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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. More like this, they are marching yet they are not ready for action stance but a mix between Ready/Rest.
  2. Actually for the romans legion i want to show less ready for action, and more discipline look, there is no much difference between the centurio and the legion animation i've made the problem with the ready animation is that every faction use it, while the roman and other units should have unique animations based on their formations/armour/shields/weapons/faction; i couldn't imagine gauls or britons making something like a Testudo or the way the roman soldiers gathered around Maximo/Commodus in the video i linked.
  3. Should i make the gladiator idle escene animation for the centurio ?
  4. Then we have this, and the sheath for the gladius with the prop point in the sheath for carry resources animations. I know the actual gameplay for the citizen soldier's are don't have any military props while working but for me it breaks inmersión the skyrim like weapons poping up from no where at least in a sheath we know he stored the sword in the sheath and then retrieve it.
  5. Based on the lenght and the angle of the tip, we have the Fulham
  6. So, the gladus should have more height? i need to know for make the sheath properly, like i did the ones for the xiongnu adding a prop point in the scabbard for place the gladus while doing something.
  7. Also i couldn't avoid look that some weapons have variants with some blood MAYBE with a carefull look it could be changed to weapons whitout blood while idle and use the bloody variant while in combat "<variant name="idle" frequency="1">" <prop actor="props/units/weapons/WEAPON CLEAN.xml" attachpoint="weapon_R"/> "<variant name="Attack_Melee" frequency="1">" <prop actor="props/units/weapons/WEAPON BLOOD.xml" attachpoint="weapon_R"/>
  8. Why not, they are very easy to make being something famous and just some idles/walking animations with shield raised the most hard to do is start from 0 like the siege weapons animations or the horse.
  9. I think i should add properly a sheath.
  10. Look at the idle of the black armor soldier Edit: This looks perfect for the centurio
  11. That running animation (charge) it looks pretty good to watch in 0 ad.
  12. I got the idea of change the way the roman army look (animation speaking) and make it more refinated, more like an disciplinated army. The actual legionary use Ready variant and kinda look weird to me being them one of the most important unit of the Roman empire. My plan is to only change Walk/Idle (Maybe run?) with this: Walk: Sword on the sheath Idle: Not done yet but something like this Actual legionary animations
  13. I left an animated rabbit in the art dev forum in case you want to check it later
  14. 1. i've made the slow run based on the walking speed of the cavalry, i didn't wanted to touch any walking speed on the cavalry for balance reasons, yet i could do the trot if everyones agree as i've made for the pony because of the size. Btw: AoE DE Have cavalry with trot animation and looks weird, i liked more the way AoE 2 animated the cavalry. 2. this is animation or 3d model speaking? 3. fixed, properly added as a prop in the horse chest and not in the ridder seat as it was before 4. References needed. 5. Promote ready, capturing under approvation. 6. slowed by 20 seconds 140>120 7. Head fixed 8. i haven't seen that one yet.
  15. Files with pony-horse (added fauna pony) Horse_new.7z
  16. Im making canter as default walk animation for the pony. I got the base shape so now is just adjust the details.
  17. @stanislas69 yes the head can be modified the chest/front leg área is the one who doesn't fit very well in the uv's
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