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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Tribal disputes are a common thing in Gaul.
  2. I've contributed some new textures for the Gallic units. Arjel Kenneth (wackyserious/arjelkenneth)
  3. I've also created and edited some plaid patterned cape textures It looks good on Celtic units.
  4. Managed to get some time to work on the textures. I've taken the liberty to create my own details, please do correct it if you see inaccuracies in the design. .
  5. Like half of the Ring fortress? A semi-circle wooden wall with few houses and docks. We should also make Norse tents, we can use them as props. Here are some references,
  6. I like that idea, a unique/special military colony building. Resource dropsite Trains basic infantry units Can train/build ships Can be garrisoned like military colonies Can only be built on a shoreline, like docks
  7. Cool!! Here's another reference for the gate (The bad thing was that, I lost my source file for the wall concept.. So I am not sure right now on how I'll create the concepts for the wall_tower and the gate) We could also create and add a Viking Longphort structure (Something that will act like a Brythonic crannog, a dock-fortress or dock-civic centre hybrid. Here's a sample of what a Longphort that have evolved into a town looks like.. (We can make a miniature version of this, which will serve as the mesh for the longphort) The Norse had established several langphorts in Ireland during the VIking Age, several of which had evolved into towns.
  8. I want to work on the unit textures so badly, but I'm really occupied at the moment. it is nice to see fellow members motivating mod content makers. Thumbs up!
  9. Yes, curtain walls (skirmish) vs. thick walls (scenario) We can also elaborate the current wall variations to add more flavor Curtain wall (Thin) - low cost / low hp / quick buidling time / garrison (disabled) Average wall (Current) - medium cost / medium hp / long building time / garrison (enabled) Thick wall - high cost - high cost / high hp / takes ages to build / garrison (enabled/more slots)
  10. SH Crusader 2 reintroduced units being able to attack stone buildings via pick axe building-attack animations.
  11. Here's the .psd file in case anyone wants to include additions to the unit textures. I'm a bit occupied right now, might resume editing the textures on the 2nd week of June. WCS-Celt.psd
  12. Then, I will also try to abide with this rule. (Plus, gathering feedback from fellow community members)
  13. Uhm.. By the way, under what circumstances is an artist free to add details that maybe historically possible, but lacks proper or direct historical basis? (for example, creating new designs that closely follow or somewhate based on the motifs/details of archaeological findings from a certain period)
  14. I used these images as reference for the Celtic thorax. I'm not really sure if these armors are historically accurate (especially the 2nd and 3rd images) Everyone, please do point out, or voice your opinion if you have doubts on the historicity of my references.
  15. This one is the latest skeletal skin art source file, right? http://www.wildfiregames.com/users/art/wijit/dude.rar
  16. Thanks! By the scalemail do you mean the the 4th unit to the right, the one that uses the texture from deviantArt? Those were Nobiax's HQ chainmail texture, scaled to match 256x256 resolution, it does look like scale armor at first glance (I did the best I could to avoid losing the details when i downscaled it to 256x256) I'll see if I can add wrinkle details to the cloth, I don't have my pen tablet with me at the moment, I'm only working with a mouse. (Maybe I could use the dude.psd cloth texture from art resource as a multiply layer to get its cloth wrinkle details)
  17. I want to suggest some new combat and gameplay mechanics (I'm not sure if I had suggested these two before, but I posted something about the wounded-walk animation on the new unit mesh thread several days ago) 1.) Critical hit and Stumbling X% chance for a unit to perform critical hit, charge attack doubles the chance for a critical hit. Units that are hit by a critical attack will stumble and won't be able to attack for a couple of seconds, until they can stand up again (Stumbling animation needed) -Cavalry units can also stumble infantry units (Infantry units in a tight formation like testudo, phalanx and shield wall had lower chance to stumble) -These can be seen in Total war series' fight scenes, where the battles look more alive because of the causal stumbling of units. 2.) Wounded walk The walk animation of units with lower than 25% hp will switch to a wounded walk animation, unit speed also decreases by 50-75% - Wounded unit rescuing will be harder - Retreating becomes more crucial and can cause higher fatalities. -The only RTS that I remember using this mechanics was Battle Realms. I hope you guys find this suggestion interesting, it can add flavor to 0AD's combat system.
  18. Left to Right: 1.) Old Millennium AD mail texture 2.) Current Millennium AD mail texture 3.) Briton champion mail texture 4.) Nobiax's (deviantArt) 5.) New one I did earlier, looks very similar to Nobiax's (Created via graphic software, method: painting/creating a single ring then placing multiplce overlapping rings in a dark background, similar method that I used for #2) I'm not sure if I used the .tga file from Nobiax correctly.. (I just need to resize it to 1/4 of a 256x256, to have a nice scale, then assemble several pieces to fill the whole chainmail space right?) Which ones should we use? I'm planning to add variants like, darker ones, plus, a.) Chainmail with no sleeves b.) One without the chainmail on the shoulders, those shoulder mail on top of the body mail (I don't know what those things are called)
  19. Ah, no, I forgot to mention that I was about to fix those wrong texture details encircled above. Thanks! I'll also take a look at the art source repo.
  20. 256x256 (Are the chainmail details correct/accurate? I need some feedback, thanks)
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