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Gurken Khan

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  1. Give'em another shirt, maybe add a tassel to their helmets... (Skin=the way a unit looks, re-skin=change their appearance.) But you still want to do it?
  2. Sorry, I mixed them up with the centurions. I dug through the ditches unit files on gitea and still can't really tell what they're about. (Are you playing SVN and it got something to do with Roman reforms?)
  3. For the aura? I don't know where to look it up atm and you say you tried it. I wouldn't expect champs to gain any XP and thusly never to promote to anything. I thought you could only promote elite spear and sword CS to legionary. (When I play rome I turn half of my "tower guys" into legionaries.)
  4. For a long time I've been in favor of using diacritics consistently; it's currently all over the place, for example differing from the structure tree to the diplomacy screen etc. For consistency's sake I'd be willing to drop hem completely, but there were quite extensive discussions (e.g. on trac), and I didn't want to challenge that decision. I personally would like it if we used native names (with diacritics) as much as possible with the anglicized/localized names added where appropriate. Maybe we can formulate a "vision" for this issue and then push for all parts of the game (UI and whatever) to support it.
  5. Agreed. Native + anglicized name, code querying native name.
  6. In general I agree with your above post, on this point I don't; if I spawn at the coast I always colonize it, just for the wood. Wood tends to be a little too sparse on the mainland for my taste. Any opinions regarding those? I never played Survival of the Fittest, I believe it says that it doesn't work with AI players. I'm too dumb for Jebel Barkal. On Danubius I think the Gaia ~cities are enough to chew through, as I consider the Gaia armies and flotillas materializing out of thin air complete BS I don't play it anymore.
  7. Shouldn't every player have access to the water on this version of Unknown? I assumed so. savegame-1623.0adsave
  8. I almost always expand; map's gotta be tight from the beginning if I don't. What I really don't like is scarce or no wood, it's soo sluggish; but I felt it was unnecessary to explicitly agree when you didn't rank those maps high.
  9. I usually don't play it; not a fan of that restricted basin, the paths to useful terrain are often painful. Meh. Both positions can be painful. Sometimes there's no wood for miles, sometimes the back position is extremely limited by a body of water. I actually like those, except the ~Istanbul spawn points; just the other day I re-rolled for another spawn point and then played Marmara. I like Fields of Meroe and Wild Lake. (I assume "spam spot" is supposed to be "spawn point"?) I don't see the problem with FoM. Hellas I look at the map and then decide if I want to play it (~50/50); sometimes I think the terrain is just BS, not a fan of that one Gaia siege unit. Scythian Rivulet I also look at the map and count trees, access to wood is very unbalanced; same goes for Volcanic Lands. I like Mediterranean (although it has issues) and Red Sea, never felt like the later had an issue.
  10. I never got why there's demos and tests in the random random maps. Maybe move'em all to Atlas?
  11. No. I've collected sea treasures in a27 RC. I think some look like ship(wreck)s and some like barrels, depending on the map. Weren't you able to collect them?
  12. @zyli I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you on a couple of points. If someone has problems defeating one AI I wouldn't propose to play against three. I've never encountered an AI player that sends units "immediately". Starting with medium resources I have to expect uninvited visitors around the seven minute mark; playing against teams that can be a coordinated attack. I'm on a27 RC but I don't think that AI behavior was changed much; the behavior depends on the selected behavior (balanced, defensive, aggressive - can be randomized). Personally I find ships to be a pain in the averywhere, don't think I'd recommend it for newbs. It's a kush temple, not a wonder. I never had two wonders. I don't think the AI takes it into consideration. Did you mean nobody is going to be a threat because you have such a big army? You'd have to build a wonder, develop that tec and then build your huge army on top; again, nothing I'd recommend for newbs. If you want to make sure your AI opponent puts up as much resistance as possible leave them unbothered for a long time; this seems to be a recipe for that. I never encountered an AI even starting to build a wonder on medium difficulty.
  13. Hi @bigsmit19, welcome to the forums. Sorry to hear you're not happy with the game. Maybe if you uploaded a replay people would be able to point out more exactly what you could improve. A few thoughts. I find it pretty predictable which route the AI is taking, so I try to have a "welcome center" expecting them; like you described with having a temple where the fight happens. You can also use buildings to warp your soldiers into favorable positions; garrison your melee fighters and release them right in front their cav, save your ranged fighters from their melee and release them on the far side etc. If you pull the slider for wounded units to a ~50% threshold it's much easier to save them. I would advise against fighting around fully garrisoned CCs etc. If you select the building and hover the cursor over the sword & shield icon you can see how many arrows they're firing; move out of sight and they will ungarrison. I like to have ten healers with me, if I pull my wounded units behind them I can save a lot of them. To protect my women they're generally working towards the back of my territory and have houses near them, a ring of houses around the fields etc. Having the loom greatly increases their chances of getting away, sometimes I use a "conga line" to save them (have them run to the nearest house, unload that house towards the next etc.). HTH
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