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Everything posted by balduin

  1. @Lion.Kanzen Do I understand that correct. @wowgetoffyourcellphone quit developing Delenda Est, because of this topic here: As a conclusion the warning message is not a mistake?
  2. @Rahman 535 Sure, from a technical perspective it could be possible to make such a modification. However, if you look at the Kushites Mod or other mods you can see that the person who came up with the idea put significant efforts into research, art and/or development into the game. In short if you are interested in a Dynasty Umayyah Cordoba mod start helping to create the mod with your talents.
  3. Hello, when I go to the Moddb page of Delenda Est I see the following warning in red on top of the page: "The mod you are trying to view has ceased development and consequently been archived. If you are a member of this mod, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to date with the latest news, images, videos and downloads, please contact us with all details and we will consider its re-activation." @wowgetoffyourcellphone is that a misunderstanding? I was under the impression Delenda Est is one of the most active mods of 0 A.D.
  4. @Sundiata I found a source which mentions that the Kushites used poison on there arrowheads: Source: http://bmssancientcivilizations.wikispaces.com/African+Kingdoms @Zophim found a better source in this comment: The following Wikipedia article references the same source as @Zophim : Sudanic fighting forces versus Persian, Roman and Islamic forces Do you think the poisoned arrows should be in the game?
  5. @Hannibal_Barca Where do you keep the source code, models and files for the Vox Populi mode? Do you have Github repository for the mod?
  6. @Sundiata The sound of the pyramids sounds metallic, whereas the background sound and the other sounds are kind of chill. The sound does not fit the atmosphere. Every time I clicked on a pyramid, I thought I am getting attacked and started looking around the map. I like "Apedemak's War Elephants" as a name for the Kushite war elephants. As far as I know the Celts (Gauls, Iberians or Britons) have a couple of embassies. Where you can recruit 'foreign' units. I think it would be nice to have cheap mercs instead of having a ton of units which can be recruited from the barracks. I think it is worth a try, especially because Vox Populli is a mod and not the main game. I understand the path finding issue. I like the idea of having "narrow" gates which do not allow siege weapons to pass. However, kushite war elephants should be able to pass. The Kushite war elephants have similar dimensions like war chariots of other fractions. But I think, the Kushite war elephants are based on the Ptolemaic war elephant model. Obviously, those are too big to go through a "narrow" gate. The hero Natasan should not be able to pass through the "narrow" gate. In my opinion there should not be a "regular" gate. Yes, the outpost is the same for every civ and that is okay for most civ's. However, I think the Kushites would have build something different, like a high mud brick tower or something like that. @Sundiata what do you think of an earlier version of a modern Suandese minaret. I found a picture from a mosque in Khartoum: Farouk's Mosque . The minaret of the mosque looks more African/Kushite then Arabic. Maybe you have a better idea.
  7. @Hannibal_Barca They currently have chicken and goats. I would remove the chicken. Keep the goats, because this is accurate and introduce the Sanga cattle. I don't understand the last part of your sentence: "sheep-time-food ratio". What is the sheep-time-food ratio?
  8. I just played the Kushites, overall good work. However, there are a couple of things which could be improved. Errors: The Naptan Temple Guard has the wrong preview picture. It is confusing to see the Ptolemaic guard picture, but African looking units. The sound of the pyramids is just annoying. Should be replaced by some African sound which better fits the atmosphere. The name for the elephants should be African bush elephant. The current name suggests those elephants are imported from Eritrea. @Sundiata What do you think? The sound for the land traders is currently the sound for the Ptolemaic camel traders. Donkeys just don't sound like camels Please change that. Improvments: Nuba should be trained in a separate building. They should be trained from a tribe house or something like that. There are two javelin throwing units which can be trained from the barracks. I think it would be better to have only the Nuba unit, which can throw javelins, and remove the African Bushman. The preferred weapon of the Kushites was the bow. Requiring the mount technology to have Naptan heavy and light cavalry is maybe not a good idea. The problem I run into was, that I did not know what "mounts" are and that it actually refers to the "mount" technology in the blacksmith. I figured that out in the very last phase of the game. The Kushites have one very interesting difference to most other cultures. They made very small and narrow gates. See figure 35 and 36 in this post:The current gates are huge wooden gates. Basically the opposite of what the historic Kushites would have build. The Kushites do not have small walls. However, I think it would be nice to have small and cheap mud brick walls. The mud brick walls should cost a couple of stones and should not be very strong. For inspiration see figure 32 "Cerimonial walls in Musawwarat es Sufra" in this post: One of the most important sources of meat and milk for the Kushites have been/are (modern Dinka): Sanga cattles. Sanga cattles can be found in several pictures: figure 27, figure 49, figure 50 and figure 52 show Sanga cattles. I think it would be nice if the Kushites could breed Sanga cattles. The cost for breeding Sanga cattles should be 300 meat and they should return 400 meat. A technology, which can be develop, should reduce the breeding cost to 200 meat. The cost could be adjusted later if it causes balancing issues. Furthermore, it would be interesting to create a Kushite looking outpost instead of using the standard model. @Sundiata what do you think about that?
  9. @Sundiata are the Kushites complete in Delenta Est and Vox Populi? Is there anything left in the unit, building or tech tree which is not in either of the two mods?
  10. @niektb Thanks for asking. I would like to see the Kushites in an alpha version in the next release of 0 A.D./TM. I think @Sundiata, @LordGood and other contributors made a lot of progress on the content and models. I think we can have a alpha version of the Kushites until the release of 23 in TM.
  11. @Sundiata Regarding drawing of pictures, did you look at Krita? It is a free and open source tool for drawing artists. I am not an artist, but I think it is very helpful. In addition, it is always nice to see if people are able to produce content for open source projects with free and open source tools.
  12. @Sundiata Good work regarding researching all those information about elephants. You provided some evidence about how they where used: "But against their centre, which he heard was the strongest, he set himself and his elephants with towers on their backs, together with the men-at-arms of the Blemmyes and the Seres, whom he instructed what they should do when they came to fight." However, it does not say anything about how they influenced the battle. Did the Kushites use those elephants to scare or to fight? Where they used against specific units, for example against cavalry? Having those additional information would help to make the war elephants of the Kushites even more accurate. But the results of your research will make the Kushite war elephants already very unique :-)
  13. @stanislas69 You do a lot of work on 0 A.D. and if you are a student, maybe there are better ways to make sure you receive some financial support or stipends. Some people use various ways of crowdsourcing, such as Kickstarter, Patreon and others. Google Summer of Code and Gnome Outreachy might apply to you. However, if nothing applies to you, then maybe there is a way to create a program which is more specific to 0 A.D. or open source games in general. The problem with most of the existing programs is, that they apply mostly for programmers.
  14. I think the best way to clear any CC-BY-SA violations is to talk to the commercial game developers and point out what they have to do to be in compliance with the CC-BY-SA license. For example, make them aware, that they have to give credit to the creator or creators of CC-BY or CC-BY-SA licensed art and models.
  15. @stanislas69 that is nice. What is the name of or the link to that file?
  16. Calling a single map India is a little bit confusing. India has many different landscapes from mountains, to deserts, to forest and sea areas. Maybe it would be better to name the India map after a specific area.
  17. @wowgetoffyourcellphone thanks for the helpful insights.
  18. The first step in creating a new civilization is to create a unit, building and technology roaster. This roaster is also called civilization tree. The following link points to an example roaster for the Spartans: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Civ%3A_Spartans The remaining question however is: how to balance the resource costs, life points, attack and defense points of units and buildings? Is this just made by try and error or is there any method to calculate all those factors?
  19. @wowgetoffyourcellphone We are currently in the process to in deciding upon the unit roaster. However, we go the other way around -> first gathering references and afterwards deciding which units should be in the game. We choose this method, because you cannot find easily material regarding the kushites. @Sundiata does outstanding work in finding high quality references. We now have most of the units for the village phase. The unit roaster for the Kushites will be: Archer -> Nubian Bowmen Spearman -> Nubian Spearman Worker Woman Fishing Boat -> dugout canoe Ranged Cavalry? Horse or camel mounted? Javelin or archer? @Sundiata what do you think should be the Ranged Cavalry? I was thinking about a horse mounted archer.
  20. @Sundiata You shared the following: "I will now repost a number of higher res versions of images from the tomb of Huy (tt40)" all those pictures show one single hull for big ships with sails. The smaller transport ships show two hulls near each other. This is especially shown in the image with the caption "Fig 3 Scene from...." . It almost looks like ships with two hulls. Maybe they put to ships together floated down the Nile, separated them and sailed up the river again. Furthermore, the design of the Dhow's (Felucca) has a couple of advantages: Only one canvas is needed It is easy to pull them down if the wind is to strong (storm) or in this case if you want to float down the Nile. It is possible to almost sail in the wind [1] I think the only change to the design which was made over the last couple hundred years was the steering oar. All pictures @Sundiata shared show a earlier version of the same idea, with one steering oar at the end of the ship. [1] http://nabataea.net/sailing.html
  21. @Sundiata I like the dugout canoes. There speed is depending on the length 5-7 km/h (length times two). Furthermore, they don't drift away easily by either wind or current. Both are present on the part of the Nile, according to this documentary:
  22. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Thanks for the information regarding the layout. The specification is basically, that document. Just with more information. However, we still have some gaps in the specification which needs research and some decisions have to be made. The moment we have most of the information regarding units, buildings and technologies in a structured form in our specification, I will create the structure layout for the Kushite civilization. The layout will be based on the example you provided. Either as a separate document or inside the specification.
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