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Everything posted by MarcusAureliu#s

  1. I usually dont see @ValihrAnt dancing, only when others dance him
  2. Escaping with zick zack is fine, bc the escaping horses dont shoot
  3. I created team of players that didnt create team by themselves, which is the way team creation was supposed to be. I only suggest and not create teams.
  4. probably we are going to do something like test week Alternatively you can play matches at later point this week and rest could make t7 with bye week this week
  5. Here you see the matches, upload the replays, mention the results and see the current standings +++ For long term scheduling: all matchups are out +++ +++please announce team captain who is responsible for scheduling for team and communication with other teams and organizers+++ +++Civ ban order: Team1 ( left side of plan) bans first, then Team2 (right side on plan) bans second and third, then Team1 bans fourth. ( T1, T2, T2, T1)+++ Vote here for team balance changes http://www.strawpoll.me/20185437 CET Time https://time.is/de/CET For coordinating game time https://doodle.com/de/ @ffffffff, @Lord_Commander, @randomid, @Boudica, @Unknown_Player, @Havran, @go2die, @PhyZik, @ValihrAnt, @Edwarf @Issh, @aow, @chrstgtr, @rauls, @SaidRdz, @Ricsand, @borg-, @badosu, @Stockfish, @Vicentesk, @Dakara, @Metafoundations, @esu, @Dakeyras. Results: TeamFrance O:1 Centurios ( Boudica etc.) Replays: Centurioins_TeamFrench_2020-05-31_0011.zip Banned for Centurions: Iberians, Britons Banned for Team French: Britons, Gauls (AnimalFarm 0:1 Los Gringos) Los Gringos were not available, agreement on match can not be reached (OPTeam 1:0 eae em) eae em wanted to play just for fun at game time, match not played yet Results: Animalfarm 1:0 eae em banned: britons, ptol by both teams eae em vs Goats.zip OPTeam 0:1 May Gods banned: britons and ptol by both teams, missing players: May Gods: fpre, randomid, Lord_Commander, OPTeam,: LeGendz, RolandSC2 metadata.jsoncommands.txt (Team France 0:1 Los Gringos) Team France was not available, other time was not announced yet OPTeam 0:1 Centurios AnimalFarm 1:0 MayGods
  6. Hm, i think this is kind of abusing pathfinding system. I think you can though give manually orders to destroy the foundations. I think walling is an aspect in AoE 2 i am not playing that though. but i think it is no cheating as you can prevent quite well by paying attention. edit: seeing the end wall spamming kind of seems problematic
  7. then i am out sry eae * in bc i very pro ofc
  8. I made a suggestion in head of announcement thread. Maybe contact those players if you see them in lobby
  9. Maybe contact, Boudica, Rauls, Unknown, Itrelles or chrstgtr, they are still making teams
  10. Are you refering to " oficially registered teams " @FeXoR? It was not my intention to suggest these were approved by wildfire games, it is just counting the sign ups in this thread, "official" just as far as the organisation of this particular tournament goes. I didnt mean any offence, and will remove those words to avoid misunderstandings. Please just let me know what i should adjust in order to avoid evoking false impressions.
  11. Still looking for sponsors to support the e-sport of the future eae
  12. For now 19 CET, like the Sunday Pro games, but the time is flexible and can be changed by teams playing against each other if there is a better time for both
  13. Which spanish team ? eae Well, if so why not make nice team with Havran, Boudica, Unknown and Solooyo maybe. Vicentesk is with Stock and Borg now
  14. What about the team with you @chrstgtr and @Havran
  15. maybe team of @Boudica, @rauls, @soloooy0 and @jeromescherer ?
  16. also i think @soloooy0 mentioned he is intrested
  17. I would suggest to leave chrstgtr with unknown and Itrelles (and Havran) so team eae em op problems are solved a bit, and then have team Boudica, Rauls, Vicentesk + Havran?
  18. @Boudica we can do whatever the participants agree to do. originally i thought to get players intrested we should allow people who get along with each other play together so i tried to find some kind of compromise
  19. I think @Vicentesk, @chet @Lorenz11 or @vinme might be intrested
  20. unknown player is classified as t2 right now. that mean you have 3 tier 1/2 players which would violate balance rules eae em @badosu @Stockfish @Unknownplayer. Maybe you would wish to add @chet who i believe to be Chetnik
  21. You should sign up as single player in forum sign up thread . Are you chetnik ?
  22. You can sign up as single player and we give you team also
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