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Everything posted by Nescio

  1. Thanks again! Interestingly, the eight tiles are together 116 MB in size, merging them creates a file of 933 MB. True, but it can also be used for smaller areas, of course, e.g. Sicily [12 40 16 36]: Or the Strait of Messina [15.4 38.4 15.8 38.0]:
  2. Anyway, moving the centre slightly to 24, 46 produced the map I wanted: gdal_translate -projwin 30 40 62 8 gebco_08_rev_elev_C1_grey_geo.tif red_sea.tif convert red_sea.tif -resize 512 contrast-stretch 0 red_sea.png
  3. Oops, you're right: 22, 41 is in Arabia, 41, 22 in Macedonia. And I've also found the source image area: https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/grid.php Now, suppose I would want to make a heightmap along the 0° meridian (e.g. France), how to combine two images?
  4. Thanks! I've never made heightmaps before. I don't quite understand the coordinates, though. 41, 22 is in Macedonia.
  5. Also, the Aegean Sea random map doesn't look like the Aegean at all:
  6. The Red Sea random map is quite nice (thank you, @elexis). However, in Antiquity the name “Red Sea” was applied to all waters surrounding the Arabian peninsula (i.e. Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Bab-el-Mandeb, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, Strait of Hormuz, Persian Gulf), which allowed people to sail from Egypt to Mesopotamia and Iraq. Therefore it would be nice if the heightmap could be extended to the east: Unfortunately, the narrowness of the straits prevents 0 A.D. ships from passing.)
  7. Actually I've been toying with the idea to make domestic animals capturable in my mod, albeit the goat, sheep, pig, and cattle (similar to AoM), rather than the donkey, horse, and camel. I haven't implemented it, though; I've disabled the corral. Slaughter attack is indeed based on the “Domestic” class. Behaviour is class-independent. You can set <UnitAI> <NaturalBehaviour>domestic</NaturalBehaviour> </UnitAI> in your template. For flee and roam values, see `template_unit_fauna.xml`. Personally I'm hoping for the addition of the entire camelid family: [dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius), the most important one, is already in game] Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) and wild camel (Camelus ferus) llama (Lama glama) and guanaco (Lama guanicoe) alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and vicuña (Vicugna vicugna) Important flora and fauna from around the world, not just the Mediterranean, should be included in 0 A.D., because they can be useful for other timeframes, mods, and maps.
  8. Today I stumbled on this image listing all Japanese emperors: I'm sharing it here because the way the data are visually presented is novel to me, but I think it's excellent.
  9. In my mod women have a ranged attack (5 crush damage, 15 m range) instead of a melee attack (charging at fully armed soldiers is quite suicidal). However, they lack animations; perhaps someone from the art team (@Alexandermb) is willing to create a ranged attack for slaves and female citizens? It's not urgent, but it would be nice to have eventually. Ideally they would pick up stones from the ground and throw them at the enemy. King Pyrrhus of Epirus was reportedly killed by a rooftile an old woman hurled at him.
  10. 0 A.D. is a released game. It's just not yet finished (and hopefully never will be).
  11. Life is simpler when modifying a stable version (e.g. A23) or not changing anything in the art/ folder
  12. Any information as to what kind of bows the Celts used? I'm still looking forward to having a b/a/e Gaul infantry archer added to the game.
  13. This sounds sensible. Perhaps a similar approach should be applied to the other mounts as well, to benefit from simplicity and a greater variety of skin textures? donkey (brit, gaul, iber trader) dromedary camel (cart, pers, ptol trader; ptol archer; kush javelnist) Indian elephant (maur support, archer, champion; pers mercenary; sele champion) North African elephant (cart, kush, ptol champions) Just a suggestion, I don't know, I'm not familiar with the art assets.
  14. Sounds great, thanks again, and take your time, there is no rush!
  15. Thank you for the European, senga, and zebu cattle. Their calves (infant) and the aurochs are not yet finished, I suppose?
  16. Current version: http://docs.wildfiregames.com/design/gameplay/civs/kushites.html Diff: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1870
  17. Several things. To start with, the dock is available in village phase, wargalleys only in town phase. Furthermore, it's weird to see ships inside when it's not yet completed. Ancient galleys were very light and floated on the water. However, the longer they stayed at sea, the more water they collected inside, and the slower (and thus more vulnerable) they became. Whenever there was an opportunity, they were drawn on land to dry them – and to prevent them from being blown away by strong winds. The current dock actor itself is actually a quite decent representation of an Athenian boathouse – except that those were primarily on the shore to keep the ship dry: source: L. Casson Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World (Princeton 1971) However, a boathouse (on shore, ship inside) is something different than a dock (in water, ship outside).
  18. Rome only started to build in that high imperial style during the principate, i.e. after our timeframe. Moreover, the current civic centre is larger and much higher than the other centres. I'd like to have something more similar in shape to the centres of e.g. athen, cart, spart: It's because it doesn't look like a dock (where you'd moor and (un)load your ship); it resembles a boat house (where you'd store ship dry on land during the winter); also, there are two wargalleys visible inside, which is wrong. So I'm hoping for something more similar to the other docks:
  19. 0abc updated. Changes include: re-enabled blacksmith, available in village phase, moved all gather technologies to it city phase requires a blacksmith, a market, a temple, and ten houses reduced elephant armour Nabatean camel archer, Blemmye camel javelinist, Nuba infantry clubman, and Nuba infantry javelinist are now civ-independent, which means they can be trained by anyone who captures a corresponding mercenary camp Carthage can upgrade houses (front row) to apartment blocks (back row) in town phase
  20. Structures I hope that will get replaced in A24: brit wonder gaul wonder mace dock (with something similar to rome, sele, spart docks) mace wonder pers wonder ptol civic centre rome civic centre Also nice to have (@LordGood?) would be: brit, cart, kush, maur, pers, sele chariot stable mace, ptol, sele palace cart, mace, ptol, rome, sele, spart shipyard (long and narrow boathouse; cf. athen dock) ptol, rome, sele stoa ptol, rome, sele theatre And @Sundiata's suggestion of long and narrow fields (e.g. 3×30 instead of 8×8) for all factions.
  21. Perhaps we should go one step further: hard-code the unit queue so that any player who captures a nuba camp can train nuba mercenaries there (but only Kushites can build the camps); similarly for Carthaginian embassies. [EDIT] The ptol_mercenary_camp can actually be built in neutral territory (no unit has it in its building queue, though). Mercenary camps and similar structures currently in game: back row: rome_army_camp, pers_hall, cart_embassy third row: spart_royal_stoa, athen_royal_stoa second row: kush_nuba_village, kush_blemmye_camp, ptol_mercenary_camp front row: cart_embassy_celtic, cart_embassy_iberian, cart_embassy_italiote
  22. @Itms, the problem is also present in the design document, e.g. https://code.wildfiregames.com/source/design/browse/master/book/gameplay/civs/seleucids.md line 13: "Dory." line 15: "thureos"
  23. It would be great if there were a random map option to start with circular palisades around your centre: This looks aesthetically pleasing and offers some minor protection. Actually building palisades in game is not worth the resources and time. Perhaps there should be more options, e.g.: nomad civic centre (default) civic centre and outposts (r = 150) civic centre and palisades (r = 75) civic centre, palisades (r = 75), and outposts (r = 150) civic centre and city walls (r = 100) civic centre, city walls (r = 100), and outposts (r = 150)
  24. Mercenary camps count as embassies, which means they're limited to two per player, so making them buildable in neutral territory won't seriously distort gameplay. It seems the AI doesn't currently understand how to build in neutral territory, though.
  25. It's not used, but it has been present in the game for years; it was added in rP18939
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