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Posts posted by Silier

  1. Hi, 
    there are some other things involved not just gather rates and training times.
    For example, very easy ai should not be able to enter city phase. It is not recapturing structures, it is bringing less siege to the fights.

    Easy and very easy ai is training less units for the attacks, but maybe thats not enough. It almost halfs the numbers.

    But probably it should be even less inteligent, e.g. not researching techs, maybe no market usage ?

    @wraitii thoughts ?

    • Like 1
  2. Hi @Arch Bot,
    dont know if you are still around.
    I gave your bot another try against my Kiara on mainland maps. I ran them both on medium, balanced.

    Your bot was pretty tough to beat because it outproduced mine at some point :) . Though, when I changed my strategy, two early cavalry rushes, set your bot back.
    I do not know if you plan to improve it more, but here are three things I noticed and you could improve:

    Your bot has quite a lot of women at the start, Kiara lost 8 cav and got 30 kills in one raid and just because she is dumm to keep cav alive ;).

    Your bot is sending women to the attack.

    After your bot lost cc, it did not try to rebuild it.

    I look forward for your update, it would be fun to do bot matches at some point.

  3. It is any technology which has autoResearch: true.
    for example for han town phase, you need to edit requirements line like this:

    	"genericName": "Town Phase",
    	"specificName": {
    		"han": "Zhèn"
    	"supersedes": "phase_village",
    	"replaces": ["phase_town"],
    	"description": "Advances from a quiet village to a large town.",
    	"cost": {"food": 0, "wood": 0, "stone": 0, "metal": 0, "glory": 0},
    	"requirements": {"all": [{"civ": "han"},{"entity": {"class": "ImperialCourt", "number": 1 }}]},
    	"autoResearch": true,
    	"requirementsTooltip": "Requires 1 Imperial Court to be built.",
    	"icon": "phase_town.png",
    	"researchTime": 0,
    	"tooltip": "Advance to Town Phase, which unlocks more structures and units. Territory radius for Civic Centers and vision range for units increased by +25%.",
    	"modifications": [
    		{"value": "TerritoryInfluence/Radius", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "CivCentre"},
    		{"value": "Vision/Range", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "CivCentre"},
    		{"value": "Vision/Range", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "Unit"},
    		{"value": "Cost/BuildTime", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"},
    		{"value": "Cost/Resources/coin", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"},
    		{"value": "Cost/Resources/glory", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"}
    	"soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_phase.xml"


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