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Everything posted by OptimusShepard

  1. If you haven't enough ressources for the upgrade, building etc. you can't get informations on right click. I have this allready discussed with @elexis. It's hard and much work to fix so maybe it won't be fixed.
  2. I have worked on my layout concept. Here it is. The resolution of the 4/3 area is 1024/768. You can see that the whole bottom UI is a little bit smaller than the old one, so the corners are empty. You can also see that I haven't made that much changes at the bottom panel. A UI which supports lower and higher resolutions isn't that easy. I also try to get the panel a little bit more minimalistic. Maybe someone of you have an idea which buttons can be taken to the menu? I've also made two styles, one cornered and one curved style. Focus was to get better ultra-widescreen support. The UI should stay to the middle and don't scaling with the wide.
  3. The only thing I can say is that I still working an a concept for a new ingame UI. Currently it looks like it become a little bit smaller than the old one. So maybe the usability for smaller resolution increases. But this isn't my focus.
  4. And maybe some cutting tree animations. And grass which is reacting while walking on it, like in Spellforce 3.
  5. Xander as a short form of Alexander? Or unexciting XXIV just because we can?
  6. The right drag means that you draw a line and your units will position on that. See https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1021
  7. This hotkeys are implemented in A23 which will released today or the next few days.
  8. The reason I've taken the wide is, that I want to show that the UI should placed to the middle. I'm a 21:9 user, and if the UI is placed to the corner like now, it's hard to use (see). I would agree with you. The buttons game-speed, trade, diplomacy and objectives could be placed around the minimap (on pos. 6 like wowgetoffyourcellphone had showen on page one. I also registrated that the idle worker and the diplomacy-colour button are missing).
  9. I have made a concept how the elements of the top panel could be placed. The idea was to place them static in the area of 4:3, also the elements are not depending to the borders, so that this GUI can be used for wider screens too. I also tryed to clean up and minimize the panel a little bit. The structure tree should be push into the main menu. I replaced the icons from the selections only with numbers. Illuminated number means this number is occupied. Sorry if it isn't that beautiful, I'm not an artist..
  10. Hello I'm from germany. I got the nickname Optimus after a misspelling from my teacher, Primen. And I really like the old Mass Effect trilogy
  11. The bolt shooter had a bug in A22 which is fixed in A23. They also get nerfed.
  12. Thx. Could you please also have a look on the minimap. On your designe it's fixed to the left border. May you could change the left side of it (minimap)? So if you change from 16:9 to 21:9 the map will stay more to the middle and is not fixed on the border. Everything which is fixed to the right or left border isn't very well for ultrawide resolution.
  13. Trample damage would be nice. That the cavallerie could run over the enemie infantrie. Like lotr the battle for middle earth (e.g. Youtube link 8:41). At the moment the cavallerie are they only could attack the border of the enemies formation. There could be trample damage for every kind of cavalerie and elephants. The spearmen should also get a bigger counter bonus against cavallerie.
  14. Really nice work. One request, could you please put the resources to the middle or find another place which is not on the side? I think if we redesigne the UI, we should also care about ultrawide displays like 21:9. The current UI doesn't support this well, its very incovenient if you strongly have to look to the left.
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