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  • Location
    Sofia, Bulgaria

Ingold's Achievements


Sesquiplicarius (3/14)



  1. BTW Why don't I recieve the newsletter?
  2. Congrats for your pets!BTW Kittens RULE!
  3. My favourite holiday is Easter.It's the greatest Holiday for orthodox.
  4. I'm painting my LotR miniatures from GamesWorkshop and trying to write a book (don't laugh ,please).
  5. Making some friends and having a lot of fun on the forums!
  6. I laugh like a mad histerycal version of Santa...something like MWOHHOOHOOO...ho!
  7. Oh time to feel miserable again.Just like in shool....I weight ~85 kilograms...
  8. I wonder how will they get along the earths bunnys after they conquer us.Oh crap we are doomed...3 !
  9. Well there is one guy from my shool thats 14 years old and is tall aproximately...2.15 metres
  10. I'm 1.78 metres.If someone could turn it to inches it would be good.I'm too lazy...
  11. Congratulations!Use it wise! I also have Radeon 9200.It's very good.
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