil, burning it still releases emissions in the usa. This notably does not increase emissions in saudi arabia. Either way, this does not reduce USA's carbon footprint. A better example of exporting emissions is buying beef from brazil, where the emissions happen in the country the product is bought from.
  14. To be honest, the overemphasis on individual actions, such as people having fewer children or the president being less ostentatious is crazy. Oil producers in the us even support reducing carbon footprint, because they know it can improve their image and it won't lead to any decrease in sales. People can not change their carbon footprint very easily while the systems they live in are not designed to reduce it. With all this talk about individual responsibility, people forget the amount of power that governments/corporations have over our behavior as well as the changes that could be made to decrease waste and emissions. For example, there is the good idea to make companies responsible for the packaging that they sell with their product. At least in the USA, packaging is not made to be easily dismantled. If it were, it would be easy to sort one's recycling and improve efficiency there. I feel this should be a no-brainer and all it requires are some new, clever designs for packaging. Another idea would be to sponsor car trade ins, exchanging super old gas guzzlers for newer electric cars or efficient hybrids. I can totally understand people being financially trapped into continuing to use an old car, because they have exceeded the economic service life and now need to repair/ refuel very frequently.
  15. I don't think you understand the time difference between cancelling future projects in the US, and OPEC oil selling (they don't ever slow drilling, they just slow selling) . When OPEC wants the price to be higher, they simply sell less oil. Energy infrastructure is expensive and it is not feasible to expand oil production capacity simply because of price hikes dictated by OPEC that can sometimes last only a month. The best way to fix the situation (which is not one of long term oil availability, but one of short term trade economics) would be to discuss this with OPEC and try to get a lower price, otherwise oil will still be very expensive. I am not saying this is going to be successful, just that it makes no sense to build more rigs/wells just for price fluctuations. Do you think OPEC countries care about pollution? Also please consider the fact that those hydrocarbons are burned in the USA despite being unearthed from OPEC, so that means all the pollution and carbon emissions happen in the USA and not in Saudi Arabia and such countries. This means that this is not a "scheme" to make the USA look like it has lower carbon emissions than it does.
  16. There are some cases where they help, but I generally don't use them. An example is: your skirmishers are being rushed from the side by javelin cavalry, so your melee are no longer magnetically attracting all their fire. In this case you choose "box" to bring the melee to form a ring around your ranged units which temporarily makes them invincible (so long as the melee are alive).
  17. From the graph, the reduction in production happened in 2020 and that was before Biden entered office, and I guess it was due to the pandemic's first outburst in the USA in March 2020.
  18. Keep in mind that Biden was cancelling lease sales of public lands and stopping development of future oil and gas production. I don't think it resulted in the shutting off of any oil or gas production in the USA.
  19. I agree, the armor is the problem. Swordcavalry should not be superior in every way except barely losing to spearcav. The best way to fix the discrepancy between spearcav and swordcav is to let swordcav keep the high damage, but reduce their armor. This way, spearcav will defeat swordcav more convincingly and spearcav will be more survivable, but not as lethal as swordcav.
  20. Would it make sense from a gameplay or historical sense if these units could be trained faster than normal? Also, would they cost food/wood or would they be like mercs as @Dakara said I feel this could give rise to some interesting fights. I like this idea quite a bit.
  21. Kushites have quite a few powerful things like good cavalry and cheap elephants, not to mention the possibility of training rank 3 healers. I think their main challenge is that CS archers are pretty bad this alpha. my favorite thing of theirs is the club men mercenary that I fail so much at using.
  22. Usually instead of deleting units I just try to fight with about 100-120 of them, leaving enough eco-units to retrain into champions or cav when those units die. This way I fight well enough with CS army and I don't waste as much time trying to reach champion before my first big fight. Iber is fantastic at this because it is possible to be training indibil while your units are fighting right after finishing fort, and the first wave of champions can be made from leftover or bartered res as soon as indibil is trained. One thing that really can beat this is if someone knows what I am up to and goes all in (150 units +siege). Seleucids are great at the "15 min all in", but also have great champion options if the engagement reaches a stalemate. In a25 I have noticed a lot of accidental double clicks, when I mean to do a single. I thought it was just me and my crap keyboard.
  23. I don't use healers in most games, but it seems that healing melee is the best. +x hp per second is more valuable for high armor units because each of their health points is harder to deplete. Healers are snipable because they are so weak, but then they also flee when attacked so it would be dangerous for someone to fail the healer snipe if there were athenian hoplites in front of it. Also, it does not make sense to heal ranged units because the fight is lost by whoever loses their melee units first. Winning with athens kind of a flex (at least in TG).
  24. Yea @Lion.Kanzen Daut seems to be picking up on AoE4 very quickly. Did you see his video where he was delhi and rushed out 2 towered war elephants? AoE4 has a lot of geat game design, but I feel they went backward in more than a few ways.
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