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Everything posted by feneur

  1. Brightgalrs: Just a short piece of advice, calling someone an idiot is rarely going to make him listen to your points And when the person in question has got moderator privileges it can be dangerous too
  2. The preview is availabe on the 0 A.D. website too, in the Media section.
  3. Me neither I can't see any reason for this, so unless someone has got any objections I suggest that they are made viewable/readable for guests. The only reason I'm hesitating is if there was a reason for this in the first place. In any case I wouldn't place too much hope in getting more interest if the forum is made readable for guests, one needs to register to post in any case. But sure, it's worth trying unless there's some reason not to
  4. Makes me think about Bilbo You're not planning to go away on a long trip or something I hope Happy Birthday Michael Beautiful screenshot by the way, though it sure seems like you gave away a lot at the same time =) It is your birthday though so I guess it's ok
  5. Done with everything? If you think so then you don't know the Art Department I don't want to make fun of neither you nor the Art Department, but my experience is that in case there is the slightest amount of doubt the Art Department will seize the chance to improve on things Which is a good thing as skill naturally improves over the course of a project like this, but it also means that while all the art perhaps could have been done already, but not in a quality as good as the one we have now
  6. This is the main point exactly And to put it short I agree and hope we'll get more programmers with a lot of skill, free time, and a sense of responsibility To read a "slightly" longer text read on, but it says more or less that so there's no need to read it all The Art part is ahead but there's been a great deal of heroic deeds in the programming area, creating an engine as good as Pyrogenesis actually is, already, from scratch is no small thing. Especially since it's only been done in people's free time. I wouldn't say our programmers are amateurs though, unless you mean in the unpaid sense of the word , in a way I guess that's the problem. Our three main programmers are now working on their PhDs, which obviously takes up almost all of their time, and while we have some newer people, who contribute as much as they can, programming is certainly the main area where we're "weak" as it is now. Sadly, as there's a lot to do before we have the game we've been dreaming of. (Though I'm amazed time and time again at all the things this team have already accomplished, it's no coincidence that things look as good as they do in the screenshots after all. A lot of the magic is Michael's, but not all )
  7. As Michael said the territories are created automatically when several settlements are on the map. Maybe I'm just easily amused, but it's kinda fun to move the settlements around and see how the territory borders are redrawn Not something I do every day of course, but anyways =)
  8. Am glad I've never even thought about starting smoking, but this makes me even more convinced that smoking is something to stay away from. I found it interesting, and more than anything sad, that so many relatives still continued to smoke, even after seeing the effects so smoke. A powerful story, let's just hope it's powerful enough to make at least a few stop smoking.
  9. Pretty much correct yeah Or rather 100% correct in your assumption, but some small details have changed since that screenshot was taken, nothing special though. Deciding what/how much to make public is one of the more difficult decisions we have, as you say we need to make enough public to make the game interesting enough for people to want to join the team, but still keep enough "hidden" to still be interesting to future players. That's actually the major reason to make more things available on Moddb than here, since we assume that people who are just interested in playing the game one day will be more likely to just stay on this site. The people on Moddb on the other hand are probably more likely to be interested in the modding part, and perhaps might join the team.
  10. Hmm, wouldn't that give an unfair advantage to the winning team?
  11. The availability on different platforms will depend on if we have have programmers with access to a computer with the operating system. As things look now Mac will be supported, but as I cannot be sure things will be the same when the game is about to be released I cannot promise that it will be available on Mac from the start.
  12. Deep breaths, deep breaths, we are all your friends here. I was suggesting you'd take some deep breaths, but sure just wanted to be sure that you didn't mean any harm
  13. Would you please relax a bit? I'm seeing more strange acting in your post than his, so while I'm sure you have no bad intentions please think about what you say and keep a nice tone on the forums, if nothing else see it as a way to help in the development. A nice and friendly environment in the forums will at least not make people less likely to join the team or help in another way
  14. There have been quite a few updates actually, a history article and a whole bunch of screenshots, but true, we should post about it in the news. Thanks for reminding us.
  15. Well, as I said in another thread there are other ways to balance things than by merely the pop cap. And after all, this game isn't finished yet, so there's not much that would stop us from changing the elephants to take up more population if that's the only way to get balance
  16. Welcome to the Wildfire Games forums I hope you'll have fun here and learn something, and enjoy playing the game when it's released too of course
  17. Getting the word out would be appreciated in due time Does this lord of yours know any programmers with a lot of free time though, that would be highly appreciated at this time
  18. Just out of curiosity, why do you hate having mostly elite troops late in the game? Isn't it nice to have the best troops for the job?
  19. As the present look is not the final we have no intention to post screenshots of the editor at the moment. We have plans to change it quite a lot so the present simple look isn't representative of what we hope for Atlas to become.
  20. Ok, sounds good Seems like you know what you're doing.
  21. No new info perhaps? =) Cannot say we have an awful lot of programmers, and the programmers who are part of the team aren't able to be as active as before or too new to be able to do much all the time (there's a pretty steep learning curve with a project this size after all ). And also Michael, who's been most active of the non-programmers in committing are having computer troubles. But sure, it's sad that things aren't happening faster
  22. Interesting idea. I have a few questions and suggestions. With that large numer of troops, have you got any way to make it possible for the player to have an overview of all the troops and control them? Have you tried looking for people on GameDev.net? I'm sure you reach more people there than here on the Wildfire Games forums And I'm just a bit curious as to how more units would make a game more suited for grown-ups?
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