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Everything posted by wackyserious

  1. Yeah things like that which adds flavor and challenge to the game, also if you played Firefly studios' Stronghold 2 there is a similar neutral/hostile map structure there called the "Outlaw camp" which spawns unit that will harass player territories and return to their camp after destroying few structures. I saw a similar post here where you guys discussed something like this. Did the developers already agreed to this idea?
  2. [ Stamina ] - Units consume stamina when running or fighting/attacking. - Lack of stamina results in reduced armor and damage, and ranged units switching to melee. - Stamina only regenerates when unit is idle and can only restore 25% of the total unit stamina. - Buildings with stamina regenerating auras like Farmsteads, houses and Civic centers that can fully restore stamina. [ Loyalty and Experience ] -Hero units have auras that deplete the experience points of nearby enemy units overtime whenever exposed to the aura. -A unit exposed to the aura with with zero experience point will desert and join Gaia (To be explained in another topic below) -A deserter/gaia unit will start with 5% experience points and to capture or recapture a deserter, a Hero unit must be present to deplete its 5% experience points -A barracks technology called Military Discipline/Training with multiple tiers which gives experience to trained units (Ex. Lvl. 04 Military Training gives 75% experience to a trained unit) You must research this tech to counter units from deserting. [ Capturing Buildings ] - via Health points or Experience points? Which is better? - A building will slowly lose its hp or exp when there are enemy units around it, the more the enemy units are, the faster the building will lose its hp or exp. - Having friendly units around the building will stop the enemy from reducing the building's hp or exp. - Each unit garrisoned in a building will add a bonus hp or exp to the building. - When a building's hp or exp reaches zero all garrisoned units will abandon it and the building will be awarded to the player. - The building can also be awarded to Gaia first then the player must capture it again. - A captured building will start with 50% hp or exp. - A building's experience points automatically accumulates over time when there are no enemy units around it - Keeping or destroying the building is up to the one who captured it. - For game balance the "Destroy Unit Button" must be reworked because it instantly destroys a building. Change it to "Deconstruct Building Button" wherein a building will slowly deplete/reduce its health points until it destroys itself ..and the delete unit button to execute unit button. [ Neutral/Gaia structures that automatically spawns units unless the building is destroyed. ] -Units spawn one at a time at a set time interval. 1.) Animal habitats that automatically spawns animals. Some ideas -Rabbit holes (spawns up to 12 rabbits) -Wolf den (spanws up to 9 wolves) -Bear cave (spawns 1 bear) or trigger-like structures that can be placed in atlas which are invisible in-game and spanws biome specific animals. 2.) Bandit or deserter encampments that automatically spawns units depending on culture of the encampment. -Spanws 1 Champion unit (Bandit leader) 6 Archer/Slinger and 6 spearmen units. -The area is filled with loots and treasures. -Player units who desert due to lack of loyalty/experience will join Gaia and head to the nearest camp in the map (if available) If not, citizen-soldier deserters will construct deserter camps in neutral territories in the map.
  3. I'm experimenting with the Petrabot and Atlas and tried adding an Entrenched Roman Army Camp in one of the skirmish maps to be used by the enemy Gaul Petrabot (Very Hard). It works and the Gaul AI uses the Camp to train Roman troops, instant Romano-Gallic army. The only issue I have is the AI troop preferrence, the AI started to train more Veles (Roman skirmishers) during the early game and disfavored the training of Celtic skirmishers and vice versa during the late phase of the game, although the AI trains other Gallic infantries via Civic Centers in new territories, it has developed a preferrence for the Roman Triarii and uses it for the main bulk of its army, I rarely see other Gallic melee troops during the late game and have never seen the AI train Hastati. I'm wondering if you could do something about the AI troop preferrence and balance, e.g. weaker troops varieties coexisting with stronger troop variety in the AI army depending on AI difficulty (ex. The Medium AI has a balanced preferrence of troops and uses both weak and strong variety of units belonging to the same category but of different stats, like in the case of the Roman Veles and Celtic Skirmisher, both are light infantry but the AI favored the Veles for reasons and factors unkown to me, both are equal in expense, though the Veles is weaker) AI Population Distribution and Behavior Suggestion AI Population: 50% Army 25% Gatherers (Default 12.5% male and 12.5% female) 12.5% Traders (Sea and land, all AI difficulties should be able to trade) 6.25% Sea transport (If available, if not, 3.125% contributes to Army and the other 3.125% to the Gatherers) 6.25% Siege Equipments (If available, if not, contribues certain percentage depending on AI Difficulty, to be explained in Siege Attacks below) AI Army: The AI army comes in two forms depending on difficulty, default and final form, in default the AI will use citizen-soldiers until it can train strong troops (Champions) which will consist the final form of the AI army (More on default and final form armies and its relation with difficulty will be explained below). When not attacking the AI will distribute the army to defend its territory. Default / Final army form and DifficultySandbox: 0% doesn't use strong troops (Champions) thus it only uses a default army. 0% of the army selection is comprised of stronger troop varieties, uses 100% weaker varieties (0% Celtic Skirmishers / 100% Veles ) Very Easy: 12.5% of the army's final form consists of strong troops (Champions) 12.5% of the army selection is comprised of stronger troop varieties (12.5% Celtic Skirmishers / 87.5% Veles) Easy: 25% of the army's final form consists of strong troops (champions) 25% of the army selection is comprised of stronger troop varieties (25% Celtic Skirmishers / 75% Veles) Medium: 50% of the army's final form consists of strong troops (champions) 50% equal the army selection on troop varieties (50% Celtic Skirmishers / 50% Veles) Hard: 75% of the army's final form consists of strong troops (champions) 75% of the army selection is comprised of stronger troop varieties (75% Celtic Skirmishers / 25% Veles) Very Hard: 87.5% of the army's final form consists of strong troops (champions) 87.5% of the army selection is comprised of stronger troop varieties (87.5% Celtic Skirmishers / 12.5% Veles) Hypothetical: 100% of the army's final form consists of strong troops (champions) 100% of the army selection is comprised of stronger troop varieties (100% Celtic Skirmishers / 0% Veles) AI Attack Types: Harassing: 50% of the AI army will stand ground near enemy territory while the 25% will lure the enemies to them, the other 25% will remain to defend AI territories.Skirmish: 50% of the AI army will attack isolated enemy territories while 50% will remain and defend AI territoriesAssault: 100% of the AI army will attack enemy territory.Siege: 100% of the AI army together with 6.25% of the population that consist Siege equipments will attack enemy territory (If not yet available Siege Equipments population will contribute to the Army population). Sandbox: 6.25% of the population contributes to the Army, does not use Siege equipments Very Easy: 3.125% of the population contributes to Siege Equipment population while the 3.125% contributes to the Army Easy: 3.125% of the population contributes to Siege Equipment population while the 3.125% contributes to the Army Medium: 3.125% of the population contributes to Siege Equipment population while the 3.125% contributes to the Army Hard: 6.25% of the population contributes to Siege Equipment population Very Hard: 6.25% of the population contributes to Siege Equipment population Hypothetical: 6.25% of the population contributes to Siege Equipment population In estimate an Easy AI Gaul with a population of 100 will have an attacking army consisting of 50 soldiers which includes 12 Gallic champion units (Heavy swordsman/Heavy cavalry) and 38 various non-champion Gallic units. Other notes: Trading ships should occupy 2-4 population slots, AI loves to spam them on Naval Maps.Below is a sample of a custom AI that the video game Battle Realms uses, I found that sample on google and the author of the post added some brief explanations to each part of the customizable AI.ini file. I hope that 0A.D. could produce something similar so that we can easily tweak AI difficulty and behavior to suit our own tastes.
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