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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. @Lion.Kanzen Quisiera probar como se vería esta armadura si se le agrega la textura de pelaje que agregaste a la ropa básica anteriormente en el canal alfa inferior.
  2. basic Elite I hope is fine, i used the milleniumad mod textures (helmet) and mixed with the delenda est for make the iron elite helmet
  3. it will need something like an special ability or a % chance to call the animation at least, otherwise it will be a weird looping animation.
  4. Yes, i forgot to resize the horse head
  5. used the same texture for the helmet
  6. added the faction colour in the arms
  7. Ahí debe haber piel para que se logre el mejor detalle de ropa de baja calidad.
  8. la textura básica use esta: Es la misma de los chinos pero con un tono mas marrón y sucio aunque creo que le vendría bien la textura de piel entre la parte del cuello.
  9. For the moment i got deactivated the delenda est mod, because it change something in the atlas (i guess is the floor texture) and give me low fps. and i've made the cloth helmet but i guess i better leave the textures in your hands for a better look.
  10. Testing the helmets with the delenda est texures with a little colour changes and edits
  11. Made the 3 stages for each house variation
  12. Used a normal foundation but instead of using the variant name "Scaffold" called the 3 new karth damaged textures variations (They seem to work with props, so they can work with animations for injured units animations i guess) "heavydamaged", "mediumdamaged", "lightdamaged" + "alive" for keep the last props until finish. if the "scaffold" variation is called it will ignore the damaged variations. and copied 3 templates for disable the <ConstructionPreview> line full scale capture
  13. found a way to make a triple fase foundation for the yurts Fase 1 Fase 2 Fase 3 Finished
  14. Reminder: The actual units are placeholders for real Xiongnu units, the units clothes/armors are in the hands of the 2D expert's. Basic: basic clothes or leather advanced: leather helmet elite: leather belts iron helmet.
  15. Se llamaban tarkan en aoe2. Tenían una especie de látigo o antorcha nunca la distinguí bien, de poder hacer el látigo animado puedo, el dilema esta en encontrarle el uso. http://ageofempires.wikia.com/wiki/Tarkan
  16. When i switched some huns names to "xiongnu" some bugs popped up in the templates. now they are fixed, and added an archer for test buildings. i've made foundations variations for the houses
  17. This are the props i wanted to see better for the infantry. now i can make the shield and axe
  18. Menos mal que no hablo venezolano aquí jajaja.
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