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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. Moved slightly backwards the right leg the left one is fine otherwise in the animation will look rigid in that leg here is the mod folder with the latest update including the 4 basic variants for the horses for easy handle. Horse_new.7z
  2. They have walk1 and walk 2 and some walk 3 with a Little difference of speed.
  3. @stanislas69 maybe try similar to humans walk speed 1=a+1 2=a 3=a-1 or i should make another animation where the croc don't move the back leg's and just swims
  4. Removing 2 extra bones on the back legs i got this @Sundiata this is what you mean?
  5. Fixed the blocky butt i only had to remove 2 bone influences now for the other think i will need maybe some drawed line to see what i need to do. I had to remade the galop animation so as you can see the chest think popped up again.
  6. Test this one ingame and take screenshots ingame for a better look. Horse_new.7z
  7. The most that can be fixed whitout making the armature deform randomly
  8. I exported the new ones and they look good with the rider above. I would upload gifs but it looks better ingame so later i'll upload the mod zip updated to see what you all think.
  9. i saw other video wich say's front leg's are the same movement as a human, but the back legs are like an ostrich
  10. btw @wowgetoffyourcellphone you were talking about made new uv layout and some other things made apart (saddle? straps?) if you have in mind new prop points tell me so i'll add them we already have this props: Crest, Front Armor, Saddle, Rider, and i added the shield point in the left leg
  11. @Phalanx thanks for sharing and don't worry i don't want to deliver a weird horse animations, i'm on the same side as you i know nothing about horses and yet after looking closer this week i had to add 4 more bones to the legs to make the walk look of a horse, the only one that doesn't fit yet to the 4 new bones is the galop animation the patterns are very helpfull so i will use that one i was using the same refence images but they were pictures only.
  12. Testing adding some bones in every leg will keep trying until get it (Not 100% finished yet) also added the bone tail but din't seem to change something i will try removing the helper Here's a frontal look i look carefully to avoid clipping
  13. @wowgetoffyourcellphone fixed any other suggestion ? i got most things looking good
  14. Also rename every bone with the name of the target mesh for example: Hammer guy > HG_<Bone name> or whatever you like to name it, but don't use Finger_R only or may break other skeleton using the same bone name so this way you avoid breaking other rigged skeleton you are going to use.
  15. Roman Cavalry will use ready variant's for keep the disciplinary roman style. Spartan/Mace Cavalry reverse spear variant
  16. i'll add them when everything is verified and timers are correct. added reverse spear variant and crossbow variant
  17. Update: some cleaning and blender files @stanislas69 i'll be adding crossbow cavalry animations soon for the TM cavalry included Elephant riders animation in the mod folder Mod with files Horse_new.7z Blender horse file with helpers New_Horse.7z Rider animations with helpers Ridder_animations.7z
  18. They would need maybe more round edges and some polishing
  19. For that may need something like a Crowd control system wich manages how the unit will react to the lasso, otherwise we will be having cowboys like nomads catching the wind if you mean the lasso showed in some thread back when the rider pulled the neck of the infantry and also will need attack motion
  20. Yes indeed i was waiting for @stanislas69 approval for rote horse update for make the same i did for infantry
  21. Any desired features for horse/cavalry infantry?
  22. Eso lo acomodé y mantuve la misma animación que usan los caballos actualmente.
  23. if they are going to be committed then i will be proceding to clean and adjust i had some things to do before uploading full but i was waiting for approval and opinions and also i will try a canter animation for chariot horses.
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