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Everything posted by chichigrande

  1. Ya got Pats!!!! Did anyone tape. If they did just send me the halftime show
  2. Welcome!! I hope to see you in the forums in the future.
  3. LOL. I did go somewhere. WE went down to Malabu and some pretty fun stuff.
  4. I'm back. I didn't go to the superbowl I went on a retreat with my church.
  5. I'm going on vacation for Super Bowl Weekend and won;t be able to be back on until Sunday.
  6. Umm.... I was just wondering, what is this Great Donator?
  7. My biggest problems with school are: Homework. I don't see the nead to have to repeat everything we spent six and a half hours learning alreaddy. Waking Up Early: Waking up at 6:30 is way too early for me. I like bak in the glory day when we got to wake up at 8. How Long It Is: In both elementary and middle school we only had to go to school for 6 hours. Now in highschool there are 6 and a half hours of school. That half an hour makes a big difference.
  8. Ahh good job Tim. Hope you and the "Chief" start to get along better. That bathroom vandalism is a classic.
  9. I know where your coming from. Well, welcome to the forums.
  10. Yo Matt!! HEy my name is Matt too cool. Well Welcome to the forums!!
  11. A very bold statement, but this would belong in the HoI. Maybe you should start by introducing yourself.
  12. ROFL!! That's great. I think I'm going to have to copy you and pull this little stunt off when I grow old.
  13. Thanks for the headsup. I'll be sure to look out for it.
  14. I say get anything done that's needs to be done first. Complete the task at hand.
  15. I voted Gladiator. I was looking for a Master and Commander also, but didn't seem to find it. Hmph.
  16. I never saw the first one but it looked good from the previews. I'll be sure to check the second one out though.
  17. Desmond how can you like Malhotra. I hate the class. Not sayiing I dislike the teacher, but with her accent you can't understand what she's saying. And I think it's the worst class to start the day off with.
  18. Welcome!!! hope to see in the forums.
  19. Hello and welcome. Hope to see in the forums.
  20. I hope I never have to look at another scantron for the rest of my life.
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