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Everything posted by balduin

  1. Besides the very interesting and unique weapon, did you recognize the dog in 25b, which kills somebody by baiting them in the face. Kind of brutal. However, did the Kushites use war dogs or is this just the prince and his haunting dog?
  2. @Simpa What do you mean with hotkeys for constructions?
  3. Q: Where and How to Report Bugs? Q: Where can I give feedback? Q: What to do if I have a question which is not part of this FAQ? Q: Where to find the source code? Q: Where can I find all Keyboard Combinations for the Game? For example, things like Attack and Capturing or Grouping are not explained in the game. It would be helpful to have a page for default keyboard combinations.
  4. Can anybody from the community answer the question about creating a subforum in the Mod forum?
  5. Is there a way to add a repository for a new Kushite mod to the 0ADMods organization on Github (https://github.com/0ADMods)? Whom should I contact?
  6. Is there a version of this mod which is playable in A21?
  7. @Enrique and @LordGood how could we create a good color palette and a texture pack? Which one of both should come first. Could you provide a short description of your common artistic workflow and highlight the steps which make use of either one of them or both? I was always assuming that you create the model first (polygon) and then select/create the texture for the model. Why is creating a texture pack at the beginning better?
  8. @Lion.Kanzen and @Juli51. I know that you are capable of communicating in English. The question why I asked, especially @Lion.Kanzen, because you are able to speak Spanish too. There are two reasons for my question: Simply interest from my side The Digital Divide is not only a question of having Internet Access, but also the question of having resources available in your language. Most of the resources on the internet including the description of 0 A.D. and mods are in English. A description in a single language excludes everybody who speaks only one language. As far as the Kushite mod goes. It would be nice to have the mod description and download instructions available in English, French and Spanish to make the mod available to a larger audience. I mean it would be amazing if a child starts playing 0 A.D. and then plays the Kushite mod, because the download description was translated in his own language (not English) and after some time starts contributing missing assets and other stuff to 0 A.D and/or is inspired to start another mod.
  9. @Sundiata Yes, I was hoping you will say that. I would like to develop the Kushite mod together with you. There are many steps in the development which does not require programming skills, but at some point in time you need to do some programming. I am a software engineer (programmer) and more then willing to take on the development, especially on the technical side. Other 0 A.D. community members will help us during the development. However, many active members of this forum are already involved in other projects and cannot take the responsibility of another project. The open source model allows other people to join in. We actually need to involve artists in the development process. However, they should be able to pick a task like modeling a unit or house and than work again on other projects. To make that possible, we should be the one who have an overview and take decisions. This includes to update the task list, review contributions and answer questions related to the Kushite mod. Such a development style is called Bazzar model (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cathedral_and_the_Bazaar#.22The_Cathedral_and_the_Bazaar.22).
  10. @Lion.Kanzen Is there a document with all the terms for buildings and units in other languages, especially in Spanish?
  11. @Juli51 The first buildings we need for the Kushites mod are: Civic center House it would be awesome if you could draw them. We know how they should approximately look like, but it would be very nice to have drawings to get a better understanding how the in game models will look like: for houses see: civic center:
  12. The conclusion of @Sundiata research is, that creating a civilization mod for the Kushites is possible. We have enough information and material to create a playable civilization. The Kushites differ from all other civilizations in 0 A.D. regarding units and houses at the same time they would integrate well with other 0 A.D. civilizations. The only historical limitations we will have, because there is not a lot of material available, is regarding ships, boats and to a certain extend siege weapons. However, these limitations do not affect the representation of the Kushites as being it's own independent culture. I furthermore decided to take responsibility over the development of the Kushites mod. I really want to see the mod become a reality. In addition I would love to get support from @Sundiata and the rest of the community. My first step is to create a git repository for the development. I would like the new repository to be in the existing "0ADMods" (https://github.com/0ADMods) group/community. I would really appreciate if anybody can help me out whom to contact to be able to create a repository within the existing "0ADMods" group/community. After the repository is setup I would like to review and restructure the collected material to identify topics and subjects which need more research.
  13. Other interesting questions are: How does a priest or priests have looked like? What animals did trader use and how did the trader look like? How did a marketplace look like? How does a fisher boat look like? How did a trading ship look like? the whole ship thing is not clear yet. the questions you answered in your last research are: war elephants: no agriculture farm animals walls (towers) fortress
  14. I think I found something about siege weapons: "By the time the Nubians made their incursions into Egypt, around 715 BC, walls, siege tactics and equipment had undergone changes, mostly influenced by developments in the Asiatic East. Early shelters protecting sappers armed with poles trying to breach mud-brick ramparts gave way to battering rams." (source: http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/siegewarfare.htm) and "Piye attacked the city of Ashmunein which was ruled by Nimlot, once an ally of Piye. Using wooden siege towers, the city fell after five months." (source: http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/piye.htm) The picture I found and picture fig: 42 show both a similar siege weapon. It seems to be some sort of cage with man in it having a long spear to kill people on the wall. Siege weapons are important in 0 A.D. otherwise it is hard to destroy enemy towers, fortresses or walls.
  15. @asiga You can group your units and give them a number. For example select a group of soldiers and press CTRL+1, you will then see a round symbol on your left hand side of the screen which represents the group. Every time you want to select the same group of soldiers you can press 1 on your keyboard and you get the group. You can have 0 - 9 groups, which means 10 groups. I use this a lot to manage my units and keep control over my attack army and/or units I move around a lot. As far as I remember it was not possible to do that in AoE.
  16. The question about agriculture is answered for now. A feature which would be nice is to have for the Meroitic Kushites mod is to be able to breed both goats and the Sanga cattle in the farm.
  17. I think Fig: 46 shows elephant and slaves together, which highlights the fact that they traded elephants and especially tusks. Another article I found about the usage of war elephants in Carthage. According to the article [1] Carthage imported those war elephants and the mahouts and according to another article the ancient Egypts pharaohs did not use war elephants either. The first who used war elephants in Egypt have been in the Ptolemy I, which was motivated from his experience under Alexander the Great and his Indian expedition. Conclusion, no war elephants. [1] http://www.historynet.com/carthaginian-war-elephant.htm [2] http://history.stackexchange.com/questions/17071/use-of-war-elephants-in-egypt#17074
  18. I think it is a good idea to merge them together. However, the Rise of the East Mod is by far the most complete mod of all. I do not thing it is a good idea to merge them right now. In my opinion it would be far better to start with the Meroitic Kushites as a separate mod and at the time the mod has a similar quality it should be merged into an 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant - Rise of the Empires mod (maybe somebody has a better name for that mod).
  19. By the way, what is the name of those cattles shown in fig: 27? The biological name in Latin would be the best.
  20. Kush and later Aksum have been trading in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. The Kushit empire, as you mentioned earlier, produced a lot of Iron. I was only able to find some sources which mentioned the trading routes of the Kushits: Golden Age of Meroe (slide 17) - Became the capital - Closer to red sea - Trade with Africa, Arabia, and India - Natural resources - Significant rainfall - Iron ore - Made weapons and tools http://wdarcy.wikispaces.com/file/view/112+Chapter+4+section+1+Egyptian+and+Nubian+Empires.ppt I think finding out more about the trade and trade routes of Kush can lead to a better understanding of their naval capabilities. Transporting goods into the Indian Ocean requires ships. The Kushits exported Elephants to Egypt and other empires. See here: http://www.ancientsudan.org/dailylife_04_trade.htm According to an recent article South-Sudan had 80,000 Elephants in the 1960s, sadly the number of Elephants declined to 5,000 during the civil war in Sudan. I am pretty sure the Kingdom of Kush was using War Elephants. https://africajournalismtheworld.com/tag/south-sudan-elephants/
  21. Blacksmiths in 0 A.D. are military research centers. Maybe the Kushits did this in temples or separate buildings. However, it is also completely fine to just assume how a blacksmith could have looked like.
  22. The Kushits must have known how to attack such a massive fortress. Fig: 41 shows a Buhen as being a fortress with unlimited water resources (Nil) and thick stone walls. Even though somebody sits in front for months and conducts a siege the fortress can get resources from the water side. Either the Kush besieged it from the water and land side or they used something else (ladder, siege weapon, tunneler, wall climbing units, catapult ships etc.). Notable are the entrance gates of Qasr Ibrim and Abu Ahmed as well as the fortresses itself. The stone walls are thick and gateways are small and massive. The gateways are something I have not seen before. They are more massive than most European fortresses and castles. The question is why did they invest resources (human, money [gold], material) into building such fortresses? Did they had internal problems (Kushits against Kushits) or external enemies, which made it necessary to build those fortresses?
  23. What his forum name? I assume if I mention him he should get a notification.
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