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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. @Sundiata So no one will be slightly lighter in skin tone? I'm worried because value or the the transition from light to dark plays a role in harmonizing a composition in art As you can see, even the player color varies in tone, some are darker and the rest are lighter, maybe this just complicates the files but it has subtle effect in general visualization. This thing can be compromised and not brought forward though, just the creativity inside me being a little worried. First guy's texture has the darkest skin tone while the rest uses the medium one. 1st guy and 2nd guy uses the meroitic head by wowgetoffyourcellphone. In your opinion, do they break away from the macro-ethnic composition of the army? Should all Meroitic troops be dark? By the way, I fixed the bronze strap, oversaturation seems minor, you can check it in the game, if it is very noticeable for you guys, then I'll fix it.
  2. And about the skin tone discussion in PM? I have six variants for the linen armor at the moment, adding a dark and light skin tone would double the numbers, what I have in mind is have an alternation in skin tone with the six current variants. (So 3 of them will be dark skinned and the other a little lighter)
  3. About to upload this to the mod, any final comments? @Sundiata MEROITIC SWORDSMEN (Pike infantry will also use this textures following Sundiata's suggestion)
  4. A edited the actor in the screenshot above and I used the Kush healer head, would that be fine too?
  5. Which type of hero would the two Kush heroes would be? Current placeholders are hero_elephant and hero_cavalry_sword
  6. @wowgetoffyourcellphone already made a decent amount of textures for the Nubians, I will just add the ones for the Kushites
  7. @Sundiata @wowgetoffyourcellphone @stanislas69 I will be adding this to the mod HERO OF THE KUSH
  8. @Sundiata What about the units with linen body armor? Which accessories should I use to complement it? Should I leave it plain and without any accessories like in the references you provided? List of available accessories (Amount/size may vary) Bronze necklace bands Painted beads Bronze bands Strap/sash with ethnic patterns Bronze bands (Leg)
  9. Thanks! The necklace was actually underneath the sash, do you want it to be placed above?
  10. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Do you still have the .psd for the Kushites? I need the ankh and the belt textures that you made
  11. Not sure, I'm waiting for Sundiata to classify them. But he asked for this variant.
  12. @Sundiata @wowgetoffyourcellphone For review KUSH INFANTRY - Cloth Armor Variant
  13. Yeah, Sundiata specified that it will used for heroes, it was just for testing
  14. @Sundiata Doesn't look right when viewed from a distance KUSH INFANTRY - Scale Armor Could I add neck and arm accessories above the armor?
  15. Not sure where to get those golden figures and the resolution might be too small to even properly depict them.
  16. What about the full scale armor? Up to where does it extend? And what are those sashes on top of the full scale armor, the two parallel sashes that extend downward the torso in the archaelogical reference that you sent? Should that be included?
  17. Awesome. Yes, it could be used as a variant I was playing on the skin tone, do you think this shoulder straps are too narrow? My shoulder straps curves weirdly, if that is the case, I will follow the shape of your strap.
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