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Everything posted by OptimusShepard

  1. The movement on Sahyadri Buttes is really bugged. I tested it with 30 horseman. Maybe such maps needs exceptions?
  2. He never specified which version he was trying to build, right? But as you said, A23b uses an older version, the current SVN a never version.
  3. It should be Spidermonkey 78. Seems to, that the general instructions are up to date, but not the Ubuntu specific ones.
  4. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions (Step 4) is fixing the crash which occurs when you start the game. The other bug doesn't occur on Linux that often. It's known as a slow-down, and speed-up bug. If you like, you can use this (https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3066) to fix it. Have a look on the main topic.
  5. Did you run "update-workspaces.sh" again? I guess you should. Else @wraitii might have an idea.
  6. Did you check the other dependencies too? I remember rustc is also new. I don't know, if there are some more new dependencies.
  7. You need to install libfmt. Look at the new build dependencies. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  8. Your graphics driver may have the feature "virtual super resolution". If you enable this, you can change the resolution for your Windows, and so the game resolution too.
  9. Not completely right. If you are using Windows and you have scaled your Windows, the game doesn't use the correct resolution. Than the game resolution is: resolution = Windows_resolution / Windows_scale You can solve this by changing the properties of pyrogenesis.exe properties -> Compatibility-> High-DPI settings -> enable "overwrite high DPI scaling"
  10. You need to install "libfmt-dev". The build instructions were updated a few days ago. Maybe you should check the other dependencies too. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  11. @django you're welcome I recommended a23b only, because it's needed, if you want to play multiplayer in the lobby. If you only want to play singleplayer, you can also use the newest svn version, so you can use such features like FXAA antialiasing, or sharpening
  12. @vladislavbelov could you help him please. I am not able to build this version on Linux either.
  13. I'm a bit confused, I was thinking, that the cache errors only occur on the new Threadripper 3000 series. I made a new workaround, which should prevent from crashing because of cache detection. But you would need to build the game by your own. Could you build it? The revision number of a23b is r21946. You need the new patch D3031. I'm not sure, if the Threadrippers always needs the patch D1789, but I guess, it shouldn't hurt to take this patch too.
  14. I guess, it's not the problem, that more than one of the guys has currently not the time, it's more who of them has currently not the time. Not everyone has the skills, to solve the last release blockers.
  15. Yep, like @Stan` said. With the current Zen2 based CPUs we get random slow-downs and speed-ups while playing the game. It's, like someone suddenly sets the game speed e.g. from 1 to 0,1 or 10. I don't have the skills, to review the patch, I only be able test it.
  16. I guess, that's not that easy, if you want to hire a person for this special problems. In general you need to find a person you can trust, the person needs the skills and also the code quality has to be good enough. Second, there is much conflict potential. There are many volunteers, which had worked thousands of hours in the last years for free. So why paying an external, new person instead of them? Third, one person wont be enough, as the code has to be reviewed, bevor it can be committed. If they only hire one person, this would be very inefficient, as he/she has always to wait, until someone has the time, to review the code.
  17. I think I have found an easy general solution. Skipping the validation. These data are only used for the hardware report. So a validation is not necessary needed. So here is the new patch. @Froschkoenig84 please test it, and tell me, if everything is working now. system.zip
  18. I add the patch D1789, hopefully it work system.zip If this doesn't work you may want to test this here. I hardcoded some parts, so another chance ^^ system.zip @Froschkoenig84 does it work for you?
  19. I add the patch D1789, hopefully it work system.zip If this doesn't work you may want to test this here. I hardcoded some parts, so another chance ^^ system_hardcoded.zip So ignoring this bug?
  20. I guess, test.exe wont work, because it's normally only available with the development (svn/git) version. I didn't delete all unnecessary files out of the folder.
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