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Everything posted by hyperion

  1. They are undocumented at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ParticleFormat. I just tried to do so but after trying to pass the the captcha about 20 times without success I give up
  2. You might have a much easier time using blender python api, there is also an importer for pyrogenesis https://github.com/stanleysweet/blender_pyrogenesis_importer If you want to write an app based on pyrogenesis I'd say dig into premake and study the ActorEditor for being a lot simpler than Atlas/ScenarioEditor
  3. You can also ask a moderator to split this thread or even submit a patch to phab if you think you have better implementation.
  4. The code needs to generate an endless list of names, could be bot1, bot2 and so on. The improved names here are only for role-playing purpose. If you don't provide an endless list you might break mods or add another thing that breaks should you increase max players. Tweaking the generator is an option but discussing this I consider off-topic (like most in this thread) so I stop here.
  5. As you are a single-player you can just delete the map if you dislike it that much. Or not that hard either, create a mod with an empty file maps/random/pompeii.json.DELETED
  6. Auto queue is just a hook to add stuff to the queue should it be empty, what is shown is basically just the pattern used for adding, not units already in the queue. Filling the queue based on the pattern binds the resources. The AI has already decided to spend the resources this way so binding doesn't matter either. You can also just calculate each round what the AI should do with their res and only queue a single batch if currently empty. In essence you would just run the same calculations over and over as the result wouldn't change. Sure you can mod the AI to be smarter but the autoqueue feature is pretty much useless for anybody but humans.
  7. If the name itself was "Themistocles II" ... Anyway not a bug a as you can't reasonably require sufficient names for any case.
  8. What you show as bot auto queue is just a regular queue. Basically the same you get if you queue up 6 batches a 2 manually. Auto queue for humans only makes sense because we forget sometimes to queue units but that is an issue the AI doesn't have. In light of that your question doesn't seem to make sense to me. Could you elaborate a bit more on what exactly you want.
  9. That's about page size (continuous blocks of memory similar to blocksize for hard disks), paging (or swapping in unix speak) moves pages between ram and hdd. Page size is about efficiency, to small means to much overhead and to large means waste of space. I can't find good docs either, but an article talking about it would be https://www.tomshardware.com/news/how-to-manage-virtual-memory-pagefile-windows-10,36929.html Unfortunately, the use of the term virtual memory in that article is again different than what virtual memory is about (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_memory for a somewhat decent introduction) and the statements about minimum and maximum size are almost certainly not true either but alas ...
  10. But only on a 64bit Windows. The 4GB are also referring to virtual memory and not ram per se. Using my numbers from before only 1.5GB would have to "live" in physical ram. After an arduous journey of convincing the search engine (tm) that I don't want to backup files I found it's called paging on Windows and the "swapfile" is called pagefile.sys and hidden and managed for you by default. While Linux just pretends the extra 5.5GB memory exists until it's used (true overcommit) Windows should be able to "page" it according to my understanding. Ofc the 32bit Windows build doesn't use 7GB virtual memory but it's pretty safe to assume that maximum of 4GB is just barely enough.
  11. Was based on svn before A26, closer to A25 I believe. The binary I deleted in the meantime but could be rebuilt, though might have to work around a certain python - sm issue. From my limited knowledge of Windows memory model, it allows sort of overcommit if backed by hdd, maybe sort of dynamic swap is a better term. For me 0ad typically takes about 7 GB of virtual memory on Linux 64bit and some 1.5 GB residential memory. Therefore I think it's very reasonable to assume that a 32bit builds will have trouble with the limited address space but a 64 bit build would work reasonably well with 4GB physical ram even on Windows. So I have no doubt that 32bit is an issue which people might run into occasionally, was just wondering if the last community mod might have moved the tipping point based on recent noise but according to @chrstgtr that doesn't seem to be the case. I think the last notable rise in requirements was with A24 and earlier version should be much less likely to run into this.
  12. There were quite a few threads beside this one and even bug reports recently. Sure this doesn't mean there must be a correlation. Once the game is at max pop there shouldn't be much of additional memory be needed based on game length tho unless there is a leak, so I wouldn't dismiss the possibility. Windows user are rare in my environment so I have not personally experienced this issue at all and hence I can't make any sensible statement of whether it having changed or not other than the frequency of reports.
  13. You can't reasonably do this with pure javascript. If you really need that feature CGUIText class is a reasonable starting point for digging into.
  14. Reports seems to have increased a lot since last community mod release, maybe try without. What should help a lot is reduced map size, less players or lower pop cap.
  15. That stage runs pyrogenesis which is only possible if pyrogenesis is built.
  16. You'd replace build/jenkins/dockerfiles/gcc7-docs.Dockerfile Pipeline to rebuild docker images but missing this one (maybe manually created): build/jenkins/pipelines/docker-reset.Jenkinsfile Pipeline generating docs: build/jenkins/pipelines/docker-docs.Jenkinsfile The ones in svn and running on the CI might not be fully in sync, @Stan` would know
  17. The example set aka the code demo set: binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct.dds binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_1.dds binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_damaged.png binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_damaged_heavy.png binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_damaged_heavy_norm.png binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_damaged_med.png binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_damaged_med_norm.png binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_damaged_norm.png binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_norm.png binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/kart_struct_spec.png As you can see there is one for each of no, light, medium, heavy damage.
  18. We still only have damage textures for cart after all those years
  19. The "Dockerfile"s for the CI are in the repo, so in principle you have access. Repology suggest buster comes with cmake-3.13. There is backports for buster and the Dockerfile could be updated to fetch or even build a newer release, tho that would probably need some broader consensus as that would mean we indirectly bump the requirements.
  20. Then just make sure the cmake version available on the CI is recent enough or can be updated for your needs.
  21. Yes, should be. The thing is that directive isn't really used. There are the classic // TODO and friends tho. You can try to run svn info to get the revision. Using a shell script might be easier than using cmake. The value added by cmake for a doxy target is not much anyway. There is no "git submodule" support in svn at all, tho github has an svn interface I wouldn't go down that path. A supposed build-docs.sh could simply fetch a tarball, at least in a first installment of such a script.
  22. Just some random comments: About licenses, a link to the license file is missing. Version should just be the revision or in case it can't be fetched "latest" or "trunk" will do Todo list should be migrated to the bug tracker I think if there is really something left in there of value Maybe add a wrapper script build-docs.sh to the repo to generate the docs, for local use and in the Jenkinsfile The stylesheet looks fine at a glance
  23. It's not even our own code but 3rd party, so I'd call it a bug introduced with vma. A patch would be welcome I'd say. About the stylesheet, I don't know, I like the purely functional touch of the original one but am not opposed to a different one either as long as its clean structure and information first. About policy, well there is some mention in the CC on the wiki I believe but it's down for me so can't check. But basically the javadoc alike syntax is used in source code and if you submit patches people will yell anyway if you got it wrong
  24. They are very different, if at all I think it isn't great that the same actor is used as a treasure and as "mine". Removing one of the templates seems more reasonable to me. @wowgetoffyourcellphone what is your take. Yes, it's inconsistent, the reason being early civ design, could be changed even tho it might break some third-party code.
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