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Everything posted by Phalanx

  1. Um.. I dont think we are thinking of the same thing. Phalangites are individual units of a Diadochi phalanx (syntagma) right? Also I'm kinda certain I'm thinking of the right shield is the Seleucid Argyraspides phalangites. Argyr (silver) aspi (refering to the shield)
  2. Here is my two cents, and it's similar to @wowgetoffyourcellphone, is that this is an amazing idea, but this scale of this game doesnt lend itself well to the idea of being able to defend structures that realistically. Look at the Stronghold series for example. That game was able to use that scale because you are defending one castle. In 0 A.D., you can expect to possibly be defending two fortresses at the same time, and this level of micromanaging might be stressful on players (adding to the stress of being doubleteamed. ) In short, I think visually garrissoning units is a fabulous idea, only if it is used for aesthetic purposes only. No added mechanics, work just the same as it does now. Thats my opinion at least.
  3. I'd say the notification square is the most important part. RoN did have a busy UI.
  4. Small note, the construction site for the farmstead is not the right one.
  5. @Burzum A small correction: the hoplon is yes, the hopolite's shield, but the aspis is the smaller, Diadochi phalangite's shield.
  6. I dont know if people have said this already, but can trees be "walk thu-able" to units that arent in a formation? To go with that, possibly "thicken" the fog of war in forests, so forest ambushes are possible.
  7. Okay, minor detail, but this has been happening for many alphas: When a unit is in formation, then lvls up, it leaves the formation.
  8. I'm working on it.. there will be one eventually. Thanks! I'll try that.
  9. So, this is what I came up with. NOTE: The music is just a placeholder, I'm having a buddy write something up using midi. What do you think in terms of speed? Should I slow it down or keep it the same? Placeholder title.dvd
  10. I was thinking about doing that, but unfortunately there is no good letter to make it... I'll do a serif version and put it up for comparison.
  11. Opinions? This is just a still, it'll be animated later. possibly the cover art.
  12. Well, unfortunately, finding a decent wonder for the Seleucids that actually is Seleucid is going to be almost impossible.
  13. That, or a nearby wonder of the world. Helicarnassus, possibly. But the Pythian temple would be good. EDIT: Or for a more unique building, the famous theatre of Antioch.
  14. @borg- Dont worry, balancing is kinda being put on the backburner and stirred occaisonally until the engine is done. But we're always open to suggestions! Thanks for the input! EDIT: (I keep hoping the devs create a balancing team but... )
  15. Sounds smart! Will make rushing more viable.
  16. Question: how does one do the @.... thingy?
  17. I was thinking, that for the military colony, it could be an large-ish building that has a similar style to the barracks, but is flatter, wider, has a larger enclosed pavillion, and mini sentry towers at each corner. Also, is the temple a Seleucid unique design? Or is that thr generic Greek temple?
  18. Really? Cool! International community!
  19. I think what he means is say, add the spearmen anims, even though the swordsmen animations arent finished. To add animation sets one by one, not to wait to ALL the required animations for the game are finished. (translation I think)
  20. Thanks! I'm following one of these tutorials almost verbatim! We'll see how it looks!
  21. Suggestions? (Besides a darker green, and a more grey back to the logo)
  22. I think I good point to bring up was the cav animation. Right now, the unit moves at a gallop speed (faster then the infantry walk) but the animation was created for the speed of the infantry, so it is sped up and looks a tad weird. Just a note, that the cavs' gallop animation needs to match its speed, not the infantrys'
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