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Everything posted by chichigrande

  1. That would be cool, I'm always wondering if anyone is changing my rep, and assume other people are too. So, I think this is a great idea.
  2. I know this might be a little early but... What are your summer plans for the summer of '04? Me, I hope to go back east (New York) and see some relatives and go camping at Lopez (a lake where my family goes camping) and up in twin lakes (another place where we go camping) all in all I think it's going to be a good summer.
  3. I say have everyone vote for a certain amount of people, more like 3 than 5 though.
  4. Desmond "B" means it sucked, but you liked it. Mine would have to be the scary movie series. Those are hilarious.
  5. 800 postings... almost up to 1000 probally get to 1000 by the end of the month.
  6. Welcome. Hope you have a good time here at WFG.
  7. Ya, they would. Now let's get back on topic here.
  8. Ya, but we'd just bomb you again and then they would have nothing to fight for.
  9. Cause without them the Father get it any pleasure ( ), so it would be twice as worse.
  10. lol, That's me, steal your money and use it to bomb other countries.
  11. They're scary, especially when the father getrs them pissed and they take it out you.
  12. I'm really afraid of the evililystepmomin or the evil step mom
  13. MATTHEW m English, Biblical Pronounced: MATH-yoo English form of Matthaios, which was a Greek form of the Hebrew name Mattithyahu which meant "gift of YAHWEH". Saint Matthew, also called Levi, was one of the twelve apostles (a tax collector). He was supposedly the author of the first Gospel in the New Testament. HeHe that's me.
  14. Here's my pic. I'm the one on the very right. My Pic
  15. Welcome!! Hope you like here at WFG.
  16. I have gym every Monday-Friday for an hour. Then lots of time after school I lift weights or jump on my trampoline. Then on the weekends I play football, baseball, or basketball with my friends.
  17. It would be cool to be a gaurdian or something of that sort, but I think WFG is still really fun anyway.
  18. The best commercial i have ever seen would have to be the Budweiser commercials. One is you see this house and everybody is having fun partying, all the good stuff. Then you see the dog walk out the front door and into the woods. Then he's picked up by an alien spaceship and he reviels that he ws an alien in a dog costume. Then the leader asks the dog alien what he learned on Earth. Next, the dog alien sticks out his tongue and goes "WAZZZZZZUP" and about another 100 aliens do the same thing right after he does it.
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