It would be cool to be in the Marines or the FBI those are my two top choices that are actually do able. But I would also want to be a professional athlete.
I would my purpose in life as in evreybodies is to die. People are made to die. It's only thing we know for certain which is going to happen. But otherwise, I would hope that my purpose would be to help mankind by discovering a cure for disease or invent a machine that makes life easier and better.
Hmmmm.. yours i pretty good. Don't think anything I could think of would be better than that. Let's see here... How about: The Passionate Pursuit of Posting.
I'd make a movie with no plot what-so-ever. Just make it really funny and have lots of fights, guns, cars, and explosians. That's all a movie really needs.
So far: Britney's gotten married, Jacko has gone wacko (more wacko I should say), and Ben and Jen got back together. So what do you guys think is next in this year of 2004?