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Everything posted by chichigrande

  1. I do baseball, football, and basketball. But at the moment currently in baseball season.
  2. LOL. Good one! Ya it sucks 21 for the legal drinking age, but when I become president it's all going to change.
  3. It would be cool to be in the Marines or the FBI those are my two top choices that are actually do able. But I would also want to be a professional athlete.
  4. Welcome!!! Hope to see you in the forums in the future.
  5. I would my purpose in life as in evreybodies is to die. People are made to die. It's only thing we know for certain which is going to happen. But otherwise, I would hope that my purpose would be to help mankind by discovering a cure for disease or invent a machine that makes life easier and better.
  6. I vote no. I just don't feel that this would be absolutely necissary.
  7. Ya, that one is great. "Why do you torture me Brian Henderson of 12 Maple Lane!" "Brian?*punch* Nice to meet you." (I watch to much TV)
  8. Welcome.Hope to see you in the forums in the future.
  9. Ya, I say we have to create a picture of some kind, like Black Hawk said a villiage or something. That would work pretty well I think.
  10. Hmmmm.. yours i pretty good. Don't think anything I could think of would be better than that. Let's see here... How about: The Passionate Pursuit of Posting.
  11. If you make 1 thing different in the world today what would it be. I would want to end communism throughout the world.
  12. Welcome!!! Hope you like it here at WFG. Hope to se you in the forums in the future.
  13. The real animal that scares me the most would be the Portugese Man Of War. It's weird fich thingy that is extremely poisonous. It looks scary too.
  14. I'd make a movie with no plot what-so-ever. Just make it really funny and have lots of fights, guns, cars, and explosians. That's all a movie really needs.
  15. Welcome to WFG. Hope to see yoiu in the forums on the future.
  16. So far: Britney's gotten married, Jacko has gone wacko (more wacko I should say), and Ben and Jen got back together. So what do you guys think is next in this year of 2004?
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