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Gurken Khan

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Gurken Khan last won the day on March 19

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  1. Do chariots really have to be that fat? Feels like many QoM (Quality of Misery) measures over time, en masse since RC2. Some trees or houses and my heroine isn't where she's supposed to half the time; here she's stuck on a citizen. It's agonizing to frequently watch my champions take the scenic route around a mountain or something...
  2. Crash. I think the pop-up error message read something like "texture not bound ... Vulkan", but I didn't see that at a glance in the logs... logs280325.zip
  3. lol, total opposite here. I always want the acknowledgement of my commands and play different music (currently Lofi Grizzly).
  4. Maybe we could at least name the specific tec belt and road initiative. I don't really believe it gives you an extra bonus but I will keep an eye on it.
  5. The Han still have Silk Road both as team bonus and as specific tec; if you research it you gain nothing but waste 1k res.
  6. The nanny bot. I thought it just scrambled the words (like "ยง$%&/!"), didn't know about the substitution.
  7. Hi @EasyEnzzo, welcome to the forums. Maybe the FAQ can help you: https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/FAQ#multiplayer
  8. I never encountered these in the game. Do you mean wolves instead of foxes? Agree. That's also why I'm fine with boars not attacking on their own; they used to, it was changed. Disagree. A lot of animals flee. I don't think it would be good if they were faster. Have you ever watched a camel rider chase a gazelle across half the map? It would only get worse. Disagree. Especially in the beginning they pose a real threat; with the uneven distribution they'd potentially seriously disadvantage a player. Agree. It was discussed before, guess nothing came of it.
  9. Hooray? Noticed the xp thing later. Guess I had them in the oven too long. Now I know, but I initially expected dudes who also could work... Do you have a suggestion?
  10. I wanted elite spearmen and now I have city guards. Why? What do I have to avoid to not loose more of my elite spearmen? I'd like an upgrade button instead of a conversion I didn't ask for.
  11. Yes, it's terrible. "Convert Infantry to Marian Legionaries" - infantry encompasses all pedestrian soldiers; if swordsmen are meant it should say that. "... and cavalry to Auxiliaries" - what cavalry and what the heck are auxiliaries? They're not in the structure tree. Neither is "conscript infantry".
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