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Posts posted by Sundiata

  1. 32 minutes ago, elexis said:

    I see 9 hidden posts

    29 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    My apologies Sundiata.

    I hid your post because I hid the few last posts. I did not see a reason to keep the quotes of the offensive posts and your educated answer would have a reason to be in the first place if that troll wasn't here.


    Thank you very much for the explanation Stan. My post was deleted while I could still see all of Glestul's posts for almost an hour... So I was like:




    29 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    I can show it again if you want but I'm not sure that's gonna help anything.

    I think It is important that you show it again, so that people can know exactly what was going on here. People often don't believe me if I tell them the sorts of things that are being hurled at me. Some people even think this kind of thinking is a thing of the past, or that I'm exaggerating, but I encounter it way too often, and people should know! I don't normally encounter it on the forum and in the lobby, which is why I always considered Wildfire Games and 0AD a "safe place". Show the quotes so that people know that this is the limit. Secondly, a shocking number of people actually believe in those things. My response clarifies why those things aren't true, and how wrong they are to think them, to help dissuade others from embarrassing themselves like that in the future. A lot of people aren't "racist", but have some really messed up ideas of what "Africa" is like. It's a big continent. Some places really suck. Other places are pretty awesome... People should understand that.

    • Like 3
  2. This was corrected, see following posts:



    Wow, who deleted my non-offensive and educational response, but left Glestul's lying comments intact?

    Are you people serious?

    This guy is accusing my people of supporting Al Qaeda, but I'm not allowed to clarify that "Akayida" is the local name of dance featured in a comical music video about a girl?

    I'm not allowed to rebuke the statement that we crucify cats and cut albinos into pieces?

    I'm not allowed to clarify that I am not a Muslim, but follow Christ? And that this doesn't matter to my muslim, jewish and atheist friends because we are grown ups who judge people by their character and actions and not their religion? 

    I'm not allowed to clarify that the majority of Sub Saharan Africa is Christian and that some of these Christian traditions date back more than 1,5 Millenia?

    etc, etc...

    Who deleted my comment and why? This is beyond belief...


  3. 6 minutes ago, Thorfinn the Shallow Minded said:

    Does anyone else think that this topic should be locked?

    My original question still stands. What message does it send to simply ignore this user. I know you shouldn't feed the trolls, but he has a platform in the lobby, and a platform in the forum. You need to shut him down, not the actual discussion about this kind of behaviour. 

    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    There are more than 35 000 types of recorded christianity types recorded to date, not one was developed in sub saharan africa.

    Obviously you cant if lobby trolling is a joke, it was but not for you as my audience.  

    Christianity became the state religion of the Kingdom of Axum (modern day Ethiopia) in the early 330's AD (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church). North African Christianity even dates to the 1st century. By the 6th century Christianity became the state religion of the Kingdoms of Makuria, Nobatia and Alodia (modern day Sudan). Actually, the Ethiopian Garima Gospels are one of the word's oldest Illuminated Christian manuscripts, "radiocarbon analysis samples from Garima 2 proposed a date of c. 390-570", and the country is dotted with hundreds of centuries old churches, still in use, alongside many thousands of new ones.. 


    7th- 14th century Faras Cathedral, Sudan:







    7th-11th century church of Banganarti, Sudan:





    6th century, Debre Damo monastery, Ethiopia (still in use):



    Lalibela 12th century monolithic rock hewn churches, Ethiopia (still in use):




    Garima Gospels, Ethiopia 4th - 7th Century




    Today about 40% of African people are Christian, the vast majority of them in Sub Saharan Africa. 


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    And now from religious aspect of racism on what my joke is based.  From religious standpoint there is an explanation why people are different looking as follows.

    When Noah landed his ship his son Ham @#$% raped him while he was drunk and as a punishment God made a skin of all his descendant black as a punishment and as a warning to others.

    This is apocryphal story from traditional aspect of christianity which i dont belive in .  But  you can read more online  yourself.

    apocryphal is the key word here...


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    So my joke is about evolution and racism. 

    Your "joke" was terrible, and why you felt the need to repeat it ten times over is beyond me. 


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    With that said i will say something, i know that most humans have abiltiy to blush. What is the function of blushing you can read yourself.

    But on an subsaharan african person  blushing cant be seen. So you as an expert can explain why that is.

    How old are you exactly? Blushing is caused by dilation of blood vessels near the skin, which causes more blood to pass through resulting in a reddish color. When your skin is very dark, it won't be noticeable, but when the skin is sufficiently light, it becomes noticeable, including among lighter skinned Sub Saharan Africans. How is this even remotely relevant?


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    why you have to react post garbage on my post. 

    Because your posts are garbage, like your grammar. 


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    Why dont you report that in your country everyone is cheernig on Al kaida, i dont take screen shots of what people type but you have said it to me that  being pro Al Kaida is normal in your country.

    Why dont you expand on that and enlighten 0ad community how in your country the whole nation dances and celebrates AL Kaida and terrorists. 


    so in future if you want tp upset 0ad community write about how in your country everyone celebrates AL Kaida, that will concern many people.


    Good Lord... Nobody is cheering on *Al Qaeda in my country, nor did I ever say that... We have a comical hit song by Guru called "AKAYIDA", which is the local name of a dance... 

    Comedic intro (and outro) by Kwadwo Nkansah aka Lil Wayne, actual song starts at 0:51 min. Enjoy :) (and turn up the bass) 

    Feel free to check the chatlogs, those who can, I explained this to him in the lobby as well.


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    I know what you are trying to do, you want to defame me because you are a muslim and i am a christian its that simple.

    I am not a Muslim. I follow Christ. I always have. I grew up among Christians, Muslims, Jews and Atheists, and they're all among the best people I know. Muslims, Christians and Jews all pray to the same god (even Christian Arabs refer to god as "Allah" as well, as it's just their word for god), and we all have like 99% the same prophets. Through language and culture we all interpret things differently, but only a fool leans upon the borders of his own misunderstanding.


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    Why not make a topic how in africa cats are crucified when they dont find christians or how albino children are  mutilated for body parts that are used in magic rituals, is that what you have to tolerate on daily bases besides extremist christian neighbors as  well ?

    I've never seen a crucified cat (and I suddenly realize I've had a racist encounter with you about a year ago as well). I've never even heard of that. Africa is an enormous continent with 1.2 Billion people spread across 54 countries. I'm sure somewhere someone is doing something to a cat, and that would be horrible, but do you really think nobody in Europe has ever abused a cat?? The persecution of Albinos in countries like Tanzania and Malawi is utterly deplorable, but it's literally on the other side of the continent, and is actively being fought against. Albinos walk openly and freely in the streets here in Ghana. I see them regularly and I've never seen them mistreated (they get teased at school sometimes, but that's pretty much it). Either way, I don't hold you accountable for every crime a European has ever committed. Why do you think it's ok to hold me accountable for the crimes of some people on the other side of my continent?    


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    anyways my comments are just a reactions on pisspool of players that constitute the 0ad community. 

    Then why are you still here, if we're just a "pisspool"?


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    Maybe you can explain how in africa you treat schizophrenia i would imagine with trappentation or has that changed  in modern times ?

    Euhm, no, we don't bore holes in people's skull when we think they are mad. Again, relevance? 


    10 hours ago, Glestul said:

    Anyway i am a young man studiying chritianity and if i discover that person like is also accepted by Jesusand can become christian then i will quit and find something else. 

    I think you still have a lot of studying to do... 

    • Like 2
  5. @Genava55 Sure, modern day artists will inevitably give it their own twist, and the more frightening sounds are definitely more suited for battle. But think about the variety of styles that are played on modern day instruments. Considering the variety of sounds the instrument can produce, I think there may have been an array of playing styles, depending on region and the context it's being played in. They probably had just as much a ritual use as a military one (speculation). 

    Have you seen this one?


    • Like 1
  6. Does the carnyx unit already have a dedicated sound? That terrifying trumpet like stuff is really awesome! Would add a lot of character (of course the amount of times they blow the carnyx should be limited because it could get quite distracting as well, although I suspect that was the whole point of it, alongside sending out coded commands and stuff)




    • Like 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, coworotel said:

    Are you guys also having problems to filter youtube search by "recent upload"?

    Yep, since that nutjob killed a bunch of innocent people half way around the world, youtube disabled the "upload date" filter on all content. Because... Reasons... But It should be back now... Works again for me at least.



    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, bubblebut said:

    Add this mod to mod list for linux. This install sucks.

    Welcome to the forum,

    1) Ask nicely, don't bark commands at people in the forum

    2) If you're the same bubblebut from the lobby, stop with the incessant profanities. It's in poor taste and It's against terms of service and terms of use, and can be followed by action. 

    • Like 3
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  9. 52 minutes ago, (-_-) said:

    fair usage

    There's no clause for fair use...


    53 minutes ago, (-_-) said:

    But that is not different from the state sites like Youtube are currently in. Where even singing a song yourself or picking up a song audio outside warrants a strike)

    Can't even filter videos by their upload date anymore... Apparently because of the New Zealand shooting. An absolutely horrific attack, no question about that, but what the New Zealand terror attacks have to do with me searching for the most recent uploads of 0AD content is beyond me... The views on "non-trending" channels are plummeting because people simply can't find the most recent content on the subjects that interest them. Anyway, there's a clear example of how the new internet environment is affecting 0AD, be it indirectly. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    Unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon, cause we haven't heard of him in a while.

    Indeed... But Alpha 24 isn't around the corner, is it? My fingers are still crossed for both the multithreading and and the graphics patch. I'm a hopeful kind of guy :) (and hope gets everything done, right? right? ok, I'll take a seat until I learn how to code graphics engines and multithread pathfinders and other complicated stuff like that. Perhaps in a few decades or so)

    Perhaps @aeonios is taking his name a little too serious :P 

    Maybe @Kuba386 needs to take a little time off from his kingly duties and finish the patch :P 


    The King of Kuba! King Kuba? Kuba are you a King? If you finish the patch you are! :) 



    • Haha 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, ffffffff said:

    these in addition with @aeonios graphics improvement patch and anti aliasing support +1!!!! anti aliasing maybe more important than anisotropic bc anisotropic filtering is working with nvidia/amd/intel cards/drivers at least. (but anti aliasing with nvidia/amd apparently not) =| @aeonios graphics patch so nice!!

    https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1486 (graphics improvement patch)

    I only playing now with @aeonios patch because its so awesome!

    Add Kuba's multithreading and we have a transformational experience for most players!

  12. 4 hours ago, Monder87 said:

    To give a more Trading Dimension i decided to divide all the game Economy in Cities Economies,



    4 hours ago, Monder87 said:

    About cities names i need help, i want to keep all the names historically correct, so if someone with good historical knowledge  can provide me at least 10 name of city for each Civ, so far i just added 10 name of Carthage Civ , i even not sure are correct. Thanks

    For Kush at least, I can provide the following names of some of the most important cities during 0AD's timeframe (archaeological sites containing the excavated remains of one or more of the following: City/Royal Palace/Amun Temple/Royal Necropolis), followed by the historical name, where known:

    • Napata (Npt/Napita) 
    • Meroë (Medewi/Birawe)
    • Naqa (Tolkte/twjlkt)
    • Kawa (Gematon/Gempaten)
    • Tabo (Pnubs)
    • Sanam 
    • Dangeil 
    • Basa
    • Sedeinga
    • Sonijat (Tergedus) 
    • Muweis
    • Karanog (Premnis/Pedeme)
    • Dakka (Pselchis/Pselqet)
    • Hamadab 
    • Amara East 
    • Like 3
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  13. I just want to make some on-topic clarifications again because the discussion is indeed veering of into something different.

    3 hours ago, Sundiata said:

    The terms of use are clear.


    african people were created by satan

    africans were created by the devil

    satanic entities have twisted some monkeys and created africans

    africans don't have souls

    As I said, this is just a small part of the rant in question and he must have repeated those statements and variations of it several times over. The previous time I saw him ranting it lasted even longer and went into sexist, Islamophobic and again anti-African territory, with no action taken whatsoever (and I tried notifying moderators several times then as well)

    I notified user1 several times in the lobby and even informed, right then and there in the lobby that I will make a post about this in the forum as I was unhappy about the course of events leading up to the mute of pesem, not because some BS threshold had been exceeded, but because he started personally attacking another lobby member. 

    The misunderstanding is a difference in what is deemed acceptable conduct in the lobby, as pesem has clearly been at it for a while, and rather than clarifying whatever action was supposedly being taken, the moderator in question took the time to give me an illogical and dismissive response instead. 

    I could have just laughed this whole thing off. I still want to. And if it was one on one, I probably would have done just that. But in a public lobby where African kids or kids of African descent may well be reading along (let alone everyone else), for god knows how long, is honestly horrifying to me. Even kids can read between the lines... This isn't about politics or freedom of speech or moderators having to babysit manchildren. As a child I've had to physically defend myself against violent and unprovoked attacks by people espousing such rhetoric. I've faced dogs, rocks, sticks, fists, feet, spit and more, by people screaming those kind of things at me, and I'm not someone who ever picked a fight or looked for trouble. I'm also not the only person with such experiences. So excuse me if I'm a little sensitive about this. There are still people loosing their lives and their minds because of this rhetoric. pesem and his kind bring up some really bad memories for me, and others as well. It kills me that kids still have to face this nonsense today. It also kills me to have to explain where this rhetoric leads to. They're not just "words". That kind of rhetoric is a weapon.    


    • Like 4
  14. The terms of use are clear.

    User1's "responses" were insultingly dismissive. I would have never made an issue out of this if Pesem was simply muted or banned for his overt extremism, but he wasn't! He was eventually muted because he simply insulted someone else (not race related). The message was loud and clear. Insulting Africans for soulless satan monkeys is fine. Insulting non-Africans is not. THAT'S my problem...

    I don't care if moderators receive flack for banning people simply because they wanted to play a multiplayer game with some friends on the same network and I don't care if moderators receive flack for banning or muting people for mild swearwords. There's a lot of edge cases that are dealt with ruthlessly, but hardcore racism, bigotry and sexism.... Nah, that's fine... That's what's shocking to me, and that's the reason I made this post. 

    After asking around a bit, Pesem seems to be a regular, and his behaviour is well known to other players. The previous time I saw him spewing bigoted and sexist rants, there was no disciplinary action whatsoever either. Hence the question: how long has this been going on?

    This is not an edge case, and as I said earlier, I feel embarrassed and disappointed that this needs to be pointed out. Where I'm from, Hate Speech and Defamation are criminal offenses...

    • Like 6
  15. 1 hour ago, Gurken Khan said:

    I find it hard to believe that a mod would look at those racist rants and just let it continue. What was @user1thinking?

    Yeah, the psychotic rant was one thing... But the idea that African satanic monkey talk was deemed appropriate lobby chat had me like:






    2 hours ago, LordGood said:

    If these bans are included in moderator arsenals they should not be used lightly.

    Who knows, a moderator might have decided to shadow ban me because I was annoying him with my desire to be addressed as a human being, so I sort of understand what you mean. With great power comes great responsibility, and not every moderator might be ready for that. 


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  16. I've had this sort of thing a number of times before, but I really can't be bothered to report it. It's not worth it and it's really not much of a problem, normally. But this guy... Jeez... 

    We now have downloads from almost every African country. Imagine opening the MP lobby for the first time, only to find Pesem's ranting... 

    Oh, and he hates muslims too, but I guess that was a given...

    • Like 2
  17. Sorry to be a snitch/not sorry, but there is a limit to things.

    I ignore this type of unprovoked bigotry and racism in the vast majority of cases. But it's a bit different if it's deemed acceptable for a regular visitor of the Multiplayer Lobby to use the crowded lobby to espouse overt religious extremism, spamming out any normal discussion people might be having, and then out of the blue turns it into a heavy racial rant as well.

    Read pesem's messages. There's a limit...


    I want to clarify very clearly that this is only a small part of a much larger rant that went on for a while. It wasn't provoked either. He just joined the lobby and started ranting about how only Jesus can save us. I guess he saw me online, and decided to go all anti-African... What kind of Christianity is that? 

    I had one previous encounter with him, the time before last, when he was ranting even longer about Jesus, and that women in tight dresses were the devil trying to tempt us and blablabla... I asked him if he always does that in the lobby and the ranting became even worse. 

    @Hannibal_Barca eventually muted him this time because he launched personal attacks. But here's my second problem. I originally asked if there were moderators online and @user1 responded. I asked him to ban the account based on the considerable rant he could read for himself, but he just ignored me and left again. The racist ranting continued unabated, and I notified user1 again, and told him that kids play this game. His astonishing answer was that you needed to be at least 13 years old to play, and promptly left again, further ignoring me. The racist ranting continued. So what is he saying? 13 year olds aren't kids? Hardcore racism is perfectly fine in the lobby? I should stop bothering him? 

    How long has this nonsense been going on? Kids play this game... Africans play this game... Other non-supremacists play this game... I don't know if Pesem is a schizophrenic mad man or if he's just a super troll. I honestly don't care. This behaviour should never be tolerated, and I feel embarrassed to have to make a post about this. I'm disappointed that such behaviour is deemed acceptable, and expect this to end. Religious extremism, racism and sexism have no place in a multiplayer lobby where people get banned/muted for way less. I have to deal with Christian extremist neighbours in real life, and faced more racism (actual violence) than anyone should have to in their life. I'm going to throw one hell of a tantrum if I have to tolerate it in the lobby as well. I go there to relax. Not to find out that in fact, I'm a soulless monkey created by satan.     


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