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Everything posted by OptimusShepard

  1. The game is not well threaded yet. So the game uses mostly only one thread. This why the CPU bottlenecks the game.
  2. Hm, as no one else have a Threadripper, no one can debug it. I have my self only a Ryzen. But maybe we could fix it anyway. The crashlog you posted in the other thread, was that the first one? With an Ryzen you can press continue (I think 3 times) until you are in the windowed game. Pressing continue will oberwrite the other crashreports. The first crash shows me (in my machine) something like "cache.validate". Do you get something like that, or did you break, so this was your first report?
  3. I guess the upcoming AMD APUs could be interesting for you, as you could safe the money for the graphics card. The specs seems to, that the 4400G will be between the current 3600/X. Release date is not given yet, but should be this summer.
  4. The current alpha 23b has some problems with the new Ryzen CPUs. First problem ist the correct hardware detection. This leads to an crash by starting the game. Second problem are random slowdowns and speedups while playing the game. Both problems will be addressed with the next alpha 24. Until than the game has to be individually patched. Follow the instructions below. Windows: Replace the files of %localappdata%\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\system by the files of system.zip system.zip Linux (and Windows self builder): Some of the distribution like Arch have already backported the patch (only Ryzen) for the first problem. To solve the second problem, or if your distribution hasn't backported, you need to build the game by yourself. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructionsGettingTheCode https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3031 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3066 (Linux) https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2726 (Windows) https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1789 (Threadripper) The revision number of a23b is r21946. If you have any further problems, feel free to open an new thread or to post on an existing thread. Every feedback is welcome.
  5. I guess you are using a Ryzen CPU?
  6. Grass doesn't grow faster when you pull it.
  7. I can't confirm this in generally. I had 1 Nvidia and 2 AMD cards in the last three years. Both drivers are stable. The only thing you should attend is not buy an AMD graphic cards nearly after release. AMD needs sometimes some time until everything is running fine (RX 5700 had some start Problems but now running fine). Nvidia has faster OpenGL drivers, but AMD has the better driver features. So on Windows it doesn't matter what you choose. If you running on Linux, your first choice should be AMD, as they have much better drivers than Nvidia. This is because AMD startet (I think since 2017), supporting the open source drivers.
  8. I can't confirm. I never changed this setting. Backround pause is always enabled, and I get this bug too. Maybe disabling this option will increase the possibility for the bug, I don't know.
  9. @Mr.lie could you maybe use the Ryzen patch anyway? Every feedback to fix the problem is welcome https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2726 If you are interested in sharpening filter, you maybe want also to test this patch. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2642 Btw, you said, you don't like fxaa. Did you test fxaa + sharpening filter? Only using fxaa without sharpening is for me to blurry too.
  10. You need to build the game by yourself. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructionsGettingTheCode You should also install this patch https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2726 If you want to play A23b (revision r21946), you need this patch too https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2353
  11. @vladislavbelov I guess, you have already heard about it, AMD has released some new graphical effects, called FidelityFX, in there GPUOpen initiative for free. I guess, they might be interesting for 0 A.D. https://gpuopen.com/effects/ https://github.com/GPUOpen-Effects/FidelityFX I was especially thinking, if "Stochastic Screen Space Reflections" could may improve our water reflections performance, and further, if it would be possible to use it for reflections at armors and weapons?
  12. Hold the mouse button pressed, move the mouse, than release the button. alt+d
  13. Yep, something like this. Is this a mod, or a mod faction of 0 A.D.? I have allways played the vanilla game.
  14. I like the current territory mechanics, but I also like the idea to have a single faction outside of this mechanics. I could thought a nomadic faction, which doesn't have territory. So they could build there buildings everywhere outside of other player territory. The malus would be, that conquered buldings will have no territory too. They will be also forced, to have person constantly stay in all buldings (a higher population limit, or cheaper units could be a possibility, to balance this). Another advantage would be, the possibilty for them, to package and rebuild there buildings. I think such faction, which is totaly different to other factions, could be realy interesting.
  15. Sure. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructionsGettingTheCode https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  16. I think he could use the svn and patch the first Ryzen patch? https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2353
  17. You can use the svn on Linux too. But I think it's not that interesting for him, as he wants to play multiplayer matches in the lobby. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructionsGettingTheCode https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  18. I guess you are currently playing with an outdated version. The current one should be 23b There is no limit on crossplaying.
  19. I have already updated it. Did you test it again @gameboy?
  20. To clarify, and to have a more detailed description and summary (maybe this could be interesting for Matt from AMD support). I have not tabbed out of the game. As, I said the slowdown occurs completely randomly. Sometimes you can play 1-2 matches without a problem, then in another match it occurs after one hour playing, yesterday on Linux it occurs directly after loading the map. So, I can't find a pattern here. When the slowdown occurs the fps display is frozen, that means it displays the last fps. As @Mr.lie said the fps could be very high, or even low, depending on the last situation. Defining slowdown, I would subjective (as I have no working fps display) say, there is no big fps drop. It's more like changing the game-speed (like the option in replays) from 1-times to 0.1-times speed. In difference to changing the game-speed in options, also the mouse-speed and the speed of moving the camera is dropping in the same way. As the slowdown occurs directly after loading the map, and it was my first match this day, overheating (throttling) could be definitive rejected as a possible reason. I' m using an 3700X in combination with an Alpenfoehn Brocken 3. From what we can say the problem is based to the Zen 2 CPUs, we also know the problem doesn't depend on the OS. A little workaround, which is only working rarely, is to pause and continue the game. But even it is working again, the slowdown will occur a few minutes later again.
  21. I had the same problem now on Linux I also noticed, that when the slowdown occurs, the fps display is frozen.
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