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Gurken Khan

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Gurken Khan last won the day on October 31

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Primus Pilus

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  1. Case in point: Is this supposed to be inside or outside? The window says inside, the lighting and the plant say outside. (The wood and stone work also look wrong to me, but I can't judge it confidently.)
  2. Archäologischer Sensationsfund "Der älteste Christ nördlich der Alpen war Frankfurter" Es ist ein Fund, der die Geschichtsschreibung verändern könnte: In Frankfurt wurde ein 1.800 Jahre altes Amulett mit Inschrift gefunden. Experten halten es für das älteste Zeugnis christlichen Glaubens nördlich der Alpen. They found a 1,800 year old Roman silver amulet with a Christian inscription, believed to be the oldest evidence of Christianity north of the Alps.
  3. Yeah, I thought my horsie was around, but he was actually a few meters away: So everything's fine, please excuse the interruption...
  4. We could have a guy that just sings and dances around weirdly that gives ALL the buffs. rock-gnomes.mp4
  5. @wowgetoffyourcellphone While I appreciate the historical insight, I ask myself how the things you described lead to a small community.
  6. Personally, I just don't play maps with sparse/no wood; since it's FOSS one could make a custom collection by tweaking the parameters. Did you see the button that let's you choose the map size? I believe "Giant" is close to what the engine can reasonably handle.
  7. My first thought was if you set the AI(s)'s setting to defensive and "Wonder" as winning condition you wouldn't have warfare as the primary aspect of the game. Secondly, I suggest you check out Delenda Est, which (I believe) is pretty much an overhaul and introduces new mechanics; I don't know how much they'd be up your alley, but might serve as inspiration regardless.
  8. I started two games I didn't play, started the third and except hitting pause on the loading screen I didn't do anything and the game immediately crashed after starting. Give us RC2 already!
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