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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. @Lion.Kanzen The current source file 051517 - Judean.psd
  2. @stanislas69 I'm note really sure if I can make a very good tutorial on how to work on textures, all I can provide are tips which I learned and gained in my two years of creating textures here You can have a grasp on ideas on how my work flow on textures go if you will look on my .psd source files I mostly make use and photo manipulate in game textures which I find useful (The skirt and the cloth wrapped around the waist of the Judean slinger was derived from the 0ad Mauryan unit textures) I just colored a new layer underneath the Mauryan unit .png texture, to get the skirt details Then adjusted the contrast to make it look sharper and better Next step was to decolorize it by adjusting the hue or the color to zero And the final step is to adjust the skirt texture color to something close to light gray, as I find it the best when using multiply layer settings Other tips Multiply layers (or the shape detail layer, i.e. skirt folds) should be smooth as possible. It should only contain the shading details Texture details (such as textile details or dirt details) should be placed underneath the multiply layers When making color layers underneath multiply layers, just duplicate the multiply layer and place it underneath, change the duplicated layer from multiply back to normal, then use preserve opacity settings (A setting where the active area is restricted to the contents of a layer, not sure what it is called in Adobe Photoshop) After choosing a desired color, you can now add layer textures to emulate general texture details, such as, metal texture or cloth textures. Shadows or edge details are done using the same steps above, just duplicate and place in the very bottom of the part that you are working, after duplicating the layer, adjust the brightness to zero, then move it 1 or 2 pixels to the left and 1 or two pixels to the right (Depending on the kind of texture, for example, if you want a shield boss to appear edged over a texture, you will need to move the edge details layer 1 or 2 pixels on all sides, up, bottom, left and right. The final step here is to reduce the opacity of this layer between 15% to 75% or higher, depending on your preference so that the shadow or edge doesn't look too strong or dark. You will understand this better if you look through my .psd files I hope this helps
  3. Preview - Judean Slingers Texture files Changelog Reduced veins in the arm area Removed the skirt edge experiment which made it look like a glitch (Replaced it with dark grey to emulate edge/shadow (done the same with the tunic sleeves)
  4. @Lion.Kanzen Judean slinger (Please review this texture, so that I can post the .png if there is nothing else missing or wrong in the details) I
  5. I do not use steam that much. I do not have it installed in my laptop. But I regularly drop by here in forums, just like Stan and Lion. You could create a group message for the project, just like how the developers of Millennium AD and Terra Magna does.
  6. Changelog Uploaded ptol_isp_b and ptol_isp_a textures in the first post Removed Athenian alpha shield patterns (I will upload the revised textures soon) Ptolemaic Dynasty - Egyptian Native Pikemen
  7. Another 1/3 vertically and horizontally maybe? Texture is fine already
  8. The Machimoi - preview I really enjoyed working on these textures. I learned a lot during the research phase.
  9. @stanislas69 Here's a WIP of the Athenian elite psiloi texture, you can use it to fit/place the ammo bag properly. It would be ideal to place it in the area marked in red below. A bag position reference
  10. The alpha symbol orientation is noted. Current WIP on Greek psiloi infanty and Thracian peltasts unit textures.
  11. Greek epigraphic Alpha found at Wikicommons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Greek_epigraphic_Alpha
  12. @av93 Those are all intended to be used for the Athenians The one in the middle in the first screenshot was already omitted because of inaccurate details The ones in the top of the second screenshot are my renditions based on motifs found on archaeological materials The ones on the bottom of the second screenshot are based on the current shield designs for the Athenians in the game
  13. @stanislas69 Let us wait for more feedbacks and discussion and see which one should be applied in the game.
  14. @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded, Thank you for your response, the alpha symbol was based on this https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Greek_Alpha_03.svg The symbol on the texture file was rotated to 90 degrees so that the alpha symbol is recognizable with respect to the hoplite spearman animations in the game (walk and attack) as shown in the Atlas map editor screenshots above. I'll see if I can do something about the upper limb texture.
  15. Should I include the stone bullet bags in the skeletal texture or should ammo bags exist separately as a prop?
  16. Preview - Athenian basic rank hoplite shield textures .PNG files are uploaded on the first post in this topic.
  17. No plans or tickets on adding this to the game?
  18. Kuban Type Helmet https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/72/dc/0c/72dc0c5bd1927a81ab69601e55291c4c.jpg Another helmet type (I was unable to gather substantial information about the two helmets)
  19. Does the game have a objectcolor_parallax_spec.xml material option?
  20. I need some feedback on the first three shields on the top historical inaccuracies inaccurate details etc.
  21. - REFERENCE - Mars of Todi - An Etruscan bronze statue dating back to the 5th - early 4th century B.C.E. Amphora description : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hoplitodromos_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen_1471.jpg Amphora description : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hoplitodromos_Louvre_MN704.jpg Amphora description : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hoplitodromia_MAR_Palermo_NI1863.jpg http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zckr4wx#z267mp3
  22. Hindi po ako sigurado. (I'm not really sure) But my thesis will make use of this game, I will be creating a Philippine pre-colonial period mod which is very relevant to this topic. I will soon open a thread in the Modding section for it. There are still a lot of things that needs to be done. Specially the buildings (Luckily, most of the buildings will just be nipa huts)
  23. Yeah @shieldwolf23 is also a Filipino.
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