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Everything posted by Phalanx

  1. Im sorry. This caused more controversy then I intended. Please feel free to close this thread if you wish.
  2. Yes sir. It was not well described.
  3. Okay, myself included, I see a lot of threads talking about units, balancing, and gameplay mechanics. But I think that we as a community (and the devs) need to think about is what type of game do we want. Do we want a popular game? One that exploded into relative popularity, and has a decent chance of the creation of a competitive, and maybe even professional scene? Or are we looking for the hidden gem of gaming? One that isnt the most well known game, and if it is, there isnt, if at all, a large competitive scene. Just a casual game for those that love history and gaming. This needs to be decided before the engine is finished, because the two options have very different mechanics and balancing. Our current setup is the latter of the two choices. To get a really competitive game (look at anything Blizzard has made) the factions need a VERY different feels for each faction. The Carthaginians need not only a different roster or strategy from the Romans, they need to feel and play different. No two factions should be able to play in quite the same way as each other. Look at Starcraft and Warcraft as examples. Its virtually impossible to play the Protoss the same way as the Zerg. This is something that needs to be decided.
  4. Well, I do agree with you, especially with the example of Carthage, but this is a scenario where historical accuracy must give way to ease of gameplay and game development. This would be a very hard feature to change, especially at this stage of the game, and would drastically increase the already steep learning curve of the game. I do agree, that it is not entirely accurate, but thats the trade-off to a good game unfortunately. Just look at Ryse, and that wasnt even a good game!
  5. @AtlasMapper I did imagine it as a Gaia city.
  6. A Carthage city or Rome urban skirmish.
  7. Then we will need to find a replacement for the military colony....
  8. Okay. whew, So this is what I have now. And you are suggesting that I try to find a more ancient/greek theme for the textures, instead of straight up metal? A more organic feel?
  9. okay, scratches.... Same for the text? I went ahead and added a better border, and did the same background for the text as I did for the logo. Or should the text be different> Gosh. I'm hopeless at this
  10. So, I should try to texture the gray space in the logo? Right now it is just empty space, and the only effect is on the green parts of the picture.
  11. I rotated the Seleucid logo a tad to make it seem 3d, because the name being 3d, and the logo not, looked a tad off....
  12. so, remove the metal texture? Make it a solid colour? I think a texture would give it more depth... other than that, there are no effects on it.
  13. I fixed the background colouring, but now that border looks weird...
  14. removed superflous mirror effect from green material. Left it in green texture, though...
  15. Okay! Simplicity. Any tips for a simple, but impressive lighting or background?
  16. It is a gaming channel, mostly on historical games, but a few sci-fi and others. What I'm looking for is something dramatic, but yeah, I guess less is more.... I'll fiddle around a bit..
  17. Okay! Is there any possible particle or other effects I should use in the background to make it fancy? Or just a background texture?
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