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Posts posted by Nescio

  1. 10 hours ago, Imarok said:

    I'm not stan, but also can do this ;)

    Do you want to get it merged into

    or shall I create a new topic?

    Maybe it's better to have two separate topics, one for structures and one for units.

    8 hours ago, Sundiata said:

    They're correct, but they are missing proper diacritics for now, so I'll go through them again and adjust where necessary. I'll post an updated list here when it's done.  


  2. 1 hour ago, Genava55 said:

    The difficulty in this case is more about that nothing is converging to a single root in PIE. Latin, Greek, Germanic languages and Slavic languages use different roots for the slings.

    That suggests the Proto-Indo-Europeans may not have had a word for a sling. (PIE doesn't have a word for chicken either; that animal didn't exist in that area back then.)

    But if PIE didn't have a sling, it doesn't make much sense to use PIE to reconstruct an unattested Gaulish form.

    1 hour ago, Genava55 said:

    In addition, it is better to have different rosters for the Britons and the Gauls.

    Yes, I fully agree. The purpose of this discussion is to improve and differentiate these factions.

    1 hour ago, Genava55 said:

    It is possible as well. I proposed this because the Gauls and the Germans share this use of an irregular cavalry where they can fight both on foot and mounted. There are even accounts of mixed formation of horsemen and footmen griping the horse of their comrade to keep the pace. The accounts of Plutarch for the Gauls at Carrhae describe them as lightly armed after the piece I quoted. It is why I suggested a special cavalry with anti-cavalry bonus. It could be moved in the town phase as well. If it is accepted, I have some idea to mix some elements from the Bastarnae to make it nice and enjoyable.

    Perhaps town phase is better, because: i. Gauls were famous for their cavalry; ii. Gauls don't have a village phase horsemen; iii. two melee cavalry champions in the city phase probably makes them be viewed less unique.

    1 hour ago, Genava55 said:

    If it is accepted

    Don't worry about that, that's something for the artists to decide upon later. Right now you should simply focus on an interesting and accurate roster proposal.

    21 hours ago, Nescio said:

    Is there any specific reason why the Gauls have a slinger in the village phase and the Britons in the town phase, and not the other way around?

    I asked because I associate France with cattle and Great Britain with sheep; the sling is primarily a goat- and shepherd's weapon; therefore I guessed slingers might be more common for Britons than Gauls. (But I know next to nothing about Celts.)

    1 hour ago, Genava55 said:

    In the historical accounts, the sword is often mentioned for the Gauls, the Galatians and the Britons. But it is difficult to tell how reliable are these accounts.

    Caesar mentioned the Gauls had a nobility class, who were skilled warriors and provided the military leaders, but also a large subject serf population, who could be called to arms in times of migration or war. Do you think it's likely the latter could have afforded swords and would have used them in combat?

  3. 40 minutes ago, Genava55 said:

    @Nescio I did a list in the past in this thread for the buildings. I can do the rest one day for all the units and others buildings if it is necessary:

    Thanks for pointing that out, I was unaware of that.

    On 8/26/2018 at 1:44 PM, Genava55 said:

    It took me a while, but I did a review of the possible labeling for the buildings. After a lot of hesitation and reading about which name is the best and personal reconstruction (I did my best) here my proposition:

    Gauls buildings:


    Actual name


    New name
































    Rotary Mill


































































    New buildings
























    Bretons buildings:



    Actual name


    New name
































    Rotary Mill


































































    New buildings






    Irish-royal site













    Feast-center means Tavern and Tower means Wall Tower? In that case, the following appear to be missing: outpost, sentry tower, defence tower, archery range, cavalry stable, siege workshop, and dog kennel.

    If I understand correctly, the names in the second column are currently used in 0 A.D., which you propose to change into those listed in the third column. Which language(s) are you using?

    @Itms What's 0 A.D.'s policy on unattested, reconstructed forms?

    And whom can I contact for the Carthaginian, Iberian, and Mauryan specific names?

    @stanislas69 Could you split off the post starting with the one containing the txt file (#367473) to form a new “Specific names review” thread?

  4. Anyway, for the transliteration of Greek, we should discuss and decide upon the following points:

    • Do we want to distinguish between ᾰ, ῐ, ῠ and ᾱ, ῑ, ῡ? (Dictionaries do, text editions don't.)
    • What to do with the iota subscriptum (ὑπογεγραμμένη): ᾳ, ῃ, ῳ? E.g. Θρᾴκη (Thrace)
    • As for the transliteration of η, ω:
      • classicists prefer not to transliterate Greek, because they assume everyone can read it fluently
      • linguists prefer ę, ǫ
      • historians prefer ê, ô
      • Wikipedia prefers ē, ō
    • As for the transliteration of υ and ευ, either u and eu, or y and ey
      • in German and Latin, y represents a sound similar to Greek υ, but u is quite different
      • in English and French, u represents a sound similar to Greek υ, but y is quite different
    • ρ: r or rh?
    • ξ → x, ψ → ps?
    • β, π, φ → b, p, ph; γ, κ, χ →g, k, kh; δ, τ, θ → d, t, th; no objections?

    Personally I'd recommend ę/ǫ for η/ω, because ê/ô causes problems with accents, and ē/ō suggests η/ω were simply longer versions of ε/ο, which is not true for Classical Greek, while ę/ǫ makes it clear they're different sounds. Also, I think transcriibing ρ as simply r is fine.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Itms said:

    I agree with you Nescio, except on the υ bullet point: ευ is not ε+υ, it is a single grapheme. So deciding to transliterate this grapheme into eu while transliterating the grapheme υ into y would be possible. Same thing for αυ, ου, ει, etc.

    Not exactly true. A grapheme is the smallest possible unit in a writing system, e.g. a word in a logographic system, a syllable in a syllabary, and a letter in an alphabet (e.g. Greek).

    αυ /au̯/ and ευ /eu̯/ were diphthongs (“double sound”), a single syllable consisting of two vowels pronounced together (cf. “cowboy” /ˈkaʊˌbɔɪ/); in contrast, ει /eː/ and ου /oː/ had become monophthongs (“single sound”) in Classical Greek (cf. “voodoo” /ˈvuːduː/). However, none of these has a single character, all are written by two separate letters, thus two graphemes. In contrast, ᾳ, ῃ, and ῳ (initially diphthongs, later monophthongs) are single graphemes (as are e.g. å, æ=ä, ø=ö, and ü).

    Although pronunciation matters for one type of transcription (how to convert sounds into signs), it is unimportant for the other type (how to convert one writing system into another).

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Sundiata said:


    Reconstructed Late Egyptian/Napatan Dialect (and one Meroitic) specific names, accompanied by the literal translation 

    • Archery Range:      Pr-Pdt                 (house of the bow)
    • Cavalry Stable:       Ỉḥ Ssmt              (horse stable)
    • Elephant Stable:     Ỉḥ Abu                (elephant stable),   or probably more appropriate:    Meroitic:   Ỉḥ Abore
    • Siege Workshop:    Pr-ỉwn n ms.     (house of the movable tower) 

    Thanks! D1750

    • Thanks 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Doktoreus said:

    Could you please look at the file and let me know if this is what you wanted?

    Great, that's exactly what I wanted!

    8 hours ago, Doktoreus said:

    Some items didn't have anything and some only had one or the other. I used some of the generic templates from the "Templates" directory itself and some of the names I found by playing the game to see what displayed.

    If a value is not specified in the template itself, it inherits it from its parent (specified in line 2); that's how XML works (and why it's useful).

    8 hours ago, Doktoreus said:

    A few of the structures don't seem to exist in the game, such as "Range" and Workshop" or "Stables" for most of the Civs.

    This is one of the reasons why having this list is useful. (Those three structures were added relatively recently, long after the others, and are not yet used in game. However, they should get specific names.)

    8 hours ago, Doktoreus said:

    I'm working on the unit listing now.

    When ready, use the @[user name] tag in your post to ensure we (@Itms and @Nescio) are automatically notified.

    On 1/3/2019 at 10:14 PM, Anaxandridas ho Skandiates said:

    I will just start with one civ and move on day by day as I work myself through it.


    (also, the 'successor' Greeks should rather have a 'Basileion' building instead of an 'Agora' - where do I suggest adjustments of actual names? help?)

    Could you have a look at the file and post what the specific names for the Greek factions should be? Please write polytonic Greek. The proper transliteration could be decided later. Also, any suggestions for the Archery Range, Stable, and Workshop?

    @Genava55 and @GunChleoc, could you do that for the Briton and Gaulish specific names?

    @Sundiata, could you check the Kushite specific names?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    @Nescio, marvelous, thank you! I also saw a bunch of mentions of the word tapestry in English. Following example is from a Latin comedy, I believe. Alexandria was apparently a centre of tapestry weaving... 

    T. Maccius Plautus, Pseudolus, or The Cheat http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.02.0107:act=1:scene=2

    • Pl. Ps. 1.2.15: neque Aléxandrina beluata tonsilia tappetia

    Yes, Plautus wrote comedies around c. 200 BC; twenty have survived, which is more than all other Greek and Roman comedies combined (Aristophanes 11, Menander 1, Terence 6). His works are also the oldest Latin texts of serious length, and his spelling is more archaic than the classical Latin of the 1st C BC and 1st C AD.

    Roman comedy is a bit of an acquired taste, very vulgar with little to no plot; they were very popular in the Renaissance (some Shakespearean comedies are indirectly based on Plautus). Nowadays people prefer the Athenian Old Comedy of Aristophanes, which also has numerous vulgar parts, but also includes satire, social citicisms, and controversial themes, which makes his plays quite modern in our eyes.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Sundiata said:

    Let me add a little to that headache... My ancient Greek is like, super rusty :unsure:, so maybe you guys, @Nescio & @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates can explain the mention of carpets in these English translations?

    Since you're asking:

    • Hom. Il. 10.156: αὐτὰρ ὑπὸ κράτεσφι τάπης τετάνυστο φαεινός.

      The word you're looking for is ὁ τάπης: carpet, rug, spread on seats and beds; Attic variants are ἡ τάπις and ἡ δάπις. The word is possibly of Iranian origin. The diminutive is τό τᾰπήτιον, other derivatives include ὁ τᾰπητάριος (carpet-weaver or carpet-merchant), ὁ τᾰπητέμπορος (carpet-merchant), ὁ τᾰπῐδῠφάντης (carpet-weaver), τά τᾰπῐδῠφαντικά (proceeds of tax on carpet-weavers), and ὁ τᾰπῐδύφος (carpet-weaver).
      Ὁ τάπης entered Latin as tapēs, from which it entered modern European languages (e.g. English tapestry), either directly or via French.

    • Hom. Od. 10.352-3: τάων ἡ μὲν ἔβαλλε θρόνοις ἔνι ῥήγεα καλὰ
      πορφύρεα καθύπερθ᾽, ὑπένερθε δὲ λῖθ᾽ ὑπέβαλλεν

      The word in question is τό ῥῆγος: rug, blanket, used as a covering of a bed or of a seat, and made from wool (τό λίνον (related to English linen) is the word for anything made out of flax).

    • Xen. Anab. 7.3.18: τούτους μὲν οὖν οὕτως ἔπειθεν. αὖθις δὲ Τιμασίωνι τῷ Δαρδανεῖ προσελθών, ἐπεὶ ἤκουσεν αὐτῷ εἶναι καὶ ἐκπώματα καὶ τάπιδας βαρβαρικάς, ἔλεγεν ὅτι νομίζοιτο ὁπότε ἐπὶ δεῖπνον καλέσαι Σεύθης δωρεῖσθαι αὐτῷ τοὺς κληθέντας. οὗτος δ᾽ ἢν μέγας ἐνθάδε γένηται, ἱκανὸς ἔσται σε καὶ οἴκαδε καταγαγεῖν καὶ ἐνθάδε πλούσιον ποιῆσαι. τοιαῦτα προυμνᾶτο ἑκάστῳ προσιών.

      Again ὁ τάπης.

      Xen. Anab. 7.3.27:  ἄλλος παῖδα εἰσάγων οὕτως ἐδωρήσατο προπίνων, καὶ ἄλλος ἱμάτια τῇ γυναικί. καὶ Τιμασίων προπίνων ἐδωρήσατο φιάλην τε ἀργυρᾶν καὶ τάπιδα ἀξίαν δέκα μνῶν.

      Again ὁ τάπης.

    • Diogenes Laertius V.72: [...] καὶ τῇ γυναικὶ αὐτοῦ Ῥοδιακῶν ζεῦγος, ψιλοτάπιδα, ἀμφίταπιν, περίστρωμα, προσκεφάλαια δύο τὰ βέλτιστα τῶν καταλειπομένων [...]

      Here the words are ἡ ψῑλί-τᾰπις: a smooth carpet, a carpet without pile; ὁ ἀμφι-τάπης: rug or carpet with pile on both sides; and τό περί-στρωμα: covering of a bed.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Genava55 said:

    No. The word for the sling or the slinger is not known in Gaulish, it is debated. The word I used come from EBII and it is clearly a reconstruction from a suspected proto-indo-european root with some features of the celtic languages. But since the new version of EBII that has come out the last month, they have changed again the name of the celtic slinger. Even so they have some very good linguists, it seems to be a difficult subject.

    Thank you for the clarification. Basically: Greek → *PIE → *Celtic → *Gaulish. (An asterisk denotes a reconstructed form.) I don't know what 0 A.D.'s policy on unattested things is, though.

    Comparative linguistics is not necessarily difficult, it uses rigid logic, and therefore they are often right. However, it is always possible the Gauls used a word borrowed from a different language, instead of the reconstructed form.

    18 minutes ago, Genava55 said:

    Here the arrangement  and modification to order them like a tree as suggested by @Nescio

    Thanks! So the Gauls have no cavalry unit in the village phase? It might be better to merge the two city-phase cavalry units into a single champion cavalry lancer.

    Is there any specific reason why the Gauls have a slinger in the village phase and the Britons in the town phase, and not the other way around?

    Also, do you happen to know how common swords were compared to spears?

    27 minutes ago, Genava55 said:

    Edit: Bonus. If you really want a two-handed swordsman, for the Indians:

    Nice catch! (Interestingly that two-handed weapon is described as a sabre, not a sword.)

    By the way, “the linen coming from the trees” is cotton, a material alien to the Greeks.

    • Like 1
  11. The purpose of transliteration is to be precise.

    • Transliteration has to be a bijection:
      • if Ζεύς is transliterated Zeús, then υ has to be an u everywhere else as well, and not an y
      • if e and o represent ε and ο, then η and ω shouldn't be written as e and o (ē/ê/ę and ō/ô/ǫ are fine)
    • Accents matter: ὧς and ὡς (Hom ὥς) are two different words
    • Be consistent: φ, χ, θ are the aspirated versions of π, κ, τ, so if κ is transliterated c, then χ ought to be ch, and if κ is transcribed k, then χ ought to be kh
    • Thanks 1
  12. 22 hours ago, Imarok said:

    rP21256        changes the difficulty, so you can look where the difficulty is set. Then you could look where this variable is used.

    Many thanks for pointing that out; it turns out I can ignore the AI files, all I need is only edit  simulation/helpers/InitGame.js lines 44 to 48:

    	// Sandbox, Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard
    	// rate apply on resource stockpiling as gathering and trading
    	// time apply on building, upgrading, packing, training and technologies
    	let rate = [ 0.42, 0.56, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.56 ];
    	let time = [ 1.40, 1.25, 1.10, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 ];


  13. 3 hours ago, Anaxandridas ho Skandiates said:

    You, Sir, just seem to like to be right and quarrel in face of the conspicuuous. [...] But some people seem to enjoy quarrelling for the sake of it.

    Don't make yourself look childish. You want others to change something, your claim is challenged, and Andrettin politely asked for more information. The burden of proof is on you; shouting is not going to help.

    12 hours ago, Andrettin said:

    Academics discuss the nonexistence of things all the time, and in any case it should be perfectly possible to provide sources to at least corroborate what you just said on your second paragraph. "Go look it up on Perseus" is hardly proper sourcing, you didn't even say which entry there would contain the relevant information. In my opinion, since this is your suggestion, it's up to you to provide specific references, rather than asking others to invest hours in looking it up when asked for sources. I know this is a game forum, so academic rigor is not to be expected, but nevertheless references of some kind are still important, specially for suggestions that are supposed to improve historical accuracy.


    On 1/11/2019 at 11:08 PM, Anaxandridas ho Skandiates said:

    especially the iliad and odyssey are always worth it.

    Yes, the Iliad and Odyssey are two of the greatest works of literature and are certainly worth reading. However, they're written down c. 700 BC and are therefore not useful for 0 A.D.'s timeframe (500–1 BC).

    2 hours ago, Anaxandridas ho Skandiates said:

    proving nonexistence of oriental carpets not on list of priorities.


    On 1/8/2019 at 10:59 AM, Sundiata said:

    The second point is that Pazyryk rug is dated to the 5th Century BC, and was already highly developed

    Which proofs rugs existed.

    On 1/8/2019 at 9:18 AM, Anaxandridas ho Skandiates said:

    Herodotus mentions bright carpets

    Which shows the Greeks knew of their existence.

    Also, Aristophanes Ecclesiazusae contains a scene (311 onwards) where an ordinary Athenian citizen goes outside to defecate in the morning, but because he couldn't find his own clothes, he takes his wife's (317–319):

    […], λαμβάνω
    τουτὶ τὸ τῆς γυναικὸς ἡμιδιπλοίδιον,
    καὶ τὰς ἐκείνης Περσικὰς ὑφέλκομαι.
    “I took this semi-foldover of my wife's and pulled on her Persian slippers.”

    And when his neighbour spots him and asks what he's wearing, he answers (331–332):

    οὔκ, ἀλλὰ τῆς γυναικὸς ἐξελήλυθα
    τὸ κροκωτίδιον ἀμπισχόμενος οὑνδύεται.
    “No, I've come out wearing my wife's little saffron number that she usually puts on.”

    No, there are no rugs mentioned here, however, this scene indicates that it was not uncommon for ordinary 4th C BC Athenian citizens to have luxury products such as dyed cloth and imported Persian goods.

    On 1/8/2019 at 9:18 AM, Anaxandridas ho Skandiates said:

    on top of Egyptian rooftops.

    In parts of Egypt, India, and other areas where rain is rare, days are hot, and nights cool, it is not unusual to sleep on the roof, which also explains why the rooftop is flat and why carpets might be not inappropiate there.

    (To clarify, I'm not claiming rugs were common.)

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Doktoreus said:

    Your last question kind of stumps me as I am not sure what the context of the question means. Are not all volunteer,s that are welcomed into the midst, belong to the "team" or is there another hierarchical level that I am not aware of that has a different pathway then the rest of the volunteers?

    Yes, everyone is welcome, we're all volunteers, and anyone can contribute, participate in discussions, create content, submit patches, comment on proposals and commits, create tickets on trac, edit wiki pages, etc. The primary difference is that only team members can commit to the 0 A.D. repositories.

    3 hours ago, stanislas69 said:

     @Nescioknows the documentation well 

    Do I?

    4 hours ago, Doktoreus said:

    Is there a POC for documentation or a documentation manager that I can contact to find out where I would be needed the most? If that is you, by any chance, then great.

    3 hours ago, stanislas69 said:

    @Itms, our project leader should be the one to talk too

    2 hours ago, Doktoreus said:

    I will contact @Nescio and @Itms about what is needed most at this time. 

    No, not me, I'm not a team member.

    Something that would be nice to have is a page which lists the template name, specific name, and generic name of all structures and units in game, because that would simplify finding and correcting inconsistencies in the (specific) names. E.g.:

    athen_barracks.xml, Stratēgeîon, Barracks. 

    (Maybe someone else could write a script to generate such a list?)

    Also, have a look at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/EnglishStyleGuide

  15. Updated 0abc:

    • checked A23b compability (no changes were required)
    • changed player colours: 0°, 225°, 90°, 315°, 180°, 45°, 270°, 135°
    • increased unit training times
    • new civilization bonuses:
      • Carthaginians: traders −20% training time
      • Mauryas: elephants −20% training time
      • Persians: archers −20% training time
      • Romans: siege weapons −20% construction time
    • incorporated @Feldfeld's D1707
  16. Hello and welcome! I have a few questions:

    16 hours ago, Itms said:

    More specifically, we need two kinds of documentation: 

    There is actually a third kind as well: in-game documentation.

    • Like 2
  17. 38 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    Wiki is updated for Kush :)  https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Audio_Voice_List

    I don't understand what is going on with the Mauryan one... :( It looks like it's having a mental breakdown in every language but Sanskrit, or Prakrit, or whatever language Mauryas are supposed to speak in-game...

    Ignore that table at the bottom of the page. What we need is a list of phrases per language. I've organized the page a bit, hopefully it helps.

    • Like 1
  18. 8 hours ago, Genava55 said:

    If I reduce my previous suggestions and try to be more simple:

    The Gallic roster could be like this:

    Could you split up your list by phase, to make it easier to read? E.g.:


    • village:
      • spearman
      • javelinist
      • cavalry javelinist
    • town:
      • ...
    • city:
    8 hours ago, Genava55 said:

    (proto-indo-european reconstruction for slinger)

    I suppose you mean Proto-Celtic?

    • Like 1
  19. 10 minutes ago, Sundiata said:

    Arab and Judean populations in antiquity

    A word of caution: Arab originally meant desert dweller; we now call them Bedouins. So when in the Koran/Qur'an Mohammed calls the Arabs worse than heathens, he doesn't mean the people of Mecca and Medina, no, he's fulminating against the nomadic peoples who refuse to accept his leadership (and stick to the polytheism of their ancestors).


    • Like 1
  20. 20 hours ago, Anaxandridas ho Skandiates said:

    And while we are at it, for the wall-corrections keep in mind that 95% of ancient warfare was conducted as siege-warfare.

    Not entirely correct. Yes, pitched battles were rare; if you had written "sieges were twenty times as common as pitched battles" I wouldn't have objected. However, your hyperbole is misleading: warfare actually consisted mostly of skirmishes, raids, plundering the countryside, that kind of things.

    • Like 2
  21. 20 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

    specially Balearic.

    Keep in mind Balearic Islanders are not Iberians. Their people seems to have been much closer to the Neolithic cultures of Sardinia and Malta; also, the Phoenicians and Carthaginians established colonies there already in the Archaic Period, long before 0 A.D.'s timeframe. The Balearic Islands only became part of Spain as a consequence of the Roman conquests.

    • Like 1
  22. To return to the topic, I think the proper thing to do is to replace the Celtic art with two separate sets, one for the Britons and one for the Gauls; this is already partially done for the structures but is also necessary to properly differentiate their units.

    My knowledge of the Celts is limited to what some Greeks and Romans have written about them; I'm not an archaeologist.

    As for the proposed unit roster, don't add too many champions. Three or four is enough for a civ. Also, the Gauls certainly should have an infantry archer (Caesar repeatedly mentions that Gaulish cavalry is accompanied by archers on foot, who run along with the horses) and the Britons probably not (Caesar never mentioned the use of bows-and-arrows in combat by them, therefore I assume they didn't).

    The first time I encountered the longswordsman in 0 A.D. I was surprised, but I simply assumed someone had thoroughly researched it and found proper evidence. If not, then I wholeheartedly agree that fantasy unit ought  to be replaced. There is a difference between a "long sword" (a blade longer than c. 60 cm or 2 feet) and a "longsword" (a blade that requires two hands to handle). The former certainly existed in Antiquity, the latter was used in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (the same timeframe in which the pike was used, which I believe is no coincidence; but that's a different story).

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
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