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Posts posted by Sundiata

  1. 52 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    You are welcome. My goal is and I guess will always be making 0 A.D. an enjoyable experience for the players. So I can give back what was given to me when I played videogames. 

    I believe players have the right to know what is going on however sad it might be.

    We thank you!

    Over the years (even before joining the forum) I've noticed 0AD's development go through these cycles of crisis alternated by major development spurts... People will always come and go. It's a great game and an even greater project! I just hope we don't have to wait too long for someone to pick up AI development again. It's already evolved by leaps and bounds over the past few years already, but isn't quite there yet.. 

    Anybody know why exactly @mimo left, and if he'll ever come back? 

    • Like 2
  2. 58 minutes ago, Darling-Lee said:

    Anyone can Help me?I play 0ad on my Mac ,and the 0ad version is 0.0.23.I downloaded this mod and click enable mod it notified me that dependency not met:0ad=0.0.23,but why?!

    Did you download "Rise of the East Mod"? 

    If you want to play with the Han Chinese (and Xiongnu and Zapotecs as well), you need to download "Terra Magna", from the in-game mod downloader (mod.io), by clicking "download mods" at the bottom of the mod selection screen.

    "Delenda Est" also has the Chinese.

  3. 46 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

    graphics card app is.

    I don't know what that is. Even when I google it for mac, I can't see anything... 


    46 minutes ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:


    I've played computer games my whole life, but I've never considered myself a gamer. In the real world I have gamer friends, and I'm definitely not in that category. I'm as casual as it gets. I never had money to buy a lot of games, and when I started working, gaming wasn't on the list of things I wanted to spend my money on. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with it if someone wants to spend all their extra cash on it, I just never did. I also don't like the industry itself so why finance them? One of the many reasons I like 0AD. Because there's no money involved. I did play a bunch of less than legal versions of the iconic RTS and city builder games and played an unholy amount of hours on friends' computers back in the day too, lol. 

    Either way, forgive my noobness, for I really am a noob, and I've never hid it. In fact, I embrace it! I'm a filthy casual and I love it! That's also one of the reasons why I'm active on the forums. There's a huge number of casual gamers enjoying 0AD for good reason. It's good fun! But we casuals don't have a voice, because were too in awe by the presence of all these pro's and are too shy to say that we can't figure out our non existent settings on our systems (a lot of macs have one graphics system, or something...), so I'm here to give a voice to the voiceless! We casuals would like some anti aliasing in-game, because we're too dense to figure out our gpu's graphics settings :) 

    • Like 3
  4. 30 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    Okay. So ReShade is an external software (Windows only AFAIK (Linux with trickery)) that injects Shaders (Postprocessing effects if you will, so basically the game computes an image Shaders change it by applying different kind of filters) into the computer memory to alter the game display.

     AFAIK no one has tried to take their shaders and put it into our game. So you'd need someone to do that first. And secondly someone else from the team to review that.

    Thanks for taking the time to explain, I appreciate it! 

    I understand very little about the technical aspects of this all, but as a 0AD player, I definitely feel the absence of these things, which are now considered standard in the gaming world, especially anti aliasing. All of my screenshots have noticeable aliasing, and when you zoom in just a little, it's impossible not to see. This also means that even a modest crop of the screen amplifies the effect noticeably. 

    I didn't even know what anisotropic filtering was, but I definitely noticed that sort of blurring fuzzy effect on textures at strong angles. 

    I'm not expecting anything to be done about it ASAP or anything, I know everyone is overworked. Just adding my voice to the group of people who think it's definitely worth it, as I think that some people don't consider it important. But it's basically something that makes everything look twice as sharp... 

  5. 2 hours ago, stanislas69 said:

    Siramods ?


    2 hours ago, stanislas69 said:

     Probably nothing got reviewed so nothing got committed :) Thats because Aeonios patches are too big to be committed as is :)


    What does that mean exactly? All the work is done, but it won't be added to the game, because no one can go through it all? 

    Sorry for my typical off-topicness, I'll stop now. 

    @LordGood That looks so nice...

  6. 7 hours ago, nani said:

    0 AD textures also suffer alot from the lack of anisotropic filtering, lots of detail gets blurred.

    I just learnt a new word :) 

    Anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing would do absolute wonders! Whatever happened to the anti-aliasing solution Siramods came up with? It looked amazing! Currently the vast majority of screenshots have terrible aliasing, including some of the official promo screens that float around the internet... 

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, LordGood said:

    I have a feeling you're wildly overestimating the required foliage density.

    I was going for the denser types of ferns, like the ones I'm used to from the forests in Belgium (especially in the Ardennes), kind of like these:




    But yeah, as you see, I'm having trouble keeping even simple stuff low poly... I hate it when something only looks good from a specific angle. 

    Without the doubled geometry to counteract backface culling it would be 50 tris. Still too high? 

  8. 4 minutes ago, borg- said:

    The most difficult faction to balance is Ptolemaic, for having free houses/store, among other things.

    But why do they have free houses to begin with? It should be removed in my opinion (also in vanilla, especially in vanilla). Cheap houses, sure, no problem... But free houses doesn't make any sense... 

  9. 1 minute ago, stanislas69 said:

    Does theater works as a generic name or does it have to be assembly of princes which seem more related to the event than to the building

    I'd personally prefer "assembly", or "assembly of princes". The term "theater" might be confusing to players, as they might thinks it's like a Greek theatre...  

    • Like 2
  10. 33 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    No such guys right now :/ Nobody in the team is actively working on balancing, but you guys know that right ?

    Nope, I did not. I know virtually nothing about how the team operates or makes decisions... I see Borg is doing a lot of work with his balance mod, which has so far received a ton of positive feedback, so I assumed the team was looking at that, and deciding which parts to add to vanilla...    

  11. And one extra, a little mythology: Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons, by Alan Lee. Both riders wearing Thracian equipment.



    In the five book epic Aethiopis, which was part of the Epic Cycle (or Cycle of Troy) on the Trojan War, the coming to Troy of Penthesilea and Memnon was described in detail.[1] The Aethiopis was published in the 8th century BC and is attributed to Arctinus of Miletus. The main character of the epic is Achilles, who fights Penthesilea and Memnon before he is himself killed. Although Aethiopis has been lost, the Epic Cycle has been adapted and recycled in different periods of the classical age. The tradition of retelling the epic fall of Troy is indebted to Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, which were grounded in oral storytellingand were only written down when the Greek alphabet was adopted in ancient Greece.[2]

    In the Aethiopis Penthesilea is a Thracian woman warrior. She was an Amazon and daughter of Ares, who comes to help the Trojans. She arrived with 12 other Amazon warriors. After a day of distinguishing herself on the battlefield, Penthesilea confronts Achilles. Achilles kills her, but after taking off her helmet, he falls in love with her.[3] Thersites rebukes Achilles for having fallen in love. Thersites is killed by Achilles, who travelles to the island of Lesbos to be purified before returning to Troy and fighting Memnon.[4]

    According to Homer, the Trojan king Priam had fought the Amazons in his youth on the Sangarius River in Phrygia, some 350 miles east of Troy. Later writers of the antiquity located Amazons geographically in Anatolia and started an epic tradition where Greek heroes, such as Heracles and Theseus, fought an Amazon warrior of distinction.[5] The Aethiopis version of the Penthesilea legend has become known as the Homeric tradition.[6]


    Achilles kills the Queen :( 

    • Like 1
  12. Thracian art references:


    First, some frescoes:



    Shield patterns:



    Artist reconstructions:



    I'm not sure wether this is supposed to depict a real place, but the walls look like Seuthopolis (above): 



    The country side is a little more rustic:






    Elites enjoying the good life...



    That's gotta hurt



    "It's a trap!"



    Epic archery is epic. No quiver, he only needs 1 arrow...



    Priest dude is pouring blood into the fire, because why not? 



    Never go to battle with a hangover... 








    I know it's just a painting, but it's strange how uncomfortable this image makes me feel... 



    "El Rey tracio Rhoemetalces I"




    • Like 2
  13. 13 hours ago, Glestul said:

    Its just semantics , point is that units in phase three should kill units from phase one with ease like a hot knife through a butter.

    Not when they're upgraded and experienced... This isn't a fantasy game. Of course there are plenty of abstractions, but 20 dudes cutting down a 100 upgraded veterans like a hot knife through butter sounds like something that belongs in mythology, not history. 

    It sounds like you just lost a match because someone spammed harder than you. Making champions more powerful isn't going to change that. It just changes which units get spammed. I'm not saying that champions couldn't use a little buff, but nothing like the way you present it. 100 experienced veterans vs 20 pretty boy champions? Those pretty boys should loose...

    Also, the difference between citizen soldiers and peasants is not semantics...

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Glestul said:

    Peasant is a guy who works on a field for living and champ is payed trained soldier who trains combat skill 8 hours a day

    Dude... There are no peasants in the game. Those citizen soldiers usually represent the upper sections of society and formed the backbone of many ancient armies. They're not peasants. Many of them owned peasants. 

    I for one would LOVE to have generic peasants for each civ, but it's not a thing right now.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Glestul said:

    Yes peasants should fight other peasants but not champs, so if both players do mass peasants there is no difference , but if one player go fast for phase three and make some 10 champs he should have advantage over a player who is still in phase one with mass of peasants. 

    i will explain it in allegory, lets imagine  peasants are warriors with bows and champs are warriors with muskets, no matter how big the number of bowmen is, they will never defeat a small group of musketeers, thats how i want the game to be. 

    Going to phase three should enable a significant advantage over a player who is still in phase one.

    What peasants??


    These guys own peasants! Well, at least some of them... 

    • Like 1
  16. 16 minutes ago, stanislas69 said:

    To be honest it's because I don't play the game enough to have a say in balancing.

    I think mostly the historians in conjunction with the artists should be deciding civ specific building rosters. Same for units... It's up to the balance guys make it work. Of course if something breaks the game, it's a no no, but having accurate and relevant structures and units is not something that should ever be able to break the game... We should be able to make the most of what made a civilization or a culture unique. Otherwise the factions are going to feel like generic re-skins of each other.

    The theatron looks really great by the way! 

  17. 23 hours ago, LordGood said:

    I captured the whole awful process

    There's a couple of pretty memorable quotes in there, like:

    "Tadaaa, there it is, now you can go home"

    "I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but if you wing it hard enough, you can do anything"

    "This is truly an awful program"

    "Yo, this is where we get whack!"

    "Is that detailed enough for ya Stan?"

    "I've got to piss like a Russian race horse"

    "If you wanted a tutorial, you should have asked for a tutorial. Please don't ask for a tutorial..." :lmao:

    That last one killed me, because I did actually ask for a tutorial, and you definitely delivered a tutorial... Of sorts... :P Thanks man! 


    Anyway, I'm trying... Not quite succeeding, but trying nonetheless... Acacia attempt 3...


    In Dutch, we would say: "Schoon van ver, maar verre van schoon", which roughly translates into "pretty from afar, but far from pretty"...

    I have two main problems I see, which is that the geometry of the branches sucks from up close. They're just bent plains (2 bends). And the tris count is getting too high 700 tris, and none of the faces have been doubled with flipped normals to counteract the backface culling, which would increase the tris count to 1200...

    By the way, why can't backface culling be disabled for trees? Because doubling the branches/leaves to counteract it, essentially doubles the geometry for trees, doesn't it? Is rendering two faces of a single polygon really more "expensive" than rendering 2 separate one sided polygons?  

    Anyway, close up of the ugly:



    One thing I did like about my attempt, is the detail in the acacia specific texture (512x512). Which is why I decided to post anyway:



    I'll probably get back to my flora modeling attempts at some time in the future, but for now, if anyone more skilled than me feels compelled to give the acacia a go, here's the CC0 texture I made using wikimedia CC0 images. It was pretty tedious to manually separate the leaves, but with a few adjustments, it would look pretty good, I think...



    And here's a previous version:



    Used for this attampt:


    • Like 8
  18. 12 hours ago, Diatryma said:

    I  have question this temple shinning  like the Egyptian pyramids? I mean by reflecting the sun.

    The temple was built from sandstone and fired brick, which was then plastered with white lime plaster. In the 6th image of the references you can still clearly see the patchy remains of the 2000 year old plaster. So yes, this temple, like most, if not all Kushite temples, palaces and elite residences in other royal cities like Naqa, Basa, Muweis and others would have been gleaming white under the Sudanese sun (or broken white because of all the sand). Some of the Egyptian pyramids looked white because of the polished limestone they used (limestone is very rare in Nubia).


    7 hours ago, stanislas69 said:

    Nice work Sundiata. Keep it up and you might be one of us one day :)

    Hahaha, lol... Why do I get this ominous feeling?


    7 hours ago, LordGood said:

    Hey sundiata see if you can get it in the engine, that way you get familiar with the process and can start cranking out new civs for TM :p

    Like this, right? https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Basic3DImplementation



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